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[NDS] 6085 - Learn with Pokémon: Typing Adventure (EUR) (EXiMiUS) - AP Topic

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by necr0, Sep 25, 2012.

  1. maxmahito

    maxmahito Well-Known Member

    I have tested it.The game works with the patched version, albeit saving is still a problem.
  2. DeGladiator

    DeGladiator Well-Known Member

    it is playable ont he duos emu without ar cheats or other stuff
  3. rsareal

    rsareal Well-Known Member

    When will they update the patch? the waiting is killing me through seventh gate.
  4. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Saving on emulators will nether work 100% granted.

    On next firmware updates it should are will ;)

    EDIT: Cheats update by Jhon591

    AR Cheats [EUR]

    ::Max Points 999999
    5226E068 00000000
    0226E068 000F423F
    D2000000 00000000
    ::Always have Combo 100
    5226E084 00000000
    0226E084 00000063
    D2000000 00000000
    Game cheats Works on Emulators, Just can't get to work on usrcheat.dat ???
  5. Devilkid32176

    Devilkid32176 Well-Known Member

    well, waiting for akaio to produce an update, maybe... they are waiting on a certain game to be dumped first before they do a firmware update :p
  6. weavile001

    weavile001 Member

    when we´ll be able to play this game without any bugs :( ?
  7. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    The saving on emulation is not going to be fixed, Not even by the top guys 2CH .

    However upcomming flashcard updates for the real DS will, I think WoodR4 should be next .
  8. rsareal

    rsareal Well-Known Member

    Somehow I doubt the update will happen. Because for some reason the Galaxy Eagle site is in slow update.
  9. Ethereal_Int

    Ethereal_Int New Member

    OK, so does using a pc keyboard for typing work or am I missing something here? I guess I could code an autohotkey script that clicks the lower screen with the mouse, but that would take a while and probably still wind up buggy.
  10. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    For the DeSmuMe there's a file 'Pokemon Typing DS Keyboard Script.lua', not sure what its good for. If you want it, try google it.
    But I can assure you that there will not be any connection possible to link the emulator to run PC keyboard as replacement of the original Typing Pokemon Keyboard that came with the original cartridge, if you just try to do so as it is.
  11. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Attempting to dump a save on no$debugger - DL with Debugger http://www.mediafire.com/?js0l3kmi9pxigiu

    Use a copy and "Encrypt" the partly patched ROM, run no$debugger through firmware settings.

    Patch 0x02099B3C 70 BD -> 00 00 and when crash on Re-Click on ROM it dumps a save into the battery folder as see on right bottom of image.

    Now to find out where the jump call to this address are going ?....

    They is also one at 02000583E DB 43 -? C0 46 but very rare it may attempt to Dump a save in the battery folder on exit

    Image in spoiler.

  12. weavile001

    weavile001 Member

    you guys are too slow,so i bought one
  13. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member


    Glad you got the original always best :)

    BTW: not even the 2CH could do it !xd
  14. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    France version now out.


    0000547C: 00 28 F5 D0 -> 00 28 C0 46
    000486FC: 11 43 21 63 ->  00 21 21 63
    These two are ok for DeSmuME , keyboard no issue on this emulator.
  15. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Messing about with the saving for no$zoomer.

    O well somethinks starting to happen ;D

    0200147C 46C02800
    D2000000 00000000
    52004D30 FE46F0FC
    02004D30 F9D8F3F7
    52018F6C 00000FD8
    02018F6C 00001000
    5205B24C 63214311
    0205B24C 63212100
    52019658 46C04718
    02019658 FCD2F3E2
    D2000000 00000000
    02383f28 EBB000FC
    D0000000 00000000
    520009F8 E12FFF1E
    E2000560 00000088
    E92D401F E28F0024
    E5901000 E3510001
    08BD801F E5912000
    E5903004 E1520003
    05904008 05814000
    E280000C EAFFFFF5
    020F7C48 0000AF81
    0000A883 020F83F4
    0000B975 0000C127
    02105498 02105179
    0200162D 0210C030
    0210BD11 0200162D
    021022B4 02101F95
    0200162D 021022D0
    02101FF9 0200162D
    0210C058 0210BE25
    0200162D 00000001
    020009F8 EAFFFED8
    D2000000 00000000
    023FC000 480DB4FF
    023FC004 1C016800
    023FC008 31F031F0
    023FC00C 1C0C7809
    023FC010 43512278
    023FC014 300C1840
    023FC018 F41E2100
    023FC01C 1C01FACD
    023FC020 02122210
    023FC024 1C204354
    023FC028 6018A355
    023FC02C 609A6059
    023FC030 60DC2401
    023FC034 4718BCFF
    023FC038 020C30DC
    023FC03C E2810001
    023FC040 E92D401F
    023FC044 E59F4140
    023FC048 E3540001
    023FC04C 1A000005
    023FC050 E59F0128
    023FC054 E59F1128
    023FC058 E59F2128
    023FC05C E28FE06C
    023FC060 E59F3074
    023FC064 E12FFF13
    023FC068 E3540002
    023FC06C 1A000017
    023FC070 E59F0108
    023FC074 E59F1108
    023FC078 E59F2108
    023FC07C E28FE004
    023FC080 E59F3058
    023FC084 E12FFF13
    023FC088 E59F0100
    023FC08C E59F1100
    023FC090 E59F2100
    023FC094 E28FE004
    023FC098 E59F3040
    023FC09C E12FFF13
    023FC0A0 E59F00F8
    023FC0A4 E59F10F8
    023FC0A8 E59F20F8
    023FC0AC E28FE004
    023FC0B0 E59F3028
    023FC0B4 E12FFF13
    023FC0B8 E59F00F0
    023FC0BC E59F10F0
    023FC0C0 E59F20F0
    023FC0C4 E28FE004
    023FC0C8 E59F3010
    023FC0CC E12FFF13
    023FC0D0 E3A04000
    023FC0D4 E58F40B0
    023FC0D8 E8BD801F
    023FC0DC 038040B5
    023FC0E0 03804071
    023FC0E4 F505B500
    023FC0E8 B4FFFC6B
    023FC0EC 4D164C15
    023FC0F0 350C682D
    023FC0F4 2000A622
    023FC0F8 1C286030
    023FC0FC F41E2100
    023FC100 6070FA5B
    023FC104 613460B4
    023FC108 1C283578
    023FC10C F41E2100
    023FC110 6170FA53
    023FC114 006061B4
    023FC118 35786230
    023FC11C 21001C28
    023FC120 FA4AF41E
    023FC124 62B46270
    023FC128 19000060
    023FC12C 35786330
    023FC130 21001C28
    023FC134 FA40F41E
    023FC138 63B46370
    023FC13C 60F42402
    023FC140 BD00BCFF
    023FC144 00001000
    023FC148 020C30DC
  16. Blob55

    Blob55 Active Member

    Sorry about the bump, but I have a few questions; 1. Can this game work with your PC keyboard? And is there an AP Patch for saving on Desmume? Or does it already save?
  17. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Answer for both questions are .... "No!"
    You can play using your mouse on the on-screen keyboard (as provided at the bottom half of your emulator), long story short, you can't save. I won't explain why and what the possibility of getting it done. But the least you can do in order to just play (without saving ability) is use a patched rom.
  18. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    I will only save vr DS flashcards, but not emulation of any. ^^
  19. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member


    It will only save on an DS flashcard, but not emulator or anything else. ^^

  20. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Ha Ha Ha xd, in a rush editing nds section :p , few jobs at once ;) .