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NDS games that made you say the F word

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by th3echelon89, Sep 23, 2009.

  1. Tomaszek131

    Tomaszek131 Active Member

    Phoenix Wright..
    I like 1 point left to mess up on an objection. So I do, and it's game over.. THEN I FORGET THAT I DIDN'T SAVE!
  2. koyuchan

    koyuchan Well-Known Member

    Started the day of rune factory too, the watercan still noob, hasn't upgrade, then must watered the plants 1 by 1, did some quests,talked to people to improve friendship points, go to school, learning, hunting, it was time for bed (I usually save before or after sleep) , suddenly the game freezed , F*** !!!
  3. th3echelon89

    th3echelon89 Well-Known Member

    Haha almost all of the games in the DS are just pure SH*T. Sometimes the character just won't do the things you want them to do.

    GTA Chinatown Wars is shit also. Sometimes I just want to throw the game away because I cannot kill one single person. F*CK THAT SH*T. :)
  4. maximillard

    maximillard Active Member

    rythem heaven, its make me say a lot of F word, but still playin' it until now (just love the monkey-fans and karate man XD):p
  5. hahahahaha

    hahahahaha Well-Known Member

    Ruler of the Sky from KH: Days
  6. MysticMaja

    MysticMaja Well-Known Member

    Dementium! When I first came across those flying clown heads/banshees/whatever and it took like 6 shots to kill each :| Surprised the hell out of me.
  7. noitenshi

    noitenshi Well-Known Member

    Final Fantasy 4. That whole Golbez battle in the underground after you visit the dwarves. Also, Rubicant and Dr. Lugae. =/
  8. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    SO... MANY...FAILS! THAT... I... DID... TOO....! NAAAOOOO!!!

    Pokemon Explorers of Time and Blue Mystery Team...

    THAT was two~four years ago too...
    I only cussed in my head 3 or more years ago. Then I started calling those evil people bastards and it went downhill from there...

    AND... Brain Age and similar games. I hated it when they called me any older than 30 years old... I said... F*CK! IM NOT THAT STUPID!
  9. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Taiko no tastujin ds and mecha taiko no tatsujin on Oni (the hardest) Mode makes me go FFFFFFF a lot!!!
  10. aznpyromaniac406

    aznpyromaniac406 Active Member

    Chocobo Tales. Those mini-games are deceptively hard.
  11. ryu776

    ryu776 Active Member

    Screw Nostalgia xD
    Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: something.
    Got up to the part where you fight some luxray or luxio squad.
    Got my ass kicked and said F*** THIS GAME. Highlighted the game on the r4 menu and pressed "X".
  12. s_quizno

    s_quizno Well-Known Member

    Any Yu-gi-oh! game is rigged in my opinion.
    Also, is it just me, or in any Battle Tower challenge, the opponent's team steadily is built to counter your own?
    Someone mentioned it already - Roaming Pokemon - curse you roaming Pokemon. Worse of all, Mesprit and Cresselia, you both suck anyways, and yet I still go after you . . . WHY?
    Rhythm Heaven's Moai doowap . . . *sob*
    I gave up on Trauma Center already . . . still stuck at that aneurism part - CURSE YOU MAGNIFYING GLASS! CURSE YOU!

    Also, I hate to say it, but Avalon Code's Book of Prophecy in the late game - F it man, F it to high heaven.
  13. g@l1h

    g@l1h Well-Known Member

    Super Robot Taisen OG Saga : Endless Frontier.
    Everytime the enemy do Forced Evasion and they do attack that can defeat your oarty member instantly.
    Especally the boss.
  14. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    Anytime I fall off the edge and die.... Mario, Zelda, N+, etc....
  15. Sarah Kreuz

    Sarah Kreuz Well-Known Member

    Since I`m a perfectionist in RPG`s there are plenty of reasons to say the F-word. I mean...grinding like hell, and anyhow problems with Bosses - or to stuck by solving a Riddle - or things like that. RPG`s are a rich source of F-words. :)
  16. th3echelon89

    th3echelon89 Well-Known Member

    Yeah. Especially when your health is in danger and you keep missing hits on the boss. That is really frustrating. F!
  17. Ghostfan

    Ghostfan Member

    marvel ultimate allience 2 for ds the second level made me say the f word like 2000 time still can't get past it. :(
  18. fahsky

    fahsky Well-Known Member

    Playing through Mario & Luigi Partners in Time before starting Bowser's Inside Story, & omg... I'm so retarded. The rooms where there's no light, & you can't see the path? I didn't realize you could hit a block & light those up until like, the fourth such room. o___o Up until that one, it was unending torturous memorization of the path & falling off a bajillion times in each...
  19. alexpk86

    alexpk86 Well-Known Member

    Etrian Odyssey II when useless mobs summon freakin' huge beasts out of nowhere. That's scary.