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nds roms closed YAY! We can all go to romulation

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by omega33, Jun 30, 2009.

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  1. poppinpreety

    poppinpreety New Member

    I'm sorry but NDS-roms is good cuz u dont have to sign up.
    I used it heaps of times, it's way faster but ever since it shut down romulation takes it's place.
    No kidding when romulation is good, it's way better than the other whacky sites right now.
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    you don't have to sign up here either.
  3. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Yes, well they closed down because they didn't make people sign up. You can't run something like a ROM site that is all about the downloads without having some form of control over your bandwidth usage. If they ever do return then hopefully they will require registration, otherwise they'll be doomed to fail once again.

    But yes, loony is correct, guests can download a limited number of files per day provided that the files aren't too large.
  4. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    I don't understand why people wouldn't register...
    It just takes 2 minutes and you have access to almost everything to the site
  5. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    At first when I found out about this was in the introduction section and I thought at first they were talking about RomUlation had stopped the NDS downloads. Didn't realize it was an actual site that threw in the towel. I seem to remember that place but I wasn't into NDS back then so I didn't hang out there long.
  6. triemie

    triemie Well-Known Member

    you are crazy
  7. koyuchan

    koyuchan Well-Known Member

    Off topic : Yes,he is.

    Anyway , I once visited nds roms site,but I didn't download any though, so now RomU is a king of the rom site
  8. mew-cuss

    mew-cuss Member

    The site was good for a while until the eediots started abusing the IRC.
    The IRC on the main page was a really good idea for people to chat and for noobs to get advice until (like most things on the net) it was hijacked by people who just want to ruin helpful/useful sites, like those pesky disconnecters on Yugioh (or maybe they found it funny just flaming and spamming all the time).
    I talked to nipper for a couple of times and he was a cool, down to earth kind of person. I just hope he stays with computers and doesn't do anything stupid like join the army!
    This site (romulation) reminds me of the early nds-roms days, with its community spirit and its expert admin/mods always ready to help and talk. I just hope romu. doesn't end up like the others.
  9. AcroneSF

    AcroneSF Well-Known Member

    yay looks like there are gonna be many MANY more members in the romulation community :p
  10. bb200

    bb200 Member

    Thank God it's closed... At first I try to download roms there... And fail... Try google more and I'm arrived here...
  11. Angel-

    Angel- Active Member

    "a swift kick in the arse should straighten up them nds-roms users if they come here" -timmy1991

    It would be remiss to suggest that each and every body using the nds-roms website, whether it be for downloads, IRC, or otherwise, was an entity akin to nothing more than what one might find in a household waste receptacle. I, for one, think my behavior is leagues ahead in maturity and for what it's worth, style. Being one of the moderators (and nipper's "go-to-guy" for help, when needed, on the website) I understand the "sort" one like Seph is speaking of; However, make no mistake that nds-roms in its entirety was run by teen or pre-teen kiddies.

    Pertaining to the IRC channel and its purpose: To put it simply, we (the moderators) grew weary of being every flash cartridge's technical support team. For a long time a channel existed titled "#ndshelp" which wasn't specific about the "help" we provided. Post specifying the usage of the #ndshelp channel, aptly dubbed "noobs" still ravaged our channel with disgusting displays of illiteracy, lack of observation, and sheer disrespect (to the people that provide them their free games even!). Where one ROM site may not go, we went, and we regretted it. Indulging ourselves into a community wrought with, for the most part, kids between the ages of eight through 16 was a mistake. In an attempt to cull the onslaught of village idiots, we removed #ndshelp from our authority. With its original intent to provide help with site-related issues being ignored, it was a good step.

    There are still those who came into #ndsroms who insisted on destroying any sort of sanity we had left. This was easy to manage though given the IRC moderator staff nipper, tehuber1337, I, and others helped put together. We effectively had an able, mentally healthy person wielding a banhammer at all times.

    Now, after over a year's worth of servitude to nds-roms, the website is gone for good. We (the ndsroms regulars) are now a wandering band of misfits looking for a new home. Open your arms, community of Romulation, and receive these weathered, weary, and beaten veterans of our same demographic. We're experienced and hope you understand that not all of us *dramatic pause* are "noobs."
  12. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    the 'noobs' are the ones we don't want here (unless they straighten up) as we have plenty of our own noobs. Anyone else is welcome.
  13. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    Eloquent as ever, Angel-. I agree wholeheartedly.

    It's somewhat hypocritical to claim that all ex-NDS-Roms users are, as Angel- puts it, trash. For RomUlation, a community that seems to feel itself superior, stooping to such a level in order to reaffirm that sense of superiority is poor form.

    Regarding our downfall, some may recall a Shoutmix chatbox being on NDS-Roms. When I first came to the site, that was my main motivation for staying, long after I had stopped using NDS-Roms for NDS roms. Hanging out with newfound friends, helping people with their roms...Life was good. Unfortunately, the site's increasing popularity brought with it increasing numbers of much-loathed noobs and trolls, due to the chatbox's accessibility. The small moderating team was unable to defend against this horde, so new moderators were appointed among the chatbox regulars that were experienced enough to deal with this. However, experience is unrelated to responsibility, and many a moderator fell victim to the ceaseless barrage of idiocy, deciding instead that "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em". Thus, many new moderators began trolling just as much as those they were appointed to crush, frequently linking innocent people to Rickrolls and shock sites and banning any that opposed them. This abuse of power, combined with growing public resentment, forced the closure of the unfortunate chatbox. In its place was the previously empty IRC channel, and hence the new influx of idiocy began. The endless waves of noobs asking the same questions without so much as glancing at any predetermined articles of support was the straw that broke the camel's back.

    Regarding the technical support we provided, it's a relatively little known fact that we started another website altogether for the sole purpose of providing said support. However, as our old moderators disappeared one by one, I ended up being the sole moderator of that site and its associated forums. When I lost internet access for a few months, these were closed. In my experience, it's easier to provide support via a static medium such as a forum than a dynamic medium such as IRC, and so the quality of whatever technical support we felt like giving dropped drastically. As Angel- said, we simply grew tired of this. However, we didn't intentionally forsake #ndshelp...When we moved to Rizon, we found that it was already registered =/

    Why did we move to Rizon, you ask? Because we experienced constant trolling and netsplits on Anonnet. Why did we move to Anonnet, you ask? Even I'm not sure. As the main administrative team had in effect forsaken us and I was absent due to lack of internet, nipper decided to make the move. Allegedly, he was told by a single IRCop on IRCStorm that we advocated illegal activity in violation of their Terms of Service. We had made IRCStorm our home for at least a year by then, and NEo_Bazz, the owner of the channel, was even friends with one of IRCStorm's owners, who had even graced our forums occasionally. Nonetheless, the vacuum of power inspired nipper to take command, and so we moved.

    As Angel- said, the ineptitude of those that ran NDS-Roms, combined with their apparent disregard for their own assets, led to the site's downfall. I don't regret the time I spent there, and I don't regret staying when all my contemporaries saw fit to leave. New associates such as Angel- sprang up in their place, good times were had and good memories were made.

    Now, with the site's closure, some of us have come here in search of a new community upon which to make our mark. We have much to give, and all we ask in return is a warm place in your hearts that you can look at and say "Gosh, those folks were awesome."

    tl;dr - We're "crashing your crib".
  14. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    What happened to NDS-roms, as explained in your post, is a perfect example of why we refuse to have a chatbox on RomUlation. Likewise why we refuse to have a web IRC client.
  15. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    A wise choice indeed, though to be honest, an empty IRC channel isn't very fun. Luckily, this isn't the case here. Your non-transient community is far larger than ours ever was.
  16. kamuikurou

    kamuikurou Well-Known Member

    Yay. That really have cleared things up. That was a good read. :D
    I really didn't know that dynamic mediums can cause such a ruckuss before.

    Oh, and I'm still a teen too. When I talk to my friends with my primary languange, I neglect correct spelling (using SMS languange) and punctuations because it is weird to talk casually with those. I took RomUlation to practise my written English, as now I'm in a holiday and will have my English skill dull if I don't use it for something like this.

    There seems to be an increasing number of newbies here (including me, maybe) that doesn't quite understand the importance of correct written English here, I really hope the mods will continue to support us, as some of us really don't have any idea how to behave properly here or even bother to read the rules. We (or at least me and some others) are happy when someone corrects us when we made mistakes, it helps us to adapt this new virtual environment.
  17. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Some of them don't have english as thier language, take agsd or what ever his name was-he was spanish-it took awhile to refrain myself to tell him to use proper english...

    But when I see someone ignore repeated attempts-that's when I make my move from now on.

    @tehuber-wow..such history...and what a down fall...reminds me of my fast food days-no joke same down fall-just replace "mods" with "managers"...
  18. Blade5406

    Blade5406 Well-Known Member

    That's a clear-up, I've been waiting for some comments from the former staff of nds-roms if ever they come here. *Thumbs up for the explanation! ;D
  19. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    It's not that they cause a ruckus, it's just that some things are better suited to static media. I wouldn't have had the patience or focus to write that wall of text in IRC, for example.
  20. Angel-

    Angel- Active Member

    Stay tuned for more Chronicles of NDS-ROMS!

    Just kidding. But...there are more sub-plots and sagas that we could tell you about. A couple are "The FinalFantasyFanGirl Saga" and "The NeoDraven Saga". "The NeoDraven Saga" is cross-referenced with "The ShoutMix Chatbox/IRC/Chatango Medium Free-For-All" archives since they happened pretty much at the same time. "The NeoDraven Saga" consists of information pertaining mainly to the person, NeoDraven. The "...medium free-for-all" pertains more to the reasoning for changing the format in which people interact with each other in real-time (We went through the chatbox, IRC, and Chatango, and multiple combinations of the three); however, NeoDraven is involved.

    Their are some short stories as well about others such as "Hammis", "CZ", I'm sure someone could give their point of view about my evolution from the beginning of my reign as a moderator to present (apparently I WAS a total douche, but they developed Stockholm Syndrome and now I'm not. Shout-out to Dino ;D ) Oh, and we can also tell you about "Girate" aka omega33 (the one that made this thread to make fun of us). The Girate who is also an "admin" at ndsuniverse. It's pretty hilarious.

    Anyways, these stories are only a post away if you want. Simply ask and I'm sure I'll feel like writing about it, along with tehuber1337.
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