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[NDS] Kingdom Hearts Re-Coded AP topic

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Jonez001, Jan 8, 2011.

  1. Rumiko

    Rumiko Well-Known Member

    ok. I figured out how to do the AP bypass and it didn't work with akaio 1.8.1. So I upgraded my firmware to the latest one (1.8.5) and it still didn't work, with and without the ap bypass. I even tried the cracked rom with and without the ap bypass. Help please.
    Post Merge: [time]1294700420[/time]

    I'm using...

    Acekard 2i
    Akaio 1.8.1 Firmware
    NDSi XL v 1.4.1
    4GB SanDisk Micro SD card

    If that helps at all.
  2. xxxlxxxxxx

    xxxlxxxxxx New Member

    I've got the clean re: coded (U) rom running perfectly on no$gba v2.6a
    Tutorial video here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgFlCFUEQsM
    Give thanks.
    Credits to me, youtube.com/xjcandmFX
  3. happygirl83

    happygirl83 Member

    Thanks Jhon 591, but with latest TTMenu/YSMenu v6.44 installed and I've tried all the patched games KH-re-coded and none of them work and keep getting error 4 code white screen ... so sad .....
  4. gameboy5.0

    gameboy5.0 Well-Known Member

    hay i am going to test the files for the ysmenu on my r4 sdhc. from what it looks like the game should work. but you never know with this. wish i had the skills to patch games lol hell dont know where to start.
    Post Merge: [time]1294722431[/time]
    got to give you props it works. looks like every thing is ok
  5. srive

    srive Member

    anyone get kingdom hearts to work on ttds?
  6. Please, tell me how you got it to run on your R4SDHC.
    Firmware you're running, rom (and source), etc, because I can't get mine to work for some reason.

    It would be greatly appreciated.
  7. geezernort

    geezernort New Member

    Got the EUR Cracked Release working perfectly on R4i SDHC with Retrogamefan's YSMENU installed natively. Little guide on how to get it installed natively on the R4i SDHC
    1. format you Micro SD card
    2. download DSTT/ YSMENU v6.44 from here http://gbatemp.net/t267243-retrogamefan-updates-releases
    3. Extract files to root of SD card
    4. Rename TTMenu.nds to R4i.TP
    5. Download Jhon 591's extinfo, infolib and savlib and move them to the TTMenu folder
    6. Copy your ROM to the root (would someone try this with the US release?)
    7. Boot up your DS and load the ROM.
    8. ? ? ?
    9. Profit!
  8. gameboy5.0

    gameboy5.0 Well-Known Member

    it is hard to explain i look around for ysmenu for my r4sdhc. you have to look. download the file from http://www.mediafire.com/?bg21rbkyfikjn38 it has the 3 files need to play.

    there should be a post on the site that talks about geting ysmeny working. just have to look
    Post Merge: [time]1294731442[/time]
    hear http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=51856.0 this post was talking about the ysmenu . download it and try it out. good luck get the game to work. i have to say it much funner know what the hell they are talking about in the game
  9. geezernort

    geezernort New Member

    You're probably better off using the link in my little "tutorial", though, as Retrogamefan is the guy that makes all the YSMenu and TTMenu for other cards. Some people are taking his work and not crediting or providing bogus downloads.
  10. gameboy5.0

    gameboy5.0 Well-Known Member

    well i am not takeing any one work. i even said in a post before i dont know how by pass ap on my own. i dont know where i got my ysmenu from if i did i would post it from the start. all i am trying to do is help
    Post Merge: [time]1294732519[/time]
    for got to say this. there is one little thing that the ap is still messing with. it not to big i think. but when you go and save and then click the return to title screen if stops working. not sure if it is a big deal but you should know about it.
  11. geezernort

    geezernort New Member

    Sorry, I think there's been an error of communication, I didn't mean my comment to be insulting to you I was trying to say a lot of other people uploading YSMenus aren't using their own. I was just saying everyone would be better of using Retrogamefan's stuff. Sorry for any unintended offence. Just trying to make things a bit more coherent for everyone :D
    Oh, yeah, the way I suggested everything seems to run fine apart from the opening video which starts skipping towards the end but you can just press start to skip it when it does that :D
  12. gameboy5.0

    gameboy5.0 Well-Known Member

    o great now you made me fell like a ass..... lol.

    it ok the internet is full of people who try to mess with people and i get what u are talking about. just wish they would have a stick for the ysmenu so it is easy to find
    Post Merge: [time]1294733306[/time]
    all so the video ran ok for me i useing r4 sdhc with ysmenu with dat's v6.44.9( the one the guy made on this topic
  13. Xalfrea

    Xalfrea Well-Known Member

    LOL OK. Since you're ahead, lets report any possible things that might happen! Have fun!
  14. geezernort

    geezernort New Member

    Hehe no worries, it's sometimes hard to get people's drift over the internet.
    Yeah, it can all get pretty confusing with all the different people working on all different types of firmwares xD
    Has anyone tried out the Avatar Menu? Works fine for me but I didn't realise they'd included it as well (the Avatar thing used to be DOCOMO Mobile exclusive because of the original Coded)
  15. richxnarutp

    richxnarutp Member

    what firmware do you have to use for r4?
  16. ab0456

    ab0456 Well-Known Member

    i have just tested your links and the cracked (EU) rom works perfectly thanks :)
  17. shackol101

    shackol101 Active Member

    The game control sucks everytime I make a combo I always make a mistake of activating the potion even though It is not time to use it.
  18. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Have you repleace the new infolib.dat into the TTMenu folder ? - overs hear confim it works - so on my DS it works! with YSMenu for R4 original, "(Note) to all they are not my fixes"
  19. Xalfrea

    Xalfrea Well-Known Member

    If you played Birth By Sleep it's easier to grasp. But why does this even need to be in the AP thread when it can be moved to an actual discussion thread?
  20. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Your welcome!

    Veryone's card is diffrent in the way it Acts !