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NDS Voice Chat

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Almo, Nov 26, 2007.

  1. Barathrum

    Barathrum Well-Known Member

    Is there any voice chat game that isn't friend code only... and do I have to connect to the friends channel to see if my friends are on in MPH?
  2. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    all games (that i know of) require friend code for voice chat, ninty did it on purpose to make it a safer handheld for younger kids.
  3. Barathrum

    Barathrum Well-Known Member

    agh that sucks, but mph and cod are T little kids dont play that or atleast they aren't supposed
  4. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    ^ yeah I agree, little kids arent suposed to play Halo 3 and COD4 on 360 either but you should hear some of the little f**kers online, I had a 9 year old kid swearing at me one day, little prick lol.
  5. Barathrum

    Barathrum Well-Known Member

    on xbox live at my friend house this little kid was swearing in Spanish at us.