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Need some rookie help

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by ExTrEm3, Jul 8, 2010.

  1. Tomoka

    Tomoka Well-Known Member

    okay, so it comes on properly, right? i'm not sure if it should be showing _rpg, but it should be fine as long as it comes on, it does right?
  2. ExTrEm3

    ExTrEm3 Member

  3. Tomoka

    Tomoka Well-Known Member

    okay, now the following link, has links to all the ROMS on romulation at the current time,

    you will click the spoiler under NDS, and find some other topics that have all the ROMS, find ones you wanna download, download them, and then when you get one, extract it with winrar, and then put the files that has ".NDS" at the end, into the games folder on your micro SD card, if you need any more help, don't be afraid to ask!
    and BTW,

  4. ExTrEm3

    ExTrEm3 Member

    Thanks a lot man! Appreciate your help, and that you could help so quikly! I'm going to download a couple of games right now. Thanks! And I'll ask in this topic if I need any help with the games.
  5. Tomoka

    Tomoka Well-Known Member

    okay! your very welcome! though not all helps comes as simple and quickly as that, thanks much for being patient with me, some people don't like to try....so good job, glad i could help! ♥
  6. Aldar

    Aldar Well-Known Member

    Well done man, but i think you should really explain the importance of using "Remove Safely" when removing the mSD card from your PC.
    I Know you kinda mentioned it, but it really should be done in more detail so he wont trash his memory card.
    I Would do it myself, but you do such a good job. ;)
  7. Tomoka

    Tomoka Well-Known Member

    if he followed my directions, he'll probably continue to do it. :D
  8. KevInChester

    KevInChester Well-Known Member

    Remove safely is overrated IMO, as long as you don't remove it whilst a read/write operation is in action all's fine :D Though of course makes sense to use it, I don't bother.
  9. Tomoka

    Tomoka Well-Known Member

    well...all i can say is, as long as it is plugged in, it is constantly being read by the compuer, that's why it makes since to do it....because the computer my rate usage date into it at any time, or anything could happen, so what you're doing could cause corruption at any time...
  10. KevInChester

    KevInChester Well-Known Member

    If it is plugged in then you'll find the file system is cached, not constantly being read :) Though I concede it makes sense to use it ;)
  11. Aldar

    Aldar Well-Known Member

    This is indeed what happened to my 16gb Sandisk card. Bricked the damn thing from 1 accidental removal.