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[NDS] The World Ends With You - 9NineBreaker9

Discussion in 'Game Reviews' started by 9NineBreaker9, May 8, 2008.

  1. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    Re: [DS] The World Ends With You - 9NineBreaker9

    CHEAT-AUGH! Nah, I just use the godmode cheat from the GBAtemp database. ;D
  2. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Re: [DS] The World Ends With You - 9NineBreaker9

    Nah, it works for about most of them :) It's too bad you can't set it 1 month past or something.
  3. waylonn

    waylonn Well-Known Member

    Re: [DS] The World Ends With You - 9NineBreaker9

    Dude, Thanks for that tip! :D

    Great review I played the game for almost a week now and I love it!
  4. 9NineBreaker9

    9NineBreaker9 Well-Known Member

    Re: [DS] The World Ends With You - 9NineBreaker9

    The time-traveling trick definitely levels up your pins, but it counts as "Shutdown" PP. Certain pins require you to acquire "Battle" PP and "Mingle" PP. Thankfully, the amount of PP you get from Shutdown and Mingle, after acquiring enough to level up, increases by 900%, meaning that you don't literally have to have more Shutdown PP than Battle PP for the pin to level up, you have to have more Shutdown PP than other values after the pin's experience bar has been filled, and Mingle and Shutdown's PP values have been increased nine times.

    It doesn't make much sense, but just know that you can usually have a third of a bar of Mingle or Shutdown PP to evolve a pin that needs those values, rather than more than half of the bar.

    And you don't have to remove the card for the trick to work, you simply need to set the date forward by seven days. This trick can also be used to abuse food, as you consume one Byte for every passed hour - just pop a food item in, set the time forward one hour for every byte, and you'll digest the food item completely. Do this enough, and you can easily boost Bravery to beyond 600 and Defense, Health and Attack to sky-high values.

    Thanks everyone who read the review, and thanks for purchasing the game, whoever did - I write these reviews to share my opinion and hopefully bring unusual titles to the forefront and inspire readers to purchase the good and stay away from the bad. But don't always take my word for it - make sure to check around for several other reviews to make sure that you really want to buy the game~!
  5. lx9998

    lx9998 New Member

    Re: [DS] The World Ends With You - 9NineBreaker9

    you are the king of all game reviewers ;D
  6. Rhith

    Rhith Well-Known Member

    Re: [DS] The World Ends With You - 9NineBreaker9

    I must say this game really is amazing. I'm on the "bonus" storyline now after you beat everything else. It's just tons of fun running around, playing Tin Pin and leveling up everything. If you really want a challenge keep playing on hard with your level set to one! ;D I suggest this game to anyone and everyone. Only question I have is if anyone knows of differences between this and the Japanese version? I know the story now and the original would be fun to play.
  7. 9NineBreaker9

    9NineBreaker9 Well-Known Member

    Re: [DS] The World Ends With You - 9NineBreaker9

    The differences are fairly minor - the one definite one that I know of is a few different/added/removed songs, such as the Japanese version having Noisy Noise, whereas the PAL and NA versions have Three Minutes Clapping... this also explains why Three Minutes Clapping and a couple of other tunes are not featured in the official soundtrack, as it takes the songs from the Japanese version.

    Otherwise, the literal difficulty may be a bit harder in the Japanese favor, as I think games there tend to be a bit more difficult than some stateside or elsewhere releases, but this is a speculation on my part.
  8. Rhith

    Rhith Well-Known Member

    Re: [DS] The World Ends With You - 9NineBreaker9

    Ah, I'm not playing through it for a few soundtracks. Love the game but it's nice to still read it and I don't want to spend another 24 hours on it haha! And if anyone wants it harder I dare you to set your file to hard on level one and take on a big noise! ::)
  9. pyrokinetic

    pyrokinetic Member

    Yeah, but some pins need a mix of PP to evolve.