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[NDS] Golden Sun: Dark Dawn (U) AP + Compatibility Issues Topic

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by iluvfupaburgers, Nov 28, 2010.

  1. Singularity_UK

    Singularity_UK Well-Known Member

    Except I can't load up Golden Sun. Maybe I should just wait a while until the whole AP is completely circumvented.
  2. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Loads file for me...

    Are you using and r4 original are a clone r4 ?

    Mabe a good format of the microSD chip might do it some good...
  3. Singularity_UK

    Singularity_UK Well-Known Member

    I'm pretty sure it's an original; I found it a pawn shop and the owners just thought it was another DS game and were selling it with the SD card for four pounds. So I'm not certain, but it has that holographic R4 sticker on the cart.

    I would back up and format were it not for that strange corrupted _DS_MENU system file (not DAT) which won't copy. I don't know if it's essential or not so I'm reluctant to delete it.
  4. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    try using ysmenu. it could be it is a fake and you didnt know
  5. Singularity_UK

    Singularity_UK Well-Known Member

    I used to have ysmenu but it wouldn't load newer games so I updated to Wood R4, which is much nicer looking anyway. I haven't had any problems with with games until this.
  6. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    get ysmenu again, im guessing. yes, it is not as good looking, but i personally think is better. v6.42
  7. irpacynot

    irpacynot Well-Known Member

    A two-three month disappearance followed by no mention of the original Evo (or the disappearance itself) whatsoever. My impression is they're simply moving on. As far as their slice of the flash-cart market is concerned, it makes sense financially, as the competition offer their wares at much cheaper prices. The iEvo, however, is something more competitive in that regard, and with the life of the DSi obviously very limited in light of the soon-to-be-released 3DS, I can't imagine why they would bother with the original Evo anymore.

    We clear now?
  8. Noukon

    Noukon Active Member

    That kinda pointed out why they WOULD update it again.

    With new stuff like the 3ds out eventually, they'll need a couple final patchs before ditching support.... why piss off more buyers of an older model when they could have used up a bit of time updating it?

    Sure, support will be cut when or if they can make a 3ds cart or something... but right now they'll prob. just update one or 2 more times and be done with it.

    At least financially speaking... they can still get more money from a product so its stupid to ditch support for it.
  9. kyooc

    kyooc Member

    bump not working w cyclo ds yet?
  10. mattresses

    mattresses New Member

    No, we're really not. Their 2-3 month disappearance was followed by a firmware update for the Evo, and preceded by a 2-month disappearance. I don't see anything out of the ordinary. Development for the DS is slowing down, as to be expected for a console reaching the end of it's lifetime, less games require fixes as less are released. Golden Sun is a significant outlier, but it will need to be fixed for the iEvo as well. As the firmware for both will no doubt be similar, being for variations of the same console and being developed by the same team, why would they not provide the fix for both products?
  11. OLK

    OLK Well-Known Member

    I played the full game on No$GBA with No$Zoomer. You just have to enable EX0 and EX5. EX3 is optional.

    The graphical glitches are annoying but aren't a major issue
  12. Gregar7777

    Gregar7777 Active Member

    Whenever i search for patches for edge for goldne sun ds why is it i always find dstwo patches?Anyway, the ppl who update edge had better work faster cuz i was really lookin forward ta it....
  13. Noukon

    Noukon Active Member

    You try to learn the technique if your that impatient.

    Unlike Pokemon games or other popular ones- There aren't swarms of people putting up documentation of the rom for hackers to get at.

    Some people dont have the time to read threw code and files all day to find anything pointing toward the AP.

    Since none of the people on this thread who supposedly "Found" the AP havent shared their knowledge, you're screwed.


    Besides, it isnt really a priority since alot of carts and emu's actually work with it... Edge, Cyclo, and No$gba are basically the only ones that dont work.

    If your REALLY impatient, buy the game...
  14. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    you know what is quicker than waiting for a patch? getting the actual game or another flashcart.
  15. Bowser-jr

    Bowser-jr Well-Known Member

    Yet, most of us don't want to pay for a game that we can actually obtain for free. Again, we just have to wait for either a patch for the game or an update for the firmware.
  16. blazetiger4

    blazetiger4 Member

    There we go with not wanting to pay again. It's that reasoning that brings these AP into these games in the first place. By the time a patch comes out (if any), Golden Sun will probably be old news and Black would've came out in America already. I'm exaggerating a bit, but those that want to play it THAT badly should just shell out 35 bucks instead of complaining if its that important to them.
  17. Dark8

    Dark8 Member

    Ugh, this. I know I'm guilty, but at least I actually WILL buy games if only to support their sales. Foreign ones, admittedly, is a different story what with importing and all. But I'm with the above poster in that mindsets like yours are WHY games/programs/whatever even have AP measures in the first place. I mean, sheesh, the game's $35. A far cry from the NES/SNES/Genesis days when games could easily go for $70+ and some even hit closer to $90. So yeah, either get the game itself or a flashcard that'll support it. Both would be ideal to support Dark Dawn's sales, but eh. I forget how deplorable society can get sometimes.
  18. dezmomo

    dezmomo Well-Known Member

    Patch for R4 Ultra?
  19. Bowser-jr

    Bowser-jr Well-Known Member

    So some people don't want to pay. Maybe they just wanna save money since it's something that is NOT a necessity. If people want to buy the game or not, it's there choice.
  20. blazetiger4

    blazetiger4 Member

    That's what I'm talking about. If people want it so badly, then people need to stop complaining about it, buy it, or find how to do the AP themselves. I wait for games to come out too and I download it, but there's no reason to come up here and just go "Can someone make a CycloDS patch please???" over and over again.

    And before anything arises out of this, I never said you said any of this, I'm speaking in general.