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Nintendo 3DS Conference

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by kammithecamel, Sep 29, 2010.

  1. trimbletown

    trimbletown Well-Known Member

    If they put a Goldeneye remake on the 3DS then they would have the holy trinity of N64 games.
  2. lewis9191

    lewis9191 Well-Known Member

    I recently rebought a n64 and goldeneye and playing it again it really aint that good, yes there parts like shooting the hat off and boris but after replaying it made me realise that it was only good 12 years ago or whenever it was released
  3. trimbletown

    trimbletown Well-Known Member

    I still like it. It was the Halo of 1997.
  4. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    Yeah, the pricing is pretty fucked up when it comes to their best sellers, it's just as bad if not worse here in the UK.
    Nintendo decided to abandoned their 'players choice' range after the Gamecube, greedy shits.

    Well, it's mostly me just failing to see what they would possibly add.
    I was thinking they may include some kind of small multiplayer aspect, but i wouldn't care for that.
    I'd want extras like; more side quests, changed dungeons (they should include Master Quest mode as an unlockable.)... which seems doubtful to me. I don't care much for the texture upgrades..

    I was counting all the remakes in general, not just Nintendo's.

    I wasn't bitching about them or anything, i want.
    I'm just not getting them straight off, there are too many games i want =/
    If OoT and Star Fox do get sufficient extra content (a more beefed up and customisable multiplayer for SF, plz) then "fuck yes! day one" need more details first.
    Shooting a hat off and Boris?.. WTF you think those things were the game's highlights?
    In what way? i hope you're not just referring to the graphics.
  5. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    They might as well have given up players choice when it was available (the the first time) on the Gamecube. Nintendo's first party games took up to 4 years to go to player's choice. By the time Windwaker was a part of it, that gen was phasing out to the 360.

    As I said, they'll probably add more enemy types I'd imagine. I'm not expecting a revamp and huge additions, SMB2 and the advanced remake were identical almost besides upgraded graphics, and more enemy types. That's what I'm expecting, or hoping for, anyways. I also kinda hope it is or has Master Quest in it, I preferred playing through that version tbh.

    I'm buying the remakes to show support towards a new GOOD Star Fox game and a new version of an aging game is always nice. Although a revamped multiplayer in Star Fox would be awesome.

    AI, frame rates, controls (although they are customizable), aiming, split screen (as you get older, the harder it is to get people to play it), as well as graphics (yay fog!).

    It's still good, just not as amazing and great as it was when it released. A lot, if not all of the features in Goldeneye are felt in console FPS' now, thus going back to it doesn't really spark anything about the game being amazing.
  6. dills2

    dills2 Well-Known Member

    it would be brilliant if they finished of the 64dd version and put it in the remake as a bonus
  7. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    That's when i first got the Gamecube (i was in school so.. lack of money), I got Zelda, Metroid, Soul Calibur 2, SSB all as players choice titles, everything else i got was pre-owned.
    More enemy types would be good actually, would add some nice variance, especially in areas such as hyrule field, a massive area with almost nothing. During the day all i can think of is that flying coconut thing (with spinning propeller blades), and the night had that incredibly weak skull child enemy popping up every five seconds.
    Most enemies weren't much of a threat.
    Mostly true i suppose. (that fog was terrible, you couldn't see a fucking thing lol.)
    I don't think the controls and aiming are too bad though, they encouraged stealth.

    The features i loved about it, were the unusual cheats and the way of unlocking them, which was damn challenging.
    Those cheats gave it incredible replay value, you could just go nuts experimenting with shit.
  8. SoulSin

    SoulSin Well-Known Member

    Urgh, 250~300 is just too much oO

    Guess I will be waiting one or two more years T_T
  9. MohsinMVP

    MohsinMVP Well-Known Member

    Lol with that much money A person can buy an XBOX 360 slim (the one for 200 bucks) and Halo reach. Ill give it a year before the 3DS falls to $199.99 or probably in black friday $179.99
  10. SoulSin

    SoulSin Well-Known Member

    Actually, if that were to be the price I would be fine about it.

    But you,see, my country is blessed with taxes and etc. I expect the price to double or triple around here. (so every penny that drops in states, price drop a lot here. Which is "good")
  11. Don9aldo

    Don9aldo Well-Known Member

    I wonder when they'll release the orange coloured one, that looked pretty funky.

    My estimation for the UK: £220 2-3 weeks after the US launch.
  12. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    I'm guessing slightly less, at about £180-£200 the same price as the Wii initially.

    Either way this thing is a must own thanks to that game list. I'm buying day one no matter the price.
  13. muddymaster

    muddymaster Well-Known Member

    I think I'll wait until they release the purple one, it looked awesome...
  14. trimbletown

    trimbletown Well-Known Member

    Lylat Wars is one of my favourite games ever. My face exploded when I heard they were remaking it. Online Multiplayer WANT. Online Co-op WANT! More content WANT!!!

    Ahem...anyway, the 3DS cartridges have more memory capacity than a Gamecube disk so I think we can expect a Master Quest bundled in with OoT.
  15. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    How did the controls encourage stealth?
  16. kosta032

    kosta032 Well-Known Member

    :O imagine a cod game on a 3ds
  17. dills2

    dills2 Well-Known Member

    no offense but due to all the fanboys graphics whores and idiots that game created i want to burn it 100000 times
  18. kosta032

    kosta032 Well-Known Member

    i agree but u gotta admit it would be good but the classic example of awesome game play is PACMAN
  19. trimbletown

    trimbletown Well-Known Member

    How about...THREE DIMENSIONAL PACMAN! What you do is: you travel around the map like normal but when you get to the edge it flips and reveals that you're actually on a cube and so you have to go around each face of the cube making each stage 6 times longer. Oh and put a bunch of other content in it too. I reckon that would be a good 3DSWare release.
  20. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    Combined with the aiming.

    For example, while aiming you could use the right or left c button (strafe) to quickly peek out from behind objects/walls without losing your aim, it was the best way to take on enemy while avoiding their fire (i used this a lot). You basically only take one step right/left and if you let go of the c button it would revert back to your original position instantly.
    You could also combine this with kneeling (only useful in multiplayer though, unless you were behind a crate or similar). Using these tactics looked like some kind of glitch when you used it in multiplayer, it was funny.