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[NDS] Golden Sun: Dark Dawn (U) AP + Compatibility Issues Topic

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by iluvfupaburgers, Nov 28, 2010.

  1. blazetiger4

    blazetiger4 Member

    well there aren't random encounters in certain places anymore, like a lot of temples and such. and in general, places with a lot of huge puzzles, pretty much.

    but still beatable, imo.
  2. phaized

    phaized Member

    My Supercard DSTwo just came in today. Currently using the Robotkillers dump, no changes whatsoever, running EOS 1.08 clean with no problems. I dunno what to say other than try formatting your card, it should be working.
  3. Hokap

    Hokap Member

    Should also state your SD card, what you did before hand to make it work. I have Akaio 1.8.1, and for me its not working on a Kingston 4gb SD card.
  4. king_leo

    king_leo Well-Known Member

    just saying, if cyclo was to release firmware for cyclods they would post it today or tomorrow (knowing most other things that come out on sunday)
  5. Thatguyiskev

    Thatguyiskev Member

    it seems i had messed up with hacks and now i cant recruit amiti... is his class important in this game? psynergy, blah blah? or is there any way to recruit him again...? i used the wall hack and walked through his castle because i was too lazy to find the way out...
  6. phaized

    phaized Member

    You will need to have him, he's the only character within the game with access to a particular Psynergy and well, he's part of the story o_O it's not like Golden Sun's just one of those where you either get a recruitable or don't, they're forced upon you. So yeah, you'll need him.

    Also, well, Golden Sun's not a game to cheat your way through lol. The key part of Golden Sun games is the puzzles etc, if you can't even deal with getting out of an area, not the series for you.
  7. blazetiger4

    blazetiger4 Member

    although there's no need to use hacks... youll get him once you leave after messing with the psynergy well a little while after getting the sol mask and all that. after that, i dunno.

    all he has thats really important is the "Insight" Psynergy. Plus, he's like the "Piers" of the group.

    so... yeah, sucks for ya.
  8. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    backup your games, format your card, try again by putting your firmware along with your games and again the latest ysmenu of retro, i had the same problem, doing it so solved it, permanently

    if SD formatter is not working, try rigth cliking on the card windows has a formatting option
  9. Ultima15

    Ultima15 Member

    Ummm...Ok...I got the game to load...but when I'm loading the firmware, I can't see the folder names or the data at all. All I see is lots of black and lines of blue and purple. Someone help? Or is that how it's supposed to look?
  10. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Which firmware are you using exactly? That is generally a sign of something amiss with the firmware in any case though.
  11. Ultima15

    Ultima15 Member

    Well...I'm using the ysmenu/ttmenu 6.40 and the wood r4 1.8 both
  12. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Which flash cart? Go ahead and tell me exactly what it says on the front of it. Makes it easier.
  13. Ultima15

    Ultima15 Member

    original r4...any other questions?
  14. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    kk, you have no use for YSMenu then. I guess you can keep it in the form of NDS file if you want, but Wood R4 is superior in every way.

    This sounds like the exact problem I had switching from YSMenu to Wood R4 back when Wood R4 first launched. Sadly, it does require you to back up everything and format the MicroSD card. There is no other way to fix the issue.
  15. Ultima15

    Ultima15 Member

    Well...actually it says on the thing dstt, but the extraction folder said ysmenu/dstt 6.40. Does that change anything?
  16. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    What "thing?"
  17. Ultima15

    Ultima15 Member

    The system and nds files say tt menu...
  18. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Your multiple system files may be conflicting due to improper use of them, I'm not sure. If you have an Original R4 for sure though, 100%, just use Wood R4. It is more reliable in updates and is infinitely better than YSMenu could ever hope to be.
  19. Ultima15

    Ultima15 Member

    Ok ok...i took out everthing, formatted, and put only my games and the wood r4 1.18, but the same thing happened. I cant see the calendar and the bottom screen and shit. The games work though..
  20. not working on my Galaxy Eagle i (GEi) rom :'(
    are there AP patch release yet?