That's the best Pokemon Game in my opinion. I don't think they will as they didn't when they remade Red and Green.
Yeah true... I just want to see enhanced versions of Suicune, Entei, Raikou etc. lol, Crystal was the best in my opinion... I just want to see the style of new gameplay they come up with
Page 3 is packed! lol. I really like the ideas that dragneon007 suggested. Now that I think about it, they're missing so much features.
i wish they'll make it that after you beat the game you get your own gym and everybody around the region recognize you or even a frontier brain. and seeing as the elite four is the best trainers let them pull there weight and save the world for once instead of sending you a rookie trainer to handle all the work that's just lazy of them.
But that's no fun, letting them have all the fun. What happened to good old fashioned child endangerment? XD
what other animals have they not used for Pokemon? I hope they don't keep recycling types like butterflies and birds as well as dogs
I choose you "REFRIGIGATOR" REFRIGERGATOR (refrigerator + alligator): an ice/metal reptile pokemon, with electric/ice attacks, evolves to FREEZERAPTOR (freezer + raptor)
lol. thats the overkill for pokemon even if the pokemon would die the japanese would make a new kind of "mon" those are some well made fan made pokemons, those should be real and be 1 of the starters
i heard that new pokemon handheld game will be agein for ds i mean generation 5 end if this is true i will be so happy
I honestly believe that they should push the DS to the graphical limits here, by actually staging battles in cool arenas based on the area of encounter. I also think that there should be 6 moves that can be learnt at a single time, NO Hm's. AND raise the maximum level of Pokemon to about 150 or 170.