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[NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 (USA/EUR) AP Thread and Discussion

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by iluvfupaburgers, Oct 2, 2012.

  1. Dannilad2012

    Dannilad2012 New Member

    Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 (USA, EUR) AP Thread and Discussion

    Can anybody help? I've downloaded a clean Black 2 and White 2 rom, but whenever i try to run them, on my r4i gold 3ds, with Wood R4 1.52, i always get a red "loading" screen on the bottom screen of my 3ds.
  2. patrick992

    patrick992 New Member

    Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 (USA, EUR) AP Thread and Discussion

    Do the AP patched ROMs work on R4i SDHC 3DS? I've patched it on my own and i've tried the pre-patch, plus i have retrogamefan's latest but i still seem to get load rom error code =-4. s;
  3. rockingwing

    rockingwing New Member

    Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 (USA, EUR) AP Thread and Discussion

    Anyone else experiencing this bug, that it is Night all the time and weird graphical glitches occur in certain areas?
  4. asdfth12

    asdfth12 Well-Known Member

    Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 (USA, EUR) AP Thread and Discussion

    I remember in the B2 J version, there was a button in the dex to press that would list the pokemon avaliable in each route/area as you find them.

    I can't find that in this, and since the rom wasn't translated when I first found this feature I don't know if its something that you unlock as you play through the game.

    Anyone know when you unlock it?
  5. shadowphazion

    shadowphazion Member

    Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 (USA, EUR) AP Thread and Discussion

    fix the setting for it turn off reset in game and it shud work fine atleast that what i did for mine u can use the cheats though
  6. Dannilad2012

    Dannilad2012 New Member

    Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 (USA, EUR) AP Thread and Discussion

    Ive got reset in game off and it still doesnt work. Grrr
  7. Devilkid32176

    Devilkid32176 Well-Known Member

    Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 (USA, EUR) AP Thread and Discussion

    habitat feature, will get it as progress through story
  8. LordxDanswich

    LordxDanswich New Member

    Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 (USA, EUR) AP Thread and Discussion

    I've downloaded the prepatched version of Black 2 on the first page and so far everything seems to be working except the C-Gear, does anyone know if this has been patched or do I have to do it myself using the codes on page 1?
  9. Devilkid32176

    Devilkid32176 Well-Known Member

    Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 (USA, EUR) AP Thread and Discussion

    where are you in game? cause one of the characters give you the c-gear as you progress further in-game
  10. shadowphazion

    shadowphazion Member

    Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 (USA, EUR) AP Thread and Discussion

    heres what i did download the clean white version on the first page then apply the ar patch with DS-Scene_Rom_Tool_v1.0_build_1215_Pack turned off ingame reset and it worked wonders for me :/
  11. Yo54

    Yo54 New Member

    Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 (USA, EUR) AP Thread and Discussion

    Any body else having the random freeze problem?
    I'm using No$Zoomer & it'll freeze @ random times, anybody got a code or patch for that?
    It's already pre-patched btw
  12. Eagles

    Eagles Active Member

    Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 (USA, EUR) AP Thread and Discussion

    This is so annoying, Pokemon Black 2 keeps randomly freezing when I save the game. I must be missing something. Any help?
  13. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 (USA, EUR) AP Thread and Discussion

  14. andynpc

    andynpc Member

    Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 (USA, EUR) AP Thread and Discussion

    Has anyone managed to get the challenge mode key working on an M3?
  15. Yo54

    Yo54 New Member

    Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 (USA, EUR) AP Thread and Discussion

    Thank you =)
  16. Grandork

    Grandork Member

    Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 (USA, EUR) AP Thread and Discussion

    Hey, I think this is a new AP:

    Pokeballs are all the same (exception is Master), any pokemon I could capture with an UltraBall I could capture with an ordinary Pokeball. (Using Save State on Emulator)
  17. andynpc

    andynpc Member

    Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 (USA, EUR) AP Thread and Discussion

    You can capture anything with any ball, but better balls equal a better chance. Most Pokemon are easy enough to catch with regular pokeballs as long as you weaken them a bit first.
  18. LordxDanswich

    LordxDanswich New Member

    Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 (USA, EUR) AP Thread and Discussion

    I already have the C-Gear, but when I try to switch it on the game freezes, I hardly use the C-Gear anyway so it isn't a major game changer, but the thought of having a not fully operational game irks me for some reason, plus if this freezes then there could easily be other AP I just haven't encountered yet
  19. Grandork

    Grandork Member

    Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 (USA, EUR) AP Thread and Discussion

    Please read again, I said I can capture ANY ultraball capture with a pokeball using save state... I use Ultraball, see it captured, load and use pokeball, it also captures and when Ultra doesn't, it does the same amount of hold (time it takes for the pokemon to escape) than the pokeball. They do the same.
  20. Shurtugal

    Shurtugal Well-Known Member

    Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 (USA, EUR) AP Thread and Discussion

    Thats not an AP thing. thats just a glitch with your emulator lol.