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[NDS] Golden Sun: Dark Dawn (U) AP + Compatibility Issues Topic

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by iluvfupaburgers, Nov 28, 2010.

  1. Number8

    Number8 Member

    Alright, I get that. Guess I'll head to Google first, and if I really get stuck, I'll ask him, but will try to avoid it lol.
  2. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    It's not a good idea to actually ask somebody that has experience? Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot that Google is FARRRR more reliable.
  3. phaized

    phaized Member

    I don't think he was implying it the way you took it. It seemed more like he was just suggesting he try to figure out a bit about working with AP on his own first, and then if needed ask for information from king_leo, rather than bombarding him with questions regarding it first thing. It's a lot easier to help someone who understands the basics rather than starting with those core explanations. Even if he has some experience with hex editing etc, he said himself he doesn't really know what to look for in the form of AP right? Rather than having king_leo explain everything from the beginning and slow him down with his own work, having him look up the basics on his own and then refining that further with some information from king_leo seems like a better option.

    Just my opinion on the situation.
  4. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Except when staring at the hex code, even if you know how to manipulate it, people aren't going to be able to just say "Oh, there's the AP!"

    No, you need a starting point that isn't blindly poking at the code praying that you find something relevant and don't totally trash the ROM file. I suggesting asking king_leo on how to get started. ie: How to find where the AP is on their own. If he already has experience hex editing, then it isn't like they'll have to start from square one.

    Think about the process and you'll find that the check and guess method isn't the way to go. Googling isn't as reliable as a human source, and the only people that would be "bombarding" him with messages would be the standard "it dunt wurk help!" I don't think a simple question of how to get started would be a life ender.
  5. danielpal

    danielpal New Member

    i used an r4 ultra with an akaio 1.8 firmware and it worked well but on an area after the four lighthouses trial when you push the log the game freezes and the upper screen glicthes
  6. phaized

    phaized Member

    We appear to agree on part of it, being that even if you know how to manipulate it you can't just find it if you don't know what you're looking for. That was exactly my point, learning how to try to find it yourself on your own first is a better method, in my opinion, than starting out by asking. Most people that are into the concepts of programming and modifying things feel similarly, it's best to try to figure it out on your own, then ask when you're stumped. I'm not saying asking him is bad, I just personally feel looking into the concept of finding the AP via other sources first, and then asking is better to do. No need to get snappy.

    Really it comes down to what knowledge he already has, and also king_leo's personal opinion as well, both of which I can't comment on. I was just getting my opinion out there o_O in my experience it's easier to help someone who has already tried to figure it out on their own.
  7. Number8

    Number8 Member

    You guys are all pretty much right, and I don't plan on asking him "it dunt wurk help!" type of questions, because I know those can get annoying. The only way I know how to MAYBE find where the AP is, is to compare King_Leo's patched rom and the original one, which will give me an idea as to where it might start or at least what line it's in. At that point, I would have to figure out exactly which hex values to edit in order to bypass the AP. Then I'd have to test it in an emulator. That's my theory on how it will work, now all I need is just more general information on all of this. Hopefully King_Leo or someone else patches this before I figure it out, because though I do have some knowledge, it's going to probably take me a hell of a lot longer than it would probably take King_Leo or another person who has had experience patching. Well wish me luck, lol. Thanks for all the replies and insights!

    Oh and is NO$GBA recommended? From what I read it has the best compatibility with games.
  8. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    No$GBA with the use of No$Zoomer with BIOS enabled. Find jhons No$GBA tutorial in the tutorials section to download the full package to make BIOS work correctly.

    DeSmume is really probably the best compatibility wise, but it is very slow.
  9. STR1KU

    STR1KU Member

    I would say let the experts do their job. Its not easy to crack, especially if u have no basic. If its that easy, it won't go this far to bypass the AP. Been waiting for 2 weeks and still counting for EDGE to be cracked :D
  10. Number8

    Number8 Member

    Well there is no harm in trying, and learning something new while I'm at it.
  11. king_leo

    king_leo Well-Known Member

    I say give it a try, i would not recommend comparing my rom to clean rom, unless you have the time, if so do that

    if it matters, i have gotten 0 pms about this, so i remember :p

    only page 39? i swear kingdom hearts had over 100 pages after the first few weeks, pokemon in 1 day had 100 pages
  12. will1008

    will1008 Well-Known Member

    Tried decrypting the ROM with eNDryptS Advanced, ROM still doesn't work on EDGE v2.0
  13. Number8

    Number8 Member

    What other way would you recommend? I do have time, but is there an easier method that wouldn't take too much of your time explaining?

    And wow, thought this ROM would be more popular :/, GS series was one of the best rpgs I played for GBA in my day.
  14. dorkuss

    dorkuss New Member

    Tried the patched rom on an R-4 clone.....think it was called R4-Revolution Upgrade....and still not working. I already tried the clean rom, along with upgrading the firmware but still black screen.....the european version also hasn't done anything. Any suggestions?

    Edit: nvm, got it to boot now =)
  15. fabvini

    fabvini Well-Known Member

    I'm using EDGE 2.0 and when I load the rom I get a black screen.....
  16. igieboy900

    igieboy900 Member

    we all knew that, and were making our very best to decipher this thing up although I havent have any clue how to fix this up >_<
  17. irpacynot

    irpacynot Well-Known Member

    So...to sum up, CycloDS users are SoL, as far as this game is concerned?

    Ah well, couldn't have happened to a better game, I suppose.
  18. Try this possible ap fix
  19. icehawk78

    icehawk78 New Member

    Cyclo 1.60 - Does NOT work. Black screen, still.
  20. Rainntears

    Rainntears Member

    Sob.. there's still no one can patch it for Edge 2.0.... :-\ :'(