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[NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 Translation Project

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by iluvfupaburgers, Jun 22, 2012.

  1. finkrocks44

    finkrocks44 Active Member

    Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 Pokestation Translation Project

    Another question, what exactly is translated as far as character dialog? Everything seems to be in japanese except for the pokemon center.
  2. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 Pokestation Translation Project

    No idea. They don't release a change log because even they don't really know what's translated. They all translate whatever they want to. Just know that 20% of the overall character dialogue is apparently translated.
  3. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 Pokestation Translation Project

    Maybe, just maybe some one should send them a link to the fate/hollow axtaria translation and teach them how you do A translation
  4. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 Pokestation Translation Project

    Just want to mention that there's a second translation project going on, and these guys seem to be 10x more efficient, at least. It may be worth your time to watch both patches and see which one you like more. They won't have an extremely rough translation in a week, but if I'm not mistaken, that's the site where the B/W project was primarily stationed last go around. That's to say, the people that worked on that project are working on this one, so you know you'll get quality work, just not super quickly.

    Go ahead and give both a watch, try out different patches, and see which one fits your needs more.
  5. mpc2007

    mpc2007 Well-Known Member

    Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 Pokestation Translation Project

    stuck after dragon gym.... because of the dialogue still in Japanese...... :s so i don't know where to go...... :s
  6. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 Pokestation Translation Project

    Just wait for next patch update. The reason it shows up in Japanese at some point is because the translation team lead by Kyohack are doing random translation on random chunks of data. So its no surprise that you might see the text in English up to certain point, then it return to Japanese, then when you go along further it goes back to English, and so on. Its only been few days since they started doing the translation. So just hang in there. The next patch will be a bit late, cause Kyohack has to check the files for consistency, otherwise it might be a total disaster. And that has happened in v.1.2 where someone submit a translation chunk but had accidentally deleted the text coding.

    I agree, I think this second team is more efficient and careful, not rushing their work compare to the main team. Yet, I'm not planning to use any of their patch for now until later on when they have done a full check of their work for bugs. I'll stick to playing Conquest for now.
  7. abcd4321

    abcd4321 New Member

    Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 Pokestation Translation Project

    does anyone know roughly how long it gona take for about 90% of the dialogue to be done?
  8. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 Pokestation Translation Project

    No. Translating dialogs will take longer than translating bits of info such as item, moves, menu buttons, etc. In fact doing translation of roms isn't an easy thing to do. Aside from language, there's still the need to make sure every part of the process is carefully done to avoid error/bugs. The best possible answer is that the translation will be done before the EU/US version comes out. So just follow the progress patiently.
  9. abcd4321

    abcd4321 New Member

    Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 Pokestation Translation Project

    okay thanks :)
  10. hirokaski

    hirokaski Well-Known Member

    Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 Pokestation Translation Project

    can somebody upload pokemon white 2 translated please
  11. maxmahito

    maxmahito Well-Known Member

    Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 Pokestation Translation Project

    If you mean pre-patched V.14 ROM of White 2, it's already on the first post.
    Here: http://www.mediafire.com/?ua73k9ovm68mdg5
  12. Aphatos

    Aphatos Well-Known Member

    Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 Pokestation Translation Project

    Links down, also - does prepatched with translation also mean AP patched? bit confusing
  13. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 Pokestation Translation Project

    link should be down, aeither's mediafire account got suspended
  14. mpc2007

    mpc2007 Well-Known Member

    Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 Pokestation Translation Project

    download the clean rom and then patch it by yourself..... Use the translation patch... Because the translation patch already include with the latest AP patch...
  15. sasunaru1234

    sasunaru1234 Active Member

    Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 Pokestation Translation Project

    Someone should make a pre patch for the other translation patch for Mac users.
  16. captnspdr

    captnspdr Guest

    Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 Pokestation Translation Project

    I'd like to help out with the project except I don't know how to translate or do any of that stuff.
  17. Aphatos

    Aphatos Well-Known Member

    Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 Pokestation Translation Project

    Do I need to update my firmware to play? lol
  18. aqua484

    aqua484 Member

    Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 Pokestation Translation Project

    Can someone help me? When I click new game I get sent back to the start screen.
  19. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 Translation Projects

    added the second translation project on OP. thanks to Hugh G. Rection for telling us about the second project
  20. sasunaru1234

    sasunaru1234 Active Member

    Re: [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 Translation Projects

    For the 2nd translation team.

    Is it possible someone make a pre patched of this for Mac users