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[NDS] Golden Sun: Dark Dawn (U) AP + Compatibility Issues Topic

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by iluvfupaburgers, Nov 28, 2010.

  1. Rehab_Reject

    Rehab_Reject New Member

    To Anyone running cyclo 1.61 with this problem, MAKE SURE you are using the Robot Killers rom, if you are trying to use a patched rom (like the one king leo dumped) you will get a black screen. I had this problem and then switched to the robot killers rom and it works perfectly now!
  2. Gregar7777

    Gregar7777 Active Member

    Fine. If that's how you think then LEAVE THIS FORUM! We need people who will either help patch or need one and you aren't either. If you COULD help then help. If you can't patch it, then do what I do. Go looking on the internet for one and post it here.
  3. will1008

    will1008 Well-Known Member

    Sure, maybe the EDGE is a copy of CycloDS. I rather think that EDGE is a CycloDS without the extra features, which makes the EDGE cheaper (or last time I checked)
    Also, I just realized that the EDGE has SlowMotion feature. Obviously it was done before, but I don't see the use of it.
  4. jackie_teo

    jackie_teo Member

    Eh, im playing on Desmume 0.9.6 and at the name choosing part (Matthew?) theres a really loud buzzing sound, also when u finally get to equip ur first cap, the buzzing sound comes back.
    Is this the sound glitch or is there a problem with desmume/rom?
  5. Blade5406

    Blade5406 Well-Known Member

    Is advanced SPU Logic enabled in your sound settings?
  6. Rainntears

    Rainntears Member

    Yeah, I give up..speak as you wish. I'm getting more and more stupid by replying to this endless post...I thinks its faster for hacker to make a patch, than learn it from zero... It's their Area of Expertise. What I mean is, if I have a good base of knowledge , and INTENDED to make something, It's better for someone to reminds me. There's ppl out there who needs the patches.. It's NOT like " Hey you Moron,If you able to, hurry up will ya" instead : "thanks for trying, keep the good work, we still need the patches"...

    But that's ONLY if, and ONLY if people have POSITIVE thought about it..
    That's it.. I'm not going to post any more comment. Thx for all the comments.
  7. gamerace19

    gamerace19 Well-Known Member

    I got image crash after i lit the tram thing with fireball in carvers camp after saving kid and to go to get the djinn there

    Ap crash or just random crash?
  8. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    seriously, if you dont have anything good to say, just dont say it and stop trolling on this thread. you keep saying that you get stupider by replying here. then why the F#&( you keep doing it? a cyclo ds firmware update already came out if you didnt notice. and that probably means a edge firmware update on its way. so no need to keep whinning here that your games dont work. please dont reply to this, seriously!
  9. gamerace19

    gamerace19 Well-Known Member

    not everyone is reply wondering about cyclo or edge... see my reply above your for instance lol
  10. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    probably because no one knows? im just guessing. try formatting your card and adding the firmware again
  11. gamerace19

    gamerace19 Well-Known Member

    Whoops forgot to mention that Its no$ with zoomer that it happened not a card
    (if i could afford a ds to use a card I probably wouldn't be downloading games since id be able to afford them lol)
  12. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    i believe it is not working on no zoomer yet
  13. king_leo

    king_leo Well-Known Member

    it works on no$zoomer but by running through bios (There are threads about it)
    Post Merge: [time]1293174777[/time]
    It works with no cyclods firmware (Look in the nds sharing section)
  14. gamerace19

    gamerace19 Well-Known Member

    "sigh" would you guys read what I post before trying to answer it....
    I know it works on no$ zoomer lol and about the bios (how can i get a crash doing something in the game if I could not get the game to work lol)

    I already said lol that its not a cyclo problem but a no$ one fupa was asking to not post here anymore because of so many whiners about cyclo and edge not running it and i was saying that not all the posts being made are about those two cards.

    to reiterate what i mean i played the game up to carvers camp point and after (see above pst of mine for spoiler) those tram things you gotta use i used them a few times no probs to get to the camp but when i go out to get wind djinn that you need to start tram to reach i start the tram and then it crashed so what i need to know is if thats an ap crash or just random no$ crash

    I got sent to near beginning of game cause it crashed so i was asking before going to try again but hell by the time i get an answer i probably could have already made it back to that point.

    also: this is off topic but what the hells a fupa burger?
  15. jackie_teo

    jackie_teo Member

    i haven't checked ur solution but i *think* i solved it by going to Emulation > Shut up
    it stops the buzzing sound, and maybe more but idk :)
  16. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    im not sayin dont post. i was saying only to that guy rainntears to stop posting stuff because he was just complaining without asking for help or helping on the thread. i never said dont post to people.
  17. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member


    Some people don't read the "quoted" name on the posts. They just assumes that if a post is made below their, means its addressed to respond to them, when its not always for them ..... some people really need to learn to read each post slowly and not skim through posts which makes them misunderstood the context of the post they see. ::)

    Somehow it does reminds me of someone ...... (The skimming posts part especially) ;)
  18. irpacynot

    irpacynot Well-Known Member

    Well, for me, all credit for the Cyclo fix (via new firmware) goes to the GBATemp admin for speaking out, not quite openly, about Team Cyclops. Until Costello said something publicly, TC seemed content to ignore its existing customers. I refuse to believe they responded altruistically. They got the message that their public image in the homebrew scene was starting to smell of ass, so they stepped up to the plate. Glad I can now play Golden Sun on my Cyclo card, but it will also be the last product made by them I plan on buying.

    Edge users, however, I feel for you if you still don't have a fix. The R4s are ridiculously cheap, though, and since the game seems to be working on that card, I say save up your lunch money.
  19. Dark8

    Dark8 Member

    As an addendum to the above post, Acekard's rather good too and I think they're almost as cheap. It and a good micro SD (Kingston Class 4 comes to mind) shouldn't cost one more than $30 or so, depending on where you get it from.

    As for the Cyclo comment, it almost makes me glad I'm going to splurge for a SCDS2 after all of this. I used to really like Cyclo, and it's still a decent flashcard for what it's worth. But that dry spell between 1.59 and 1.60 was just ridiculous, and this bit didn't help matters too much when they could've easily had things fixed up in short order.
  20. JosephDredd

    JosephDredd Active Member

    anyone got this working with no$gba + no$zoomer?