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[NDS] Golden Sun: Dark Dawn (U) AP + Compatibility Issues Topic

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by iluvfupaburgers, Nov 28, 2010.

  1. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    (Note) - Remember for TTDS users replace the ttpatch.dat into the TTMenu foder , and for YSMenu uses replace in the r4patch.dat into the TTMenu folder with extinfo/infolib/savlib -

    Are you would get white screens over wise
  2. The AR Code doesn't work with CycloDS. Just wanted ya guys to know.
  3. phaized

    phaized Member

    AR code does not work on CycloDS.

    EDIT: <.< late by 30 seconds
  4. spyro202

    spyro202 Active Member

    Thanks a bunch for the link...now I can play with my mind at ease!
  5. shitaki

    shitaki Member

    I hope the cyclods patch comes soon...
  6. Something is wrong with Team Cyclops. Their forums have been down for 2 months and their site is quiet. I don't know what's going on there. Used to TC would release compatibility updates the moment a new game came out. Heck, they've been working on their new "Beta Firmware" for 4 months now and it's still in B4.
  7. imp24

    imp24 Active Member

    same with EDGE 2.0
    AR doesn't work
  8. shitaki

    shitaki Member

    They released 1.6.0 stable like on the 27th, but we need still need an ap
  9. Yeah, after 2 and a half months of 1.59.
  10. shitaki

    shitaki Member

    That's true, I wondering who's working on the ap patch? is VENOM working on this?
  11. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    havent seen a VENOM release since FF 4 heroes of light. so it is unlikely he is working on a patch
  12. The "Underground" Tend to be very unforgiving with their gifts. Sometimes, just to prove a point, they'll let big named titles go without any fixes just to show who's really in control. These guys just do it for fun, and to be the first of the scene to get things out. Making fixes for games is usually something they do for the heck of it, and like 4chan users, they aren't afraid of throwing their weight around when people start begging for them.
  13. sylvio

    sylvio Member

    Works perfect on my card and AKAIO 1.8.1 ;)

    btw. That how should look battles at pokemon games. :)
  14. refaans

    refaans Member

    OK, WORKS with YSM3 6.40 (fixed version) on M3 DS Real, but I have a new problem. I just heard "CLICK" and my DS shut off by itself. Has happened a few times before with games with high AP: Super Scribblenauts, Pokémon Platinum and now Golden Sun: Dark Dawn. Should I reformat my SD or something or is my M3 just dying on me. Oh well, I think I will just buy the fricken game when it's out here...
  15. Upperbutt

    Upperbutt New Member

  16. Amorda

    Amorda Well-Known Member

    Can someone please help me? I am trying to use the TTmenu. I had Pong's old version and I downloaded the newst version from the previous link that was posted in this thread. So I figured I would just erase all the old TTmenu stuff and just copy and paste in ALL of the newest files. However, there was no TTmenu.nds file. So, I put the older version of TTmeu back on my sd card and then copy and replaced extinfo, infolib, and savlib as well as the ttpatch.dat but I keep getting a white screen when I load Golden Sun. Can someone help me? I am using an R4i sdhc red box and trying to use the TTmenu. I had no problem setting it up before with pokemon black, so I'm not a complete noob.
  17. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    try changing ttmenu.dat to ttmenu.nds
  18. Amorda

    Amorda Well-Known Member

    Trying now...

    It loads the ttmenu. But when I go to load the game the ttmeu freezes. Hmmmmm. Thanks for the response though.
  19. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    did you use to have ysmenu? if you did, put it again. then just replace the extinfo, savlib, and infolib from the ttmenu v6.40 to your ttmenu folder on your sd card
  20. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    I just HEX patched FF 4 heroes of light it aint so hard!