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Name the first rom you ever played!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Rockstar99, Sep 4, 2007.

  1. stevo11185

    stevo11185 Well-Known Member

    lol, i think my first rom was snes. i think it was super mario kart but im not sure. Then it was gameboy zelda games
  2. sesa

    sesa Well-Known Member

    Punch out! on the nes
    also I used to do that at school to(I swear web design 1&2 was to damned easy because the teacher was a idiot)
  3. myuusmeow

    myuusmeow Active Member

    When I was little a guy at work gave my mom a CD with MAME32 and lots of arcade roms on it. First thing I played was Vs. Excitebike. ;D
  4. FantomRedux

    FantomRedux Well-Known Member

    My first was SMB3 on the NES. I was about 8 aty the time and my dad got it sent by email from one of his feeinds. It was all packaged in with the emu as well, so it was easy enough, considering i barely knew how to work pcs at the time. After that, I started gettin MD cds from the market fo £5 a pop, didnt even know it was illegal. But when my mum got pissed off at me she snapped them all. at first i was like T_T, but then i lol'd cuz i had them on my PC (by then id learned i had to do that to save it xD)
  5. airsoft1117

    airsoft1117 Well-Known Member

    super mario advance

    all thanks to my brother
  6. mysticaloctopus

    mysticaloctopus Well-Known Member

    Rockman & Forte. I must have been about nine, but I heard about these emulator things, and found myself an emulator, zsnes I think, a ROM of R&F, a patch and a patcher. I was so happy that I was able to play this, and also so happy that I managed to take it in and play it in school at breaktime. I only actually got into emulating other things a few years later, when I started handing all my friends CDs packaged with (what I considered) the must play games of the SNES. Until then, I saw it as an alternative to be used only when I couldn't get the cart, and that purist streak must have stayed with me as I was always looking for a USB-SNES converter when I realised they were possible. Yay, fun.
  7. FangrenMaster

    FangrenMaster Member

    My first Rom was Mario Kart DS, and I love to play it! ;D
  8. digirob89

    digirob89 Member

    The first rom I've played would be either harvest moon, or lemmings for the GB. I saw my cousin playing pokemon red/blue(two players as well) before I got the real game, and I asked him where he got it.

    The emulator was no$gmb and I somehow got it. I also somehow got harvest moon, and lemmings, even though I didn't know what the games were. I eventually learned how to play harvest moon, and I loved it. Lemmings was awsome as well.

    And from then on, I started playing roms all the time. I even remember playing pokemon Gold when it was still japanese! I got stuck by the jiggling tree. haha.
  9. h8uthemost

    h8uthemost Well-Known Member

    I only got into flashcarts a few months before the slot 1's started coming out. So I think the very first rom I played was Donkey Kong Jungle Climber. I wanted to play this game so bad, but couldn't find it. So it was one of the first games I threw on my cart when I first got it.
  10. sydwert

    sydwert New Member

    Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, pre-downloaded by my cousin's friend when I lent my cousin my computer. The friend also downloaded VisualBoyAdvance.
  11. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    pokemon series, like red, crystal, emerald, fire red and pearl...
  12. kanwarrulz_123

    kanwarrulz_123 Well-Known Member

    the best game i first played was chrono trigger
  13. CloudBoii12

    CloudBoii12 Well-Known Member

  14. skylersky

    skylersky New Member

    pokemon yellow ;D found the vba on a site the day before it got shut down ::)
  15. Relys

    Relys Well-Known Member

    Super Mario 64 for playing a ROM. ;D (My dad found it).

    Super Mario World, was the first video game I ever played.
  16. CloudBoii12

    CloudBoii12 Well-Known Member

  17. Relys

    Relys Well-Known Member

    It's still one of the best 3d platformers around!
  18. cwazycwis

    cwazycwis Member

    SM 64 is my second favourite game of all time. anyways

    First rom i ever played was super mario RPG: revenge of the seven stars on the snes, i dont have a clue how it got on my harddrive but it was there o-o
  19. faleira

    faleira Member

    All I'd be able to say is that it was an SNES rom. I have absolutely no way of knowing, because my first console was an SNES, and my dad had bought that for me since I was small at the time, and he got a gamedoctor for it at the same time. So.... I've been pirating games ever since I was 4 years old, ::)
  20. Crashtehelf

    Crashtehelf Well-Known Member

    ninja gaiden for the nes...when i actually had a computer, i cracked a network and found it...never beat it, but still fun to play