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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by totallydood, Aug 24, 2010.

  1. awesomebros

    awesomebros Well-Known Member

    Because it wouldn't matter if youtube banned him. He still has his motives.
  2. totallydood

    totallydood Guest

    He thinks he can shut down everyone who plays Pokemon on YouTube, and everyone who does LPs (Lets Play) *insert game here*. I tell him that's impossible, and you are just a faggot wasting your time.
    He gets mad and sends me a msg saying "ORLY, fags like you piss me off. I'm hacking your bitchass right now" Say bye to your account. I thought he was just BSing, and I went AFK for a few minutes. When I came back, I was signed out. Tried to sign in, and couldnt. I had been hacked in that 10 or so minutes I wasnt at the computer.
  3. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member

    On his channel it says he "hacks innocent fags and people that piss him off"

    I still remember this little jerk at my old school that hacked my account for a while.

    ...being a fat kid, I sat on him the next day, and he restored it.

    No, really. That's all.

    Find him IRL and beat the crap outta the punk.

    EDIT: I have an IRL friend who just started a pokeman LP. Hope he doesn't get hit.
  4. usernameladiesman217

    usernameladiesman217 Well-Known Member

    If he knew where he lived he'd have been there already.
  5. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    could help.............but then again the person who hacked you could be a friend under an alias so.....no
  6. frebels

    frebels Well-Known Member

    Im glad you got it back
  7. king_leo

    king_leo Well-Known Member

    he is right, i was hacked found the new password and found the hacker and owned him since thenhackers password was blargh, epic win

    sweet avatar
  8. awesomebros

    awesomebros Well-Known Member

    Wat the fuck. You actually paid him?
  9. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member


    jeez, I don't know who's the larger fool; him or you...youtube would've restored it if you pestered em enough...at least try and get the group banned, for great justice.
  10. usernameladiesman217

    usernameladiesman217 Well-Known Member

    Wow, I guess crime does pay.
  11. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

  12. ChristMonkey95

    ChristMonkey95 Well-Known Member

    Bummer dude