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Nintendo 3DS finally revealed in E3! and revealed games + screenshots

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by kamuikurou, Jun 15, 2010.

  1. ebrahim_mo

    ebrahim_mo New Member

    the big question is whether roms will be available for download? hopefully...
  2. slapmeorelse

    slapmeorelse Well-Known Member

    I remembered discussing stuff like this before.. >_>

    Anyways, the features say that 2GB is the max size for games.

    2GB is about the same size of a PSP game in a UMD.

    But if a PSP game is compressed into an ISO file, it will be about 200 MB. So I'll assume that, like the PSP, 3DS games (if they ever become ROMs) will be compressed to 200 MB files...

    This is just a guess I'm making. We still have at least a year to find this out... possibly more. Nintendo's getting smarter and more aware of piracy... X_X
  3. sf1215

    sf1215 Well-Known Member

    yea i was wondering the same thing, but does anyone know for sure though if roms will be available???
  4. finalmario

    finalmario Well-Known Member

    Im glad to see the big N is finialy competeing handheld graphics with Sony now.

    You know,when i first heard about this months ago,i thought it was going to be fail cause i thought it was just going to be another DS but just with a joy stick and 3D,but i was wrong.Its an all new handheld and its awesome.Might get it.
  5. slapmeorelse

    slapmeorelse Well-Known Member

    Might? I'm saving up for it right now!
  6. KingWooper

    KingWooper Active Member

    Finally competing with the PSP? Haha, let me laugh for a moment here...

    Nintendo has always ruled the handheld market. Even if the PSP has better graphics than the normal DS, the PSP doesn't sell nearly as well. And the PSPgo was utter fail.
  7. Looped123

    Looped123 Member

    i saw this firsthand at the e3 convention!!! its incredibly sexy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. rell

    rell Well-Known Member

    My only true question are how much will the games cost, and how long before cyclo ds jumping onto it...so I can test these games before I buy them...RIGHT..
  9. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    You were at E3?
  10. ebrahim_mo

    ebrahim_mo New Member

    fudge! they are getting smarter arnt there- but im sure there will be a way round the memory problem- lets hope!
    oh and thanks for the reply =]
  11. linh6496

    linh6496 Member

    This is when Nintendo's DS's will be TRULY competing with the PSP's!
  12. tarotmaniac

    tarotmaniac Well-Known Member

    If hacking isn't possible I don't think I'd mind having to save up to buy games. This seems to be a promising new console and the games seem fantastic. I would have to pay extra attention on reviews now and the like so I can choose which games to buy since I won't if ever be able to try it out first.
  13. marzz92

    marzz92 Well-Known Member

    I can't wait for it to be released.... My Ds Lite just got stolen, along with my Acekard in it..... ZZZZ.....
  14. SoulSin

    SoulSin Well-Known Member

    Sony is to occupied crying because of Apple to worry about nintendo now.

  15. link064

    link064 Well-Known Member

    i just bought a DSLite 3 months ago :p
  16. Dart3055

    Dart3055 Active Member

    Oh wow, Ever since watching a slew of E3 videos earlier this morning. I have been SO PSYCHED for the 3DS. I was expecting a gimmicky popup feature stacked on top of the regular NDSi and XL combined. But no, That kid Icarus trailer is proof of some pretty powerful hardware. More powerful than the PSP, and with the rumors, maybe even the Wii as well. I can't wait to see the hardware specs revealed on this.

    Just imagine, It already has an SD card slot and games are beginning with a 2GB size limit. The biggest NDS file I ever downloaded was about 256MB. That's 8X the size of our current format. AND it takes SD cards. With improved hardware and on board storage all of our previous consoles will likely be able to be emulated portably without a hitch. Not to mention the potential for home brew apps. I'm really hoping this ends up being all I hope it will be.
  17. SoulSin

    SoulSin Well-Known Member


    Nice article comparing DS and 3DS graphics.

    Fun to see the 3DS games owning big ones like KH, Mario kart.... etc
  18. HeartofSword

    HeartofSword Well-Known Member

    I can't wait for Star Fox and Kid Icarus,I've been waiting for years,literally.But I feel very sad for Miyamoto when he was showing Zelda,it's his favorite game and he worked on it for years,just to have the wireless fail and pass by a big shame.He looked very mad.I bet he cut some heads after that XD
  19. kamuikurou

    kamuikurou Well-Known Member


    Currently, there are rumors spreading that the final product could include a patented force-feedback (vibration) and ability to install games in the system via cartridges. :) Humm... I personally think the force feedback is a bad idea, vibration and stylus use isn't a very good combination and could lead to screen scratch, but I dunno... I like force-feedback in joystick control but excessive vibration is annoying. :p

    As for the install ability... we should like it if it's true. :D This could lead to easier trading and hacking, maybe?
  20. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    I'm sure the specs are stronger than the PSP's specs. As the graphics are on par with them at this point, but because it's rendering the games twice (because it's 3D). That might take a hit in the graphics department.