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[NDS] Golden Sun: Dark Dawn (U) AP + Compatibility Issues Topic

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by iluvfupaburgers, Nov 28, 2010.

  1. richass52

    richass52 Member

    golden sun is not THAT great of a game. omg, you are probably going to live another 50-80 years, especially if you eat like an alchemist. I'm sure you will live to play it. go play pokemon or yugioh. read a book. watch some anime. go read the bible and digivolve. dude, I could make golden sun in my sleep... in fact, i do alchemy in real life so why do i even need this game...
  2. Rainntears

    Rainntears Member

    Yeah , I know it's just a game.. We should wait for it.. But it's ONLY your opinion that we sounds bossy.. I'm a programmer myself , and I think blabbermouth like you just keep complainning about people asking patch...

    Duncan, you get yourself a frog to fill your mouth.. don't you realize it is YOU, that keep on complainning. Only some simple-minded people that thinks negatively about that. or are you a kid ?? if you're still a kid, I'm sorry then, I'll just stop posting..,
  3. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    have you read the last 20 pages or so? every cart was fixed around there and then these 20 pages are basically people asking for a patch for cyclo and edge. that is why people are getting annoyed of others asking for it. as ive said before. i will post the patch. if there is one on the first page when it comes out. and if you are a programmer. why dont ya try looking for a patch instead of fighting here for it? wouldnt that be more productive than complaining and asking for a patch, that members here have already tried and failed?
  4. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    i cant get tired of morons like you, really its tiring to see that over 30 or so pages people are asking the same patch over and over and over instead of give a quick look to 10 pages they just chose to add more fuel to the fire im annoyed at people who can simply sit play a working game in the mean time and be patient!, simply thats what i remarked before people want this stuff ASAP and it cannot be done ASAP it takes time as you probably know if you are indeed a programmer like you are claiming to be, i need to put a frog onto my mouth? for what so i can shut up? tsk tsk tsk, i only post on this topic either to help those who are asking questions of the game or to tell 'patch aint out yet' or to simply add info for the emulators, really its just me or you are taking a wide comentary directed to no one in particular too personal? let me remark an other thing as iluvfupaburgers you should look for the patch not keep on figthing with me, as i pointed out before i own an N5 it has compatibility with YSmenu hence i can run it, but what annoys me is that the team abandoned their cards and went to do who knows what, who knows if it was because of this same reason! people requesting over and over and not knowing when to stop, the people who spammed 'patch for edge/cyclo ds' over the last 30 pages should train with tibetan monk those guys known the meaning of patience.
  5. narutoexe1

    narutoexe1 Member

    stop talking dude, it makes you look better
  6. kbattousai

    kbattousai New Member

    I can't get GS:DD to work on my Acekard 2i with all the latest updates.. I've even purchased a new one, reformatting, and all of the above settings. I keep getting the black screen. Any suggestions? BTW what speed micro card do should I have?
  7. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    must be your sd card. some slow cards have problem with bypass ap enabled
  8. mokrja

    mokrja Active Member

    Exactly what I was thinking :p One word clearly lacking from richass52's vocabulary, 'maturity'.
  9. Dark8

    Dark8 Member

    Not sure if anyone here's noticed, but Cyclo users: Team Cyclops just released firmware 1.61. Just applied the update to my own card, testing to see if this game now works.

    EDIT: The game runs. Cyclo users, update your card. EDGE users, your fix should be soon enough by my guesses.
  10. Bowser-jr

    Bowser-jr Well-Known Member

    That's cool, now do we need to also apply the freezing patch or will the game play just fine without it for cycloDS users?
  11. Dark8

    Dark8 Member

    I've only played up to as far as acquiring your first weapon, but it doesn't appear to require any special patching. The image I'm using is the clean, RobotKillers one. Dunno if PROPER's will work the same or not, but I'd imagine it would.
  12. tarotmaniac

    tarotmaniac Well-Known Member

    This is some good news.
  13. king_leo

    king_leo Well-Known Member

    Cyclods Firmware
    Post Merge: [time]1293110524[/time]
    Merry Christmas
  14. soulshine

    soulshine Member

    Anyone fainted yet? Lol. Now I wonder if it's really fix. What if there's a freezing issue?
  15. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    so, is it working si i add it to first page?
  16. LivDoug

    LivDoug New Member

    I just updated my cyclo firmware and am getting a black screen
  17. Rainntears

    Rainntears Member

    yeah , I give up. speak as you wish...I'm getting more and more stupid by replying to this post. and for me ,and I think it's faster for experience hacker to hack the ROM itself. They call it their Area of Expertise ? If you want to discuss coding with me, that's fine.
  18. Bowser-jr

    Bowser-jr Well-Known Member

    PROPER's rom of Golden Sun: Dark Dawn works. I was able to get to the intro screen. Will post later if it needs a patch or not.
  19. Dark8

    Dark8 Member

    It might be your micro SD in that case, since I believe that was a common issue as well. Try reformatting the card or (if all else fails) get a new one. If not that, redownload the image and ensure it's a clean one if you haven't already.

    Anyway, to update. I've seemingly already encountered the other common hiccup, that being the log pushing. I was able to get through that entire segment of the game without any issues. So I'm fairly certain that it does indeed work on CycloDS 1.61 at this point. It's only a matter of time before EDGE/iEDGE users should be able to play just fine, what with it essentially being a Cyclo clone.
  20. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    The EDGE isn't essentially a Cyclo clone, it IS a Cyclo clone down to it's very core. They just need a couple days to steal the Cyclo's latest firmware update so that they can then change it ever so slightly to work on their cart and release it under the impression that they did all of the work.

    Seriously, they didn't even wait very long when the Cyclo's last firmware update came out. Just a day or two later, BAM, Edge 2.0.