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[NDS] Golden Sun: Dark Dawn (U) AP + Compatibility Issues Topic

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by iluvfupaburgers, Nov 28, 2010.

  1. CalamityDjenn

    CalamityDjenn Member

    Juste create a new data line in extinfo.dat with an hex editor or ttdt.exe.
    Label it BO5E - 07620610.
    Then, open it to edit its contain and creata each offset given above and fill them with the associated hexadecimal data also.

    Also, donnot forget to edit infolib.dat 'cause the game would not boot if you don't do so.
    Copy the BO5E - 31F8E805 line and rename it BO5E - 07620610, taht's all.
  2. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    I have not had time to work on this - Arr dam electricity cut out lol!

    Always stay with BO5E - 07620610 : are it might sometimes be in extinfo i don't know why BO5E 00000000

    extinfo and infolib always uses the encrypted ID - But play with your original decrypted as is ROM

    A few of the hex in infolib.dat would need a chage that's what needs working out - I know the offsets are right for extinfo as i have check the original ROM - the (J) ROM dose work fine Encrypted game ID BO5J 31F8E805

    And used DeSmuME and check both offsets and hex - get the (J) hex first.. at that location for the (J) ROM - and use the hex reverse in ram search with (U) ROM

    I'm sure extinfo is 100% right - just card command in infolib.dat might be off in the hex , do some comparing with (J) - (E) - (U) Roms of the same game of any!
  3. #1 Hawk

    #1 Hawk New Member

    What are the hex values for 0xD0000000?
  4. Xeronage

    Xeronage Member

    Don't have a DSTT. Read before you try to correct me. I'm trying to use the extinfo to directly edit the ROM and use cheats to edit the DS RAM.

  5. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Anyway im not gowing to get anythink done taking hear lol - Im now gowing to add it in myself in extinfo.dat and infolib.dat and check both roms!
  6. Tehcactus

    Tehcactus Well-Known Member

    Well, I'm going to try it. I hope my SD Card works!
  7. mario1394

    mario1394 Member

    Hey is there a tutorial or something for using the TTdt editor, i am using it right now and i am quite not sure if i have done it right. If there is one can you tell me please.
  8. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    How many this do i have to say it's only for ttds and ysmenu

    I figured out that if you take out offsets from the (J) rom


    That it will boot just two black screen's

    The part in infolib.dat to chage will be

    60 96 04 00

    Fill the rest with FF's and it still boots for the (J) rom

    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 44 E3 00 00 00 00 00 00
    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 9C E3 00 00 C0 E4 00 00
    08 E4 00 00 78 E5 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 E6 00 00
    38 E7 00 00 2C E8 00 00 60 96 04 00 FF FF FF FF
    30 09 00 00 88 FB 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF
  9. Xeronage

    Xeronage Member

    How many times do I have to say this: The hex offsets and values are universal

    Anyhow. I've converted it to M3DSReal Cheat Files and the AP remains. Where did you get those offsets from? Did you copypaste it from a JP version? Of course its not going to work on the US version then is it?
  10. Brawl-X

    Brawl-X Active Member

    The above works for me. Its actually playable. I did that sound thing this guy mention earlier, it still gurgles but not really as bad without it. So again, this is very playable on DESMUME 0.96 x86 running a 2 gig laptop.
  11. rexasaurus

    rexasaurus Member

    Hey guys I just got it working for my DSTWO with 1.08 firmware.
    Here's what I did::

    Highlight the rom, press (X), scroll down to -Mode-, mine was set to default [Patch], change that to [Clean].

    That's how I got it working for me! I'm off to play now, take care!
  12. mario1394

    mario1394 Member

    I am sorry to be annoying to you but you misunderstand me. What im really asking is "i dont understand what exactly im changing-or am i suppose to create the file as an extension. Okay heres where im at- im at the ttdt menu, am i suppose to open a file im suppose to download or am i suppose to create one and copy everything you have posted into it.
    My bad once again for not understanding this all to well.
  13. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    The offsets some have changed location of where the same hex are in ram to patch
  14. CalamityDjenn

    CalamityDjenn Member

    Could that help to generate infolib data ... ?
  15. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Just tested with the (J) rom

    No matter what i do to extinfo.dat Just black screen's - add in the data again it loads!


    Is importent

    For (U) rom


    0x023FC400 is a dead and zone 00's ?...

    It must have that part in infolib - i will messup infolib.dat for this (J) game and see if i have white screens are not

    Post Merge: [time]1290980651[/time]
    That will not bypass errcode at all - the game has to load fully - as is befor data is genrated in the LIB folder
    Post Merge: [time]1290980961[/time]
    Yes just as i thought infolib cause of white screen

    any one of these changed in the (J) ROM

    60 96 04 00

    So what could be (U) lol!

    I chage 60 to 90 white screens - just as a tester !
    Post Merge: [time]1290981543[/time]
    Anyway will have a drink and give it a bash in the morning!

    Night all!

    If you wish to give a combernation a go ? for infolib.dat please do - (note) 04 00 should remain the same!
  16. thao1211

    thao1211 Member

    night time wow it only 4 here i just buy the game stupid hex
  17. CalamityDjenn

    CalamityDjenn Member

    From GBATemp, talking about the .dat files :
    [quote author='retrogamefan']

    Ummmm, if you are referring to the extinfo data that has been posted in this thread and the other thread, then you are mistaken....extinfo is not OK...not trying to cause any trouble or stir up anything...it's just better that you all know that

    So that is what I thought, extinfo.dat has got a problem.
  18. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    @ CalamityDjenn

    How can retro say that at the GBAtemp ? - he did not even look at the extinfo on, New extinfo.dat released November 21, 20

    on page 49 where you placed it!
  19. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Well, with my DS's top screen being broke, the game not working on my firmware anyways, and my sister currently using my MicroSD card, I have decided just to play the first two Golden Sun games on the not-broken screen on my DS.

    DeSmuME works like complete crap for me, and No$GBA has become a lost cause it seems for updates to fix the many game breaking issues that arise with many games. Bah.
  20. CalamityDjenn

    CalamityDjenn Member

    Don't know I am just repeating what he said and I donnot believe he would lie, no one has nothing to gain doing so.
    Then, we should have another look on these extinfo.dat offsets' data.