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[NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 (USA/EUR) AP Thread and Discussion

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by iluvfupaburgers, Oct 2, 2012.

  1. Shurtugal

    Shurtugal Well-Known Member

    Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 (USA, EUR) AP Thread and Discussion

    Here you go. Sorry about the download speed. Im going to have that changed.
  2. Ehnoah

    Ehnoah Member

    Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 (USA, EUR) AP Thread and Discussion

    Any way to fix the Micro Lags allready?
  3. shadowphazion

    shadowphazion Member

    Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 (USA, EUR) AP Thread and Discussion

    lucky, i really want my c gear to just be working now and i'll feel completed >:
  4. Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 (USA, EUR) AP Thread and Discussion

    Is there anything I can do to stop these random dips to 15fps in no$zoomer, I'm using Dizaster 50%, it's the only one that gives me normal speed for a while.
  5. Shurtugal

    Shurtugal Well-Known Member

    Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 (USA, EUR) AP Thread and Discussion

    Format your sd card. with this. http://www.r4i-sdhc.com/Formatter%203.1.zip
    Use these settings when formatting.
    FORMAT TYPE : FULL (OverWrite)
  6. Ehnoah

    Ehnoah Member

    Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 (USA, EUR) AP Thread and Discussion

    Sorry, I not told that I use DESMUE Emulator
  7. Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 (USA, EUR) AP Thread and Discussion

    Hey the game is running fine for but i have run into one problem. No$zoomer is not allowing me to load a save and i alos can not load a save state. I am a noob to no$zoomer because i usually use desmume.
  8. Shurtugal

    Shurtugal Well-Known Member

    Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 (USA, EUR) AP Thread and Discussion

    Oh in that case mess with the emulator settings to see if you can increase your speed. otherwise if you want better speed you will need a better computer.
  9. RCFloris27

    RCFloris27 Member

    Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 (USA, EUR) AP Thread and Discussion

    Yeah, I'm experiencing some lags too. Sure, the Japanese version ran a little slower, but this one runs instable, one moment it's at 140% the other at 60%. The Japanese was at a consistent 95%. Any lag fixes? I'm using the prepatched White 2 rom from saturday. Running it on DeSmuMe 0.9.8 on Mac OS-X 10.6.8 (Snow Leopard) with a 2.26GHZ Dual Core processor and 8GB RAM. All settings on minimal, frameskip on and 2 3D rendering threads (it's a dual core). Could it be Snow Leopard that's the problem? Going to upgrade to Lion soon anyways.
  10. Ehnoah

    Ehnoah Member

    Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 (USA, EUR) AP Thread and Discussion

    I have a very good PC. So it is not on PC.

    It is only a problem with Black 2 and White 2 for now. All other DS Games working smooth.

    So I think the AP Fix is not correct. (J) Version run perfect too.
  11. Shurtugal

    Shurtugal Well-Known Member

    Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 (USA, EUR) AP Thread and Discussion

    Its possible its ur OS but it may also be the roms fault since this is not a Scene release
  12. RCFloris27

    RCFloris27 Member

    Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 (USA, EUR) AP Thread and Discussion

    What's a scene release and where can I get it? Is it the cart itself? A better rom? I want to LP on Youtube, so the cart is not an option.
  13. Ehnoah

    Ehnoah Member

    Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 (USA, EUR) AP Thread and Discussion

    I think it is the ROM that is bugged.

    Maybe we get a better one soon.
  14. RCFloris27

    RCFloris27 Member

    Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 (USA, EUR) AP Thread and Discussion

    I hope so, I at least want to not miss the EU release date (I live in Europe and people tend to have the region preference thingy on YouTube on)
  15. Shurtugal

    Shurtugal Well-Known Member

    Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 (USA, EUR) AP Thread and Discussion

    This is the difference between an XXXX release and a Scene release. so far i have not seen a scene release posted anywhere.
  16. Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 (USA, EUR) AP Thread and Discussion

    Yeah same here, the other pokemon games are fine, but these roms have crazy slowdown.
  17. RCFloris27

    RCFloris27 Member

    Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 (USA, EUR) AP Thread and Discussion

    If anyone finds a scene release, I'd like to know! I need a good rom. My Mac can absolutely handle it, but the rom's just derpy.
  18. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 (USA, EUR) AP Thread and Discussion

    I don't play the game, Im sure someone else can answer you with your question.
  19. Foxeybabee

    Foxeybabee Active Member

    Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 (USA, EUR) AP Thread and Discussion

    Finally got it working!!! Is there a wild pokemon modifier cheat?
  20. xmichaxb7

    xmichaxb7 Member

    Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 (USA, EUR) AP Thread and Discussion

    Somebody can fix the Black Screen on Title screen & the music still play choppy...
    FlashCart(d) : EDGE + AP Patch