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[NDS] 5895 - Fossil Fighters Champions (USA) (HADOUKEN) AP thread

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Jonez001, Nov 16, 2011.

  1. Re: [NDS] XXXX - Fossil Fighters Champions (USA) AP thread

    mine is also freeze after Rupert's and Todd's fight...
  2. elfkena

    elfkena Well-Known Member

    Re: [NDS] XXXX - Fossil Fighters Champions (USA) AP thread

    If I use this will I be able to play as a girl?
    or is it a guy save?
  3. JordanB500

    JordanB500 Member

    Re: [NDS] XXXX - Fossil Fighters Champions (USA) AP thread

    hey guys im downloading fossil fighters champions now and im using iedge 2.3 i hope i dont have the same problems

    Edit: its as i feared a white screen
  4. SignZ

    SignZ Well-Known Member

    Re: [NDS] XXXX - Fossil Fighters Champions (USA) AP thread

    Same here, wanted to try some online battles only to encounter a white screen..

    Damn, that game's AP is tougher than I would have thought.
  5. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Re: [NDS] XXXX - Fossil Fighters Champions (USA) AP thread

    Use DeSmuME latest build http://www.emucr.com/search/label/NDS?&max-results=12

    rename it to .dsv in the battery folder of emulator , bypass AP freeze then rename to .nds.sav and then re-save on DS are .sav also has to match your ROM name to

    Post Merge: [time]1321525842[/time]
    Somethink not right worked fine for me: Maybe is your save for woodr4 set for .sav are .nds.sav saves ?
    Post Merge: [time]1321526374[/time]

    I did not do the original save thats on first page
  6. buchichu

    buchichu Well-Known Member

    Re: [NDS] XXXX - Fossil Fighters Champions (USA) AP thread

    WOW. I've been keeping an eye out at GBAtemp for cheats, especially at this point the frequently possible change sex cheat, lol, so I can play as a girl again. Someone created a cheats request thread for this game and immediately got banned for not putting a SPACE in the topic title. Those people are NUTS.

    Good grief, I'll just keep waiting 'cause I sure as hell ain't creating a new thread there!
    Post Merge: [time]1321532259[/time]
    Edit: just got a black screen trying to use the helicopter for the first time on SCDS2, fyi
  7. elfkena

    elfkena Well-Known Member

    Re: [NDS] XXXX - Fossil Fighters Champions (USA) AP thread

    okay I`m going to try to bypass the point and create a save with the japanese game,and then I`ll transfer the japanese save to the enlgish one I hope this will work

    didn`t work...save file corrupted message.....x(
  8. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Re: [NDS] XXXX - Fossil Fighters Champions (USA) AP thread

    Why use a JAP save ?, Some data from the version of the ROM get ritten into the save file.
  9. elfkena

    elfkena Well-Known Member

    Re: [NDS] XXXX - Fossil Fighters Champions (USA) AP thread

    I`m right now trying ANYTHING to get this to work
  10. Re: [NDS] XXXX - Fossil Fighters Champions (USA) AP thread

    Where is the AP patch/fix cause i really wont to get past the todd and rupert battle. Using AK2i akaio 1.8.8
  11. asdasd69

    asdasd69 Member

    Re: [NDS] XXXX - Fossil Fighters Champions (USA) AP thread

    is there currently any fixes for the character level? aka the fp increase
  12. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Re: [NDS] XXXX - Fossil Fighters Champions (USA) AP thread

    Be my Guest and figure it out.... So far.

    0F 50 2D E9 04 10 A0 E1 02 09 51 E3 02 19 A0 33
    B7 00 A0 E3 08 20 9F E5 32 FF 2F E1 00 E0 A0 E3
    0F 90 BD E8 7D D4 07 02 40 30 9F E5 40 40 9F E5
    00 50 94 E5 05 00 53 E1 38 40 9F 15 00 50 94 15
    05 00 53 11 30 40 9F 15 00 50 94 15 05 00 53 11
    58 50 4F 02 04 50 45 00 25 51 A0 01 FF 54 C5 03
    02 50 45 02 EB 54 85 03 00 50 84 05 F8 8F BD E8
    AF 01 C1 E5 B4 6B 1D 02 E8 70 1D 02 54 5D 14 02
    07 40 2D E9 34 00 9F E5 34 10 9F E5 00 20 91 E5
    00 00 52 E1 2C 10 9F 15 00 20 91 15 00 00 52 11
    80 20 4F 02 01 20 42 00 22 21 A0 01 FF 24 C2 03
    02 20 42 02 EA 24 82 03 00 20 81 05 07 80 BD E8
    F8 8F BD E8 B4 5A 1D 02 BC 63 14 02 00 40 2D E9
    EA FF FF EB 09 20 A0 E3 00 30 A0 E3 00 80 BD E8
    00 40 2D E9 E5 FF FF EB 00 40 A0 E1 01 30 A0 E1
    00 80 BD E8 34 00 9F E5 90 10 90 E5 30 20 9F E5
    02 00 51 E1 2C 10 9F 05 00 10 80 05 28 10 9F 05
    90 10 80 05 24 00 9F E5 00 10 90 E5 20 20 9F E5
    02 00 51 E1 1C 10 9F 05 00 10 80 05 1E FF 2F E1
    28 78 1D 02 09 22 00 23 25 F2 32 EF 25 F2 EA EE
    00 65 14 02 04 1C 0B 1C B6 F2 0E EC
  13. buchichu

    buchichu Well-Known Member

    Re: [NDS] XXXX - Fossil Fighters Champions (USA) AP thread

    I wish that meant something to me. I'm just surprised a fix hasn't come out yet by someone, somewhere. Man, people used to be so on the ball with this stuff. Seems the DS is no longer priority. :(
  14. draw42

    draw42 Member

    Re: [NDS] XXXX - Fossil Fighters Champions (USA) AP thread

    hey can i take my acekard2i and take the fossil fighter champion save file and use it for the desmume then pass the black screen rupert fight and save and take the save file back to the acekard2i? will it work? im going to try it right now :D
  15. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Re: [NDS] XXXX - Fossil Fighters Champions (USA) AP thread

    That is a real AP fix from the JAP ROM, But some of the Offsets have changed now, Has been changed for the USA ROM

    You see things like 28 78 1D 02 you put this in reverse and it become's 0x021D7828 in RAM memory.

    Anythink that ends with 14 02 and 1D 02 need's location and changing to the new address using the data fixes in memory.

    Just some of the rest i can't locate but its there somewhere.
    Post Merge: [time]1321567151[/time]
    Should do but farthr AP known, (note) always make backup copy of original save to be safe.
  16. draw42

    draw42 Member

    Re: [NDS] XXXX - Fossil Fighters Champions (USA) AP thread

    It Worked YAAY :D it seems that you have to change the sav file to dsv so you can load it with the rom, well anyway ty now i can play the game thx for the idea cause you told me about play the emulator then save and changing the dsv file to sav file and putting it to the game card thank you and i hope maybe you all should do this :p it's pretty easy to do,
    1. take the sav file from any of your flash cart of fossil fighter champion and make a back up on it on your comp
    2. take the sav file and put it in the desmume's folder called battery and put it there
    3. rename the .sav into .dsv
    4. start desmume
    5. load fossil fighter champion
    6. play through the parts you need to for example: when friend fights rupert
    7. rename the .dsv back into .sav
    8. put it back to your flash cart :D
  17. GhostFaceLoser

    GhostFaceLoser Well-Known Member

    Re: [NDS] XXXX - Fossil Fighters Champions (USA) AP thread

    i got to the next town on the helicopter so yeah it's just the wi-fi issue that's the problem. that's all i care about atm.
  18. King Simba

    King Simba Member

    Re: [NDS] XXXX - Fossil Fighters Champions (USA) AP thread

    I tried this method but it didn't work for me. What version of desmume were you using?
  19. draw42

    draw42 Member

    Re: [NDS] XXXX - Fossil Fighters Champions (USA) AP thread

  20. King Simba

    King Simba Member

    Re: [NDS] XXXX - Fossil Fighters Champions (USA) AP thread

    Uh... mine is the latest. For some reason I still get a black screen after the fight.

    I'm using a save from a acekard with the latest AKAIO update. What flashcart were you using before fixing it with desmume?