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New Nintendo DS Handheld

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by darky000, Oct 16, 2009.

  1. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member


    I actually shop here :)

    Plus a few mod chip shops like m3.

    I have no idea what the adress for them are-all I know is I walked in-asked them to chip my gamecube, ps2 slim, and a make over for my psp :)

    ALL HARD JOBS-the guys hated me afterwards ;D

    Plus several market stalls selling preloaded r4's ...

    Sigh...and they all refer them to romUlation when they have problems-I possible helped people who waited in line with me during my console modding...
  2. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    Are you kidding me! In America?!

    Probably not a retail store, just a black market or dinky little shop somewheres...
  3. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    I feel sorry for you.
    They sell them in Malaysia but reals and fakes are mixed up,so careful if you ever shop here :D
    My R4 is a real one!
  4. tevak

    tevak Well-Known Member

    Judging from the fact that your source is IGN..........
  5. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Australia, in Laverton market-not black market type thing..just in a dodgy outter suburb :)

    But there is a store in a shopping plaza (big one with most big name retailers) which sells r4i gold, it's a mobile phone shop that has a box of one sitting there-almost inviting people to ask...

    It's possibly a lie...

    [me=mds64]checks gamespot[/me]
  6. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

  7. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    Stop this shameless spam yoshi... :p
  8. darky000

    darky000 Well-Known Member

    the source is not IGN, they only summarize the new/upcoming/recent news in gaming department. I posted the article of Bright Side News which has the rumoured information. Trust me, you don't want to get embarassed again with your "know-it-all" knowledge. :)
  9. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    so nintendo is making DS2..... wow DSi consumer must feel like a sucker right now.....
  10. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    yeah, even though I only paid 2 bucks for a DSi, I'm pretty pissed off.
  11. Rayder

    Rayder Well-Known Member

    To be quite honest, I don't care what Ninty does on their next handheld, or console. Once the DSlite runs its course and games aren't made for it anymore, I'm done. I'm tired of seeing the 100:1 ratio of shovelware on the system and will not buy into Ninty's kiddie systems ever again.

    I'm STILL waiting for 2D Metroid, F-Zero, Street Fighter, more old-school arcade compilations, etc. to show up on the DS. Where are they? No, instead we get a plethora of boring RPG's and shovelware kiddie games. I've had it! I won't be suckered again.
  12. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member


    Don't get pissed here, rant in the rant board.
  13. Sarah Kreuz

    Sarah Kreuz Well-Known Member

    ^^^I wonder what makes you such a frustrated one? Posting everywhere "Rent in Da Rent Board"...why should you even care about that? Romu got Mods for that, if it gets worse.

    Besides: The Topic is "New Nintendo Handheld", and why on Earth should Rayder not have the right to post his arguments, why he DOESN`T want a new one? It`s still...on topic, isn`t it? Such arguments keep a Topic alive, and it doesn`t mean that the other Guys stop researching and posting news about the new Nintendo-Handheld.
  14. hahahahaha

    hahahahaha Well-Known Member

    Hey, if the new handhelsd can handle the graphics, we could get some classic FF games(VII,VIII)
  15. tevak

    tevak Well-Known Member

    um............"Again" when has that ever happened? "Know it all knowledge"? what the heck are you talking about.
    also, still LIES!
  16. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Dude...you obviously don't know nintendo's history...

    They aim at being "for the family"-right back from the hanafuda days.

    They even censored the ports of mortal kombat on the snes-not until mk3 that they eased up.

    As for shovel ware...helps having

    -Patients for the better games-you can't expect a console to have every game to be good?

    -Blame thq and EA for thier mentality-now everyone's doing it :(

    -And what is this kidy crap-just because the dam 3rd parties see the system as kiddy doesn't mean it is-it's just focused on family entertainment-sure not like my parents would play-but they might approve of the imagine series...

    If they had a daughter-now they ask me to choose stuff for my brother XD

    AS for the classics...

    -this is why I liked the gameboy brand-despite the name-they had a good mix-street fighter, f zero....mostly there

    -Emulators much?

    -They are aiming for sales-capcom's attempts on nintendo have failed I assume, and seems only resident evil ports are the only good thing-but there is that other fighting game on the wii...but that is wii-btw I forgot the name but it's using a version of the SF4 engine

    -While I'd love a 2-D metroid and f zero-I guess you might have to wait, I doubt it now though...

    And yes-do try the rants thread-just don't be surprised if your opinions get crushed ::)

    I don't trust ign fully.

    Plus its a remour...gamespot would normally have thier own stories...

    BUT-there would be another hand held console from nintendo-and it will be better in graphics than the current system...

    As a proud nintendo owner who have just about all hand helds (other than 2 classics...and the gba micro which sucks :( ) I will be waiting willinglly...

    And I shan't be using a flash card until all the good games start slowing down XD
  17. iluvgtavcs

    iluvgtavcs Guest

    I'm baffled...
    I don't think it's true
  18. _luigi_

    _luigi_ Well-Known Member

    i am not going the new console buying i don't know if my acekard 2i work for that system and how much should this thing cost and i have already dsi system
  19. darky000

    darky000 Well-Known Member

    Don't want to be blatant about it so I'll just give a hint: "RPG?".

    It's a rumour, yes. We still can't determine if this is valid or not.

    Same here. :D It would be a waste not to abuse the card. :)
  20. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    I only show my emotions?

    I don't think NVidea allows a card for DS to use the NVidea Graphics... In other words: Checked the Nintendo website; Nothing seen that can be over the (so-called) New DS System...