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NDS section possible solution

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by gamerace19, Jun 18, 2010.

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  1. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    nah theres always some dozy parent with no clue that buys their kids some old crap. it used to be mine but i got too old for presents
  2. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    haha riiight.
  3. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

  4. will1008

    will1008 Well-Known Member

    Maybe if they ask the gamers' opinion, they can make better games (yes, even to kids games) that people will actually buy.
  5. Dannysikth

    Dannysikth Well-Known Member

    Well that sucks!
  6. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    I'm just kind of laughing at people wanting the NDS section back so bad. It really isn't that difficult to find an alternative source.
  7. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    Just remember not to post links to any of them. That would be against the Forum Rules.
  8. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Don't worry, I try to obey at least some of the rules. :p
    Just saying, Google is a wonderful resource.
  9. cookieninja100

    cookieninja100 Active Member

    lol google is the internet god u can find the answers to life if u look hard enough :pand as for the nds section i do hope we find some solution i really loved this sites way of doing things (genius on the point system to avoid abuse). my one question is though is why they just targeting ds? it just absolutely baffles me that they not goin target the other aspects such as psp and GBA. eh i may be missing something but w/e
  10. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    They targeted RomUlation, as this is one of the biggest public ROM sites available. They targeted the NDS section, as that is Nintendo's primary source of income next to the Wii. Unlike Sony and Microsoft, Nintendo doesn't do much outside of making games and game consoles. Some company complained to the ESA, so the ESA took action....again.

    Basically: NDS + Nintendo - Piracy = More Profit

    Even if it is a minuscule gain, a gain is a gain.
  11. cookieninja100

    cookieninja100 Active Member

    ah that makes sense thaink u for clearing that up ^^......still think its a (insert word here) move of them. oh well wat can u do bigman always wanna make money so they kill anything that doesnt give it to them.....(predict insert coin style console systems soons) lol jk
  12. TheFreakinDuck

    TheFreakinDuck Well-Known Member

    You make an excellent point, and I have to say I agree with you.
  13. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Still illegal. Even hosting abandonware is technically illegal and the hammer can be brought down on RomU for even their NES roms. The idea is that the NDS is profit for Nintendo. Is it that hard to understand that simple concept. It is easier to have all ESA roms removed (ie: the bulk), then try to reach a compromise.

    RomU hosts an ILLEGAL service. There is no compromise when you are in the wrong.
  14. greenfire

    greenfire Well-Known Member

    i agree with ya there.
  15. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Guys I've been out of the loop recently so could someone please tell me when all of this started, RomUlation taking down the DS downloads event in response to the ESA that is.

    I'm slightly going to go off topic a bit here so I hope you bear with me.

    First off, I read some of those "Bring back the DS games naw!" & "Hypocrite Admin" threads that have been locked & whose topic starters are hereby & forever will be banned from RomUlation it seems. I just want to inform you guys that after reading those threads, I went & checked out a few of RomUlation.net's rival sites that I know of & one of them is actually currently inaccessible, that is they might have received the dreaded Cease & Desist shutdown order. So we should be thankful that RomUlation is still up & running.

    As for my say on all this, I would be lying if I said I didn't download any NDS games from here as I did.

    However, I kinda agree with somebody whom I had an argument here on RomUlation three years ago regarding if downloading current gen games should be OK or not. Obviously it is not OK, or is so-so depending on one's standpoint in the matter. But one key point in our argument was that ROMs & ISOs should not be mistakenly used as an excuse to be a cheapskate or moocher. Simply put, downloading new games that are yet to be even publicly sold on stores should not be made available for download, even if the reason was to "try & test the game out before buying". Because that premise is easily abused & truth be told, many of the angry & pissed off newcomers to RomUlation attest to that.

    Playing pirated "new" releases on flashcarts is the main issue here since flashcart owners are cutting corners to save money, money that game developers & publishers need in order to create newer games for us consumers, of course them filling up their pockets full of money is pretty obvious but still without funds, running a company can get difficult.

    Now let me discuss the issue of emulator usage, that is playing games whether old or new on an emulator. This is one facet that sites like RomUlation does consider as well. Had seph "strictly" enforce his ideals for RomUlation.net being a "testing ground" of sorts for anyone to try out newer games, he would probably lose all of the retro titles on RomUlation's library & simply stick to the latest gen one like other sites do.

    The problem with the emulator usage argument is it too is multi-faceted, that is depending on the individual who uses the emulator's point of view, his argument may or may not be considered righteous. If the argument is to play abandonware console games then I think that would be well justified. Also, one of my better arguments is if you are following Fan Translation projects. Thanks to fan translators who are not after money, we can play games (mostly RPGs) that were never released in English or any foreign language at that seeing there are people who also do Spanish, German, Italian & Portuguese fan translations too.

    So if you ask me if seph did the right thing in taking down the DS downloads my answer is yes he did, at least we still have the site & forum up & believe me many older members are simply here for the forum community, whether be it helping out others or simply trolling one another off.
  16. greenfire

    greenfire Well-Known Member

    i think this started somewhere sunday before E3 started. i started to come to romulation somewhere late last year and i quickly became afraid for Nintendo and other big time game companies who are losing tons of money because of this DS rom abuse issue. Sure they were still making money, but this has become bad also because new ideas used into creating a product for ds that may become a best-seller will turn out to have way lower sales.(about 5 million users use this site for rom download which most abuse so much think about it, 5 million consumers dont purchase just a single game but pirate it is a bad, real bad)

    I've read that lately (besides Pokemon SS,HG,B,W, KH:Recoded, and Goldensun) that theres been a decline in new ds products produced(especially 1st-party titles) for ds. And those that do to me kinda suck. Iwata said that 3DS will help fuel new game ideas and will be protected by AP. (3DS games are going into the 2G or higher. making a new flashcart for it will be extremely hard) im glad about this and i sorta hope no one will try to make a flashcart. (im pretty sure that a chunk of us doesnt want that to happen so that great games will be made) But only time will tell if a flashcart gets made. (highly unlikely) But if does and RomU is still alive by then im pretty sure RomU will get a Cease & Desist shutdown order somehow from ESA and a whole bunch more rom sites.
  17. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    I'm just gonna comment on the things I highlighted:

    (about 5 million users use this site for rom download which most abuse so much think about it, 5 million consumers dont purchase just a single game but pirate it is a bad, real bad)

    Yes and not everyone of those 5 million you mentioned are from America & Europe :p And several of us are from extremely poor countries whose economy is so low that we have to resort to downloading games. Or buy illegally mass produced copies of games from the black market. Now I ask you this, which should you concern yourselves with more? Sites like RomUlation.net or those massive black market syndicates who have bigger & stronger ties to a country's government? :p

    Also, had your games been priced reasonably affordable even for us from poorer regions don't you think that'd help us buy originals even more? As an example, games here in my country cost a third of my low income salary, so do you think it would be "practical" for me to blow off a huge chunk of money for a game that may or might not even be shovelware?

    and will be protected by AP

    Anti-piracy can be cracked, unless a Supernatural "God" was your programmer who made it. Otherwise anything man made can be reversed engineered :p

    (im pretty sure that a chunk of us doesnt want that to happen so that great games will be made) But only time will tell if a flashcart gets made. (highly unlikely) But if does and RomU is still alive by then im pretty sure RomU will get a Cease & Desist shutdown order somehow from ESA and a whole bunch more rom sites.

    I see you're a newcomer to this site:

    As you did not know RomUlation already did receive a cease & desist order before back in 2007 :p

    And as you can see, RomUlation is still alive & kicking :p

    Now let me ask you this since you're an ESA sympathizer:

    "Why did you totally ignore my post? :p"

    I demand to hear your opinion on Fan Translation projects, something money grubbing game companies should have done in the first place and of letting go of older discontinued games & console copyrights seeing you no longer mass produce those & therefore do not get income out of them.
  18. greenfire

    greenfire Well-Known Member

    im no ESA sympathasizer i fucking hate those cock-fuckers (or suckers which ever is better for you) but yeah you got a strong point there. (if becoming a member late last year is being a new-comer than yeah you're right i am a newcomer. Blackmarkets are way much serious)Icame to the forum just recently though. i do know about the Cease & Desist order that was given to RomU 2007. i do understand that its 5 mill is around the world. but im just 14 so what do i know? answer: nothing.

    sorry if i was offensive in any way it might have seemed like i was a douche but i am not. you seem like you're a pretty cool guy.
  19. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Just gonna say, piracy accounts for a very small profit loss. Also, 5 million users with
    millions upon millions of DS's sold. Nintendo isn't losing much.
  20. cookieninja100

    cookieninja100 Active Member

    overall i still think its a bit of a douche move for them to do though i do understand why. but watever not too much to do at the present moment cause i mean afterall they have the bigger guns(lawyers and all that crap) so seph i believe made a wise decision by listening to them. as yall saying wathappened back in 07 then im sure we will be fine. btw yea im a newbie so maybe talking about stuff i know nothing about but hey its my 2 cents worth ^^
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