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[NDS] Last Window: The Secret of Cape West - AP Thread (CK3)

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by CoolKill3r, Sep 17, 2010.

  1. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Same for the web to today XD!.....
  2. I'm glad to see this topic is still being posted in.

    Anyway, I need some help. I've downloaded every version, cracked or not, and I'm still getting graphical glitches. The screen flickers so much. I updated AKAIO today, still no luck. I'm open to suggestions. Thanks a bunch.
  3. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    Try formatting your SD card.
  4. Did that already. No luck. Do note that this is only happening on Last Window and Again, both games by Cing. All my other games run fine, including Hotel Dusk 215.
  5. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    What FAT format are you using?
  6. I really don't see how that matters, seeing as this problem only applies to two games, both of which are from the same company. I'm too lazy to check but I formatted it with Panasonic formatter.
  7. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    I'm takeing a look back at this ROM as they maybe a possible fix for the clean ROM, But i am working on it as soon as i get home, will let you know how it gose...

    If not I'm sorry

    I have had alot'ttt more exp since my first time ;)
  8. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    You know the rom is already fixed ya?
  9. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    I was taking about a RAM patch, And not the whole of ARM7 re-placement fix

    Plus play the game clean using YSMenu and DSTT fix
  10. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    fixed - YLUP - 5213 Last Window The Secret of Cape West (EUR) (CLEAN)

    Full fix - Tested game no freeze.

    Found in both unpatched/patched rom's uncompressed arm9's worked out in RAM, cracktors removed - just freezing is fixed.

    95 68 02 FA 
    6F 68 02 FA 
    F5 65 02 FA
    DA 65 02 FA
    C5 65 02 FA
    D6 BC 01 FA
    01 00 A0 E1 1E FF 2F E1 01 00 A0 E1 00 00 53 E3
    33 FF 2F 11 FA 43 BD E8 01 00 E0 E1 1E FF 2F E1
    FA 43 2D E9 00 30 A0 E1 01 00 A0 E1 00 00 53 E3
    33 FF 2F 11 FA 43 BD E8 01 00 E0 E1 1E FF 2F E1
    01 00 A0 E1 1E FF 2F E1 01 00 A0 E1 00 00 53 E3
    33 FF 2F 11 FA 43 BD E8 01 00 E0 E1 1E FF 2F E1
    FA 43 2D E9 00 30 A0 E1 01 00 A0 E1 00 00 53 E3
    33 FF 2F 11 FA 43 BD E8 01 00 E0 E1 1E FF 2F E1
    01 00 A0 E1 1E FF 2F E1 01 00 A0 E1 00 00 53 E3
    33 FF 2F 11 FA 43 BD E8 01 00 E0 E1 1E FF 2F E1
    FA 43 2D E9 00 30 A0 E1 01 00 A0 E1 00 00 53 E3
    33 FF 2F 11 FA 43 BD E8 01 00 E0 E1 1E FF 2F E1
    39 00 00 EA
    08 B4 0A 4B 99 42 C0 46 09 4B 99 42 07 D0 09 4B
    99 42 06 D0 08 BC 0E DF 70 47 07 48 03 E0 07 48
    01 E0 07 48 FF E7 08 BC 70 47 00 00 80 38 7E 02
    F4 D4 07 02 34 DB 02 02 3F ED 00 00 D7 67 00 00
    1E 0D 00 00
  11. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

  12. jephonie

    jephonie New Member


    Would you be so kind and reupload the files? All links are dead. I especially want to download the patched version with the intro removed. Thank you very much!
  13. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    You might have to wait quite awhile since Jhon591 was last here in Dec 2017, he's seldom around lately, sometimes months. I don't have the copy to the files. Good luck.