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[NDS] Yu-Gi-Oh World Championship 2011 Over The Nexus (J) AP Topic

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by romsrule99, Feb 25, 2011.

  1. Chaz03

    Chaz03 Well-Known Member

    lmao i hated that game.
  2. Django0

    Django0 Member

    Not working.
  3. abilas26

    abilas26 Well-Known Member

    hope patch comes out soon!
    Wish i was a pro at this Ap cracking stuff -,-
    Unfortunatley im a 14 year old, who has a very limited knowledge about this Flashcart stuff and all. I have yet to see the world

    Might be a new problem, but im Using wood v1.25 on r4. And when i connect to Wifi, its connects me, says Transmitting, then says Disconnected. Error Code ......
    and yea, might be my Wifi, or just my Ds, but can anyone else try and see what happens?
  4. Yuginshin

    Yuginshin Member

    Error on online happened to me as well but I'm hoping that it was just an extra AP lol...
  5. abilas26

    abilas26 Well-Known Member

    Probably just some anti-piracy stuff, More people test please :D
    Btw did the exact same thing happen to you. Like you Got connected, then it said Transmittig, then when it was done transmitting, you got a msg pop up, saying Error Code #####, you have been disconnected.
    Or did something else happen to you?
    If this happens to more people the Topic post should be updated with this problem!
  6. Yuginshin

    Yuginshin Member

    same exact problem with wood 1.25
  7. reaprar

    reaprar New Member

    Not working on R4-III wood dldi or ysmenu.

    wood will load the game but cartridge error, etc.
  8. trevor813

    trevor813 Well-Known Member

    ^ same with me
  9. NiceNinja

    NiceNinja Member

    Acekard 2.1 on the latest Akaio works fine.
  10. Ssj_Sylar

    Ssj_Sylar Active Member

    This guy thinks he has a fix, anyone know how to do it?
    lol i'd try it if i knew how
  11. Chaz03

    Chaz03 Well-Known Member

    no it doesnt work it loads to a white screen
  12. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    If you're using YSMENU/TTMENU as your primary or secondary firmware inside your cart, then you need TTDT.exe to input those codes into the extinfo.dat and infolib.dat that can be found in the TTMENU folder. If you're using Wood or some other firmware, then those info is not relevant for you to try.
  13. Nebula91

    Nebula91 Member

    I've attempted it. It's suppose to help the DSTT/YSMENU users. Instead of an error I now load to a white screen.
  14. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Yes, its not perfect yet. I saw your post in GBATemp on Elvarg's topic.

    We might need to wait for Rudolph or Retrogamefan to solve the issue.
  15. Nebula91

    Nebula91 Member

    Yeah I'm just going along and testing whatever I find and leaving what I find so people know ahead of time before they start asking how to do this and that... Such as the many posts that follow mine on The Temp.
  16. prokilelr30

    prokilelr30 New Member

    I notice another thing when i play the game on wood when i go to north hideout their both not there but when i used desume i see those 2 are there and asks for a duel and a save point there
  17. Yuginshin

    Yuginshin Member

    well regardless ill be patient for the patch now that i can play it on my computer.
  18. Chaz03

    Chaz03 Well-Known Member

    hey does anyone know how to fix the scratchy noise sound while playing on no$zoomer?the sound options are at the best but no matter what it still sounds like that.
  19. Yuginshin

    Yuginshin Member

    Other(h)>Noise suppression(b)
  20. Chaz03

    Chaz03 Well-Known Member

    sounds the same :(