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[NDS] Yu-Gi-Oh World Championship 2011 Over The Nexus (J) AP Topic

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by romsrule99, Feb 25, 2011.

  1. hans martin

    hans martin Well-Known Member

    the game has multi language. so if your nds is set to english, the game will be in english
  2. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Yes, to get the game to run in English, Choose any of the English speaking country's flag, such as the USA flag for example.
  3. MegaV2

    MegaV2 Member

    ok, thanks for the help :)
  4. donutshankz

    donutshankz Member

    I still get a problem, both with the patched rom and the clean. I run both with the original firmware on my card (r4i-sdhc newest version) and the new ttds. With ttds it doesnt even reach the menu, and with my firmware it just freezes up randomly
  5. samx5

    samx5 New Member

    how are you guys so good at these ap thing, is there anyway to learn how to crack the ap protection
  6. Chaz03

    Chaz03 Well-Known Member

    does anyone know why it wont save or load my .sav in desmume? i import backup memory and even try starting and then saving a new game but it wont save.
  7. romsrule99

    romsrule99 Well-Known Member

    desmume uses .dsv and try importing the battery after saving in no$.
  8. Tsukihime22

    Tsukihime22 New Member

    Hi. I need some help...

    I've tried several patches and different versions and I can't get this game to play at all on my TTDS/DSTT V1.15.
    The first few times I got a loading error that told me to restart my system and try again. No matter how many times I restarted, it never worked.
    So I've tried several different patches and the most I got out of it all was the game loading only to pull up a frozen white screen. I haven't seen the game's menu at all.
    I get the same white screen when I even use a clean rom. What should I do?
    Anyone have any fixes or patch suggestions for me?
  9. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member


    Replace the lastest dat's extinfo.dat/infolib.dat into the TTMenu folder of your firmware


    Use clean unpatched rom, If still white screens see RGF firmware maybe you need the latest ttpatch.dat in the ttmenu folder to advoid white screens are stop loading issue RGF firmware hear http://gbatemp.net/t267243-retrogamefan-updates-releases?view=findpost&p=3296004

    This firmware looks well out dated, v6.51 RGFs is much better

    Are use my one with No longer Need to Decrypt (RFTD) ROM's - link abouth
  10. Boothead

    Boothead Member

    Could somebody give me some pointers on what i should do to make this game work? Still stuck on error code =-4 when loading the rom and already have the ysmenu 6.51 for TTDS update.
    Could somebody please reply? Thanks.
  11. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member


    If you replaced the latest v6.51 infolib.dat/extinfo.dat into the TTMenu folder they is no resion why you should have err code=-4

    unless you have a patched ROM and the GameID don't match, are you using a Clean ROM...
  12. Boothead

    Boothead Member

    I shall take another look then. I didn't patch the though.
  13. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Any luck ?
  14. mitchell1989

    mitchell1989 Member

    I downloaded the pre-patched rom from prokilelr30 and i can confirm it works on the Cyclods evolution 2.10 firmware
  15. carCAR215

    carCAR215 New Member

    just repeating a message cuz i kinda didnt get an answer from anyone.. but is it me or are there a lot of key cards missing. ex xx-saber darksoul, scrap archfiend, infernity barrier.. i cant make their decks without those cards.. not to complain or anything but i bet theres a lot of people who'd want to make x-saber decks and infernity decks with those cards... anyways i'd be grateful to anyone who will inform me about this :)
  16. donutshankz

    donutshankz Member

    They arent in this game for some reason
  17. xXZaerithXx

    xXZaerithXx New Member

    has anyone else noticed a problem with saving? I downloaded a pre-patched rom of this and on my emulator it works fine but when I put it in my Acekard and try to pick up where I left off it doesn't read my .sav file.. I've even tried just starting over and playing then going to the first save point in story mode and saving turning it off and trying again and it still only gives me the "New Game" option. I've turned my AP Bypass on and off.. I've tried finding different patches.. so far.. I just can't save.. well I can but it doesn't make a difference. I checked all my files on my Acekard.. the sav file DOES exist ..the game just won't read it or something.
  18. carCAR215

    carCAR215 New Member

    correspond your .sav file to your .nds file name...letter by letter... and it'll work
  19. xXZaerithXx

    xXZaerithXx New Member

    This has nothing to do with non corresponding file names. I've made sure it's all spelled properly. I've changed from lower case to capital and back.. that made no difference.. the problem has to be with the rom itself I figure, because nothing I've tried has made the "Continue" option pop up I've set my Acekard to display both NDS and SAV files and it says theres a save file for it, but when I play it acts like there isn't
  20. Tsukihime22

    Tsukihime22 New Member

    @Jhon 591

    Oh! Okay, it works perfectly now. Thank you so much! :D
    This game is pretty awesome. The only problem is, is that they removed the one face I liked the most for the female players.
    Oh well. :>