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NDS Graphics | They suck?

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by GhanaChris, Nov 30, 2009.

  1. omegavitaminc

    omegavitaminc Well-Known Member

    Id like to point somethings out to those who havent realised:
    the graphics DO affect the game. stop saying it doesnt.
    HOWEVER: you cant say a whole game is good or bad based on the graphics, unless they are so bad they interfere with the game.
    any game can be better with better graphics. "better graphics" mean more fitting. for example, would eternal sonata be nearly as good, if the graphics were super hd assassins creed level realism?
  2. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    Im comparing the difference in screen size and graphics-nothing to do with types of games or favourite characters.As an example,Ive played Spongebob truth or square on both,and the PSP is miles better.In fact,any game that ive tried both platforms is the same result.

    As a matter of interest,I think youll find that Lada sold about 100,000,000 cars LOL.
  3. omegavitaminc

    omegavitaminc Well-Known Member

    most cross console games dont fully use the systems to their full potential. because the ds relies on its controls and stuff, cross console games usually suck on it.
    when you are comparing any system to any system, NEVER consider the cross console ones, on the exclusive ones.
  4. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    I thought I gave an honest assessment.Someone could easily say "but most games on the PSP are 10x bigger in size",so obviously it would have better graphics".And also saying "but the DS has 10x more games available,compared to the PSP".They could argue that the DS is much better.....

    And for me,the PSP has got better with the GBA emulator on it and I dont know if a DS can work through my T.V-the PSP can....
  5. omegavitaminc

    omegavitaminc Well-Known Member

    you are right about that. and as you said, i can just as easily say the ds has 2 screens and one is a touch screen.
    thankyou you have proven the existance of "opinion".
    everybody should learn from you
  6. xelados

    xelados Well-Known Member

    According to what? Don't forget that games are an art form, and judging works of art is SUBJECTIVE. What that means is nothing that anyone says on the subject is of any worth, negatively or positively. It's a waste to argue over subjective things. That's part of why I've stuck mainly to specs regarding this topic.

    Anyways, some people out there might not care what the graphics look like as long as they don't get a headache. Others won't even consider a game if it looks like it was made anytime before 2005. From this point, the discussion can turn two different ways; it can end (smartest choice), or continue and start judging whether or not people are "stupid" for thinking x about y part of the system or games.

    The latter is likely to get this topic closed.
  7. omegavitaminc

    omegavitaminc Well-Known Member

    i think you completely misunderstood my post.
    wether or not the graphics look good or bad, or anything, they AFFECT the game.
    just as much as the SOUND affects the game.
    why did you assume that just because i said the gfx matter i think they are the only thing that matters and that i think anyone who doesnt agree is stupid?
    if there are no gfx how do you play the videogame?
    the way how graphics affect the game is relies on how "fitting: it is as i said before.
    think about gfx as music in a movie. if the mood, tone, feel etc of the music does not fit the video, it will look bad.
    my main point is to tell people that you shouldnt judge graphics by how high tech they are. thats a matter of the technology, not the game.
  8. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    LOL,I have someone for my fan club....I was one of the first to play the Atari and the Phillips Cdi consoles BTW.We can think about graphics and screen size.....why does anyone buy a 21" monitor for their PC,or buy a 42" tv for their living room.I see Sky Hd is getting popular and people are purchasing 1080 type tv's.
    We have also got to remember that both consoles and games are roughly the same price,so if the PSP is the benchmark,then the DS is way behind,which is why I said it was "crap".
  9. omegavitaminc

    omegavitaminc Well-Known Member

    i cant afford an hd tv :(
    imo wii looks better in ds though.
  10. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    What on earth does this even means....?
  11. omegavitaminc

    omegavitaminc Well-Known Member

    oh crap lol sorry i meant to say:
    imo wii looks better in SD though.
  12. iluvgtavcs

    iluvgtavcs Guest

    Meh... I only care if the game is good. Then I care about the freaking graphic issues. Normally, i'd think it the other way around...
  13. omegavitaminc

    omegavitaminc Well-Known Member

    what im saying is that gfx can potentially have an impact on the funfactor if they are so bad you cant understand whats going on. thats very very very rare lol.
    good, fitting graphics are always a plus.
  14. iluvgtavcs

    iluvgtavcs Guest

    Good Point...
  15. m3romz

    m3romz Well-Known Member

    Matty --> Huh? I doesn't bother game developers if it has fast download speeds for people who are getting games illegaly (like U and Me :D)