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[NDS] Golden Sun: Dark Dawn (U) AP + Compatibility Issues Topic

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by iluvfupaburgers, Nov 28, 2010.

  1. Singularity_UK

    Singularity_UK Well-Known Member

    I'm still having this weird problem where touching a very specific log in the first little area outside of Patcher's Place either physically or with psyenergy makes the game freeze. It's rather annoying me.
  2. Pi.Face.can.flick

    Pi.Face.can.flick Active Member

    How can I patch, or just give me a link to download (Lazily sits down and wait)
  3. Number8

    Number8 Member

    You guys should just get a new flash card lol, patching this game is a bitch, and doesn't seem like many people are working hard at it, it'd be easier to buy the game at this point or get a new card. They aren't even that expensive...they are anywhere from $15-$25.
  4. will1008

    will1008 Well-Known Member

    They're probably more expensive than that here in the Philippines. Or, at least, near where I go. (Games are about $40-$60 and carts are about $20. Cheapest is the R4, $16)
    And I'm still saving my money.
  5. SideLinePunk

    SideLinePunk Active Member

    I think I may have stumbled upon another AP device?
    At the beginning of the game, when you are given your first forced save, there is a chest nearby that is supposed to give you a sword. On my cart, I get an unnamed item that looks like a gold coin or shield. Thus, I can't progress any further because the exit is blocked until I get that sword.

    Using AKAIO 1.8.1, with a Sandisk mSD card. Using trimmed unpatched/original rom.
  6. wolf_link

    wolf_link New Member

    Sounds like a bug. Try untrimmed.
  7. ogh3

    ogh3 Well-Known Member

    Can somebody help?
    I have tried over 30 different Roms and it is still black screen when I open up the game......
    I am using a (fake) R4i SDHC from r4rts.cn
  8. Dark8

    Dark8 Member

    Jhon: Is there any specific piece of the code that'd need to be altered? I have a hex editor, so I could use the alteration directly.
  9. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    I'm no expert on hex, I'm not even close to understanding it either. But I've heard about a program name 'hexcmp' who's purpose is to do hexdecimal comparison between 2 files on 1 screen and has the fuction to let you do editing in it too.

    Maybe, if you can do comparison check between the U / E version with the already cracked J version, would speed up finding the codes for making the patch. But again you need to know how to read hexdecimal first, which I'm obviously not able to.
  10. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

  11. will1008

    will1008 Well-Known Member

    Wait, the Japanese version was already cracked?
  12. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    If you have somethink like Hxd portable: http://www.pendriveapps.com/hxd-portable-hex-editor/

    You can backup your original ROM, you are trying to fix - ma-be in a 7zip file for safe keeping

    Extrack a new copy and try hex editing it, to what you thinks best: If the hex don't work get a fresh copy from the archive and try again

    It's Best way to lean

    ARM9 of the ROM starts at 0x00004000 - be-for this is the header of the ROM

    Get the starting address for the ROM of ARM7 with a emulator

    Are dissemble a ROM with DSLasy - but waning dslasy will trim a ROM

    Are use CrystalTile2 - http://gbatemp.net/index.php?showtopic=53383 , some .dll drivers be might need to be downloaded

    My upload full with .dll's CrystalTile2.rar : http://www.mediafire.com/?wo55q2zd7623rz6

    Don't worry no-think will brake your DS, it will just not work if not done right - then try again!
    Post Merge: [time]1292761553[/time]
    So was the (U) version , but it only fixes the freezing issue not black screens on loading
  13. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Yes, and like Jhon said, so does the USA version. But there are some other issues need to solve too. Such as the no-encounter, freeze, etc. I can't read or understand much Japanese, so even if its 100% working, doesn't do me much difference....I'll be stuck anyway. For the Japanese version there's a patch from Rudolph.
  14. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Some (JAP) games load anyway - the whole data was changed from the (J) version form what (U) and (E) uses

    Take EO3 (J) loads fine but only 32mb - the (U) rom 64mb has white screens on the no$gba - where the (J) version just loads fine as is ?? - weard lol!
  15. richass52

    richass52 Member

    I was trying to use the no$gba debugger to find out why it gets stuck at a black screen on loadup. Even with gba Bios enabled, it keeps getting bad i/o's, bad jump to addresses, and uncompatible opcodes... I can't even run the game on no$gba, so I won't be any help
  16. Rainntears

    Rainntears Member

    Sob , golden sun really works on this security...for edge patchers... plz dont give up, there's a lot of person counting on you. lol
  17. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    My youtube video

    How to run most games with black or white screen issues on loading, Through No$zoomer alone without encrypting the ROM it's self


    How to meganova page http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=50586.0

    No$debugger - disable goto Xcept, disable all warnings , OK - options and save options - the degugger give's white screens

    Tend to get a reaction aound offset with no$gba debugger

    00 00 14 E1
  18. Bowser-jr

    Bowser-jr Well-Known Member

    Um, why not email the edge team or put a post under there their technical help forum. I sent an email to TeamCyclo and they replied that they are working on it at the moment along with a few other games that will not load or play correctly.
  19. Singularity_UK

    Singularity_UK Well-Known Member

    Isn't this game supposed to work with Wood R4 1.19? I finally managed to update it properly and the game now loads up without the black screen (previously I'd have to use to 1.19.nds file.) So I have 1.19 now, and people are saying it works with this (I have the ROM from the OP of this thread) but I'm still freezing when I touch a log in the Goma Highlands Road.

    Maybe the rom/save file has corrupted or something? Perhaps because I've been running the game using 1.15 with a 1.19.nds file until now?
  20. Dark8

    Dark8 Member

    Hm. If I knew anything about Hexadecimal coding, I'd try to take a crack at this myself though it's probably not the best way to start (as I wouldn't know what I'm looking at). It's tempting to take a look at the stuff Jhon posted. And Bowser, good to know that they ARE trying to get it working theirselves. Wish they'd have done it sooner, though.

    @ Sigularity: Making a new .sav or downloading a new clean, untrimmed image might fix the issue. If there's any trimming or alterations, it can make the game malfunction like that. Other than that, it could be the flashcard itself (either it being a fake, or the update didn't go through properly).