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[NDS] Golden Sun: Dark Dawn (U) AP + Compatibility Issues Topic

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by iluvfupaburgers, Nov 28, 2010.

  1. Number8

    Number8 Member

    Old or new, doesn't work on EZFlash V
    Thanks anyways :/
  2. king_leo

    king_leo Well-Known Member

    you posted that before, don't spam

    ill look for cyclods firmware update
  3. JackZBlack

    JackZBlack New Member

    did u think there will be a firmware update? oo
  4. NdsGamingFreak

    NdsGamingFreak Well-Known Member

    king_leo please do a r4 deluxe clone fix before anything else!
  5. shineon25

    shineon25 New Member

    Dude .. do I even have to comment this? You don't see whats wrong with this on your own do you?

    king_leo does this whole thing for free. Even if you say "please". It's just rude ... especially the second part of this sentence. I mean .. wth?!
  6. TIMMY T

    TIMMY T New Member

    I think the best thing for us EDGE users is just to wait for the new firmware to come out
  7. igieboy900

    igieboy900 Member

    I totally agree with you, they all whine and I guess they just sit there and wait.And that what leechers do. geez
  8. blazetiger4

    blazetiger4 Member

    Hm. I have a CycloDS, and I'm waiting to see if anyone can manage anything, but I'm not gonna complain or anything. I just beat it on my sister's R4. ;)

    I guess the fun way of doing things would be to let them do it on their own if they complain too much. :D

    But to everyone else attempting to make a patch for CycloDS, I really appreciate it. Thank you from everyone that can't do this kind of stuff on their own. :)
  9. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    try ysmenu 6.41
  10. will1008

    will1008 Well-Known Member

    Please do not be selfish. Some people here were waiting for a long time.
    It may seem so, but EDGE just released v2.0 and it took them a long time on that part. Maybe it would take them a long time for the next one, too.
  11. Number8

    Number8 Member

    Well I was working on patching this ROM, but I got a new flash card, sooo I've pretty much given up. Too many lines of hex code, like King_Leo said it would take too long and I'm kinda tired of reading it all lol and non of the things I tried work, guess just wait for King_Leo to work his magic or for Xdelta patch. Good luck to everyone :/
  12. avaloch

    avaloch Member

    I'm still hoping for a patch to come out and would be really grateful if it did! :)
  13. will1008

    will1008 Well-Known Member

    Yeah? Well, all of us are.
  14. athemoe

    athemoe Well-Known Member

    not me :)

    I have wood r4 :)
  15. will1008

    will1008 Well-Known Member

    ..all of us EDGE/Cyclo DS users.
  16. irpacynot

    irpacynot Well-Known Member

    Team Cyclops updated their news yesterday, and to me, it's a clear indication they no longer intend to support their existing card. They seem to be moving on to iEvo, so if you're waiting for a fix for this game, it will likely HAVE TO come from within the community.
  17. mattresses

    mattresses New Member

    What on earth are you basing that on? The newspost doesn't even remotely suggest that. I think it's extremely unlikely TC would cut support for their initial product immediately after the release of the iEvo, quite likely the firmware for both products are similar enough that revisions will be released concurrently.
  18. Singularity_UK

    Singularity_UK Well-Known Member

    Well this is annoying.

    I have Wood R4 1.19, and the Golden Sun ROM loads up fine. I was playing for about 2 hours, when I reached this little area with a log I'd have to push. I went up to it and suddenly the top screen went all static and fuzzy and the game froze. Thinking it might just be a one-off, I tried it again. The same thing happened. Wondering if it was just some weird thing to do with manually pushing the log, I tried to use psyenergy but no such luck, it froze again.

    Now reading this thread it seems that everyone else with Wood R4 1.19 has been able to play the game just fine, which perplexes me. Other games work perfectly on the flashcart. I'm assuming this is some sort of AP but I'd like to know if anyone else has been getting this problem.

  19. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    are you using codes while playing the game?
  20. Singularity_UK

    Singularity_UK Well-Known Member

    I don't think so, how would I check? I haven't installed anything other than ROMs onto my R4 card, if that has something to do with it.

    Cheers for the speedy reply by the way.