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My MMO Idea

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Jeremiah, Dec 15, 2009.

  1. spire208

    spire208 Well-Known Member

    Well ok as long as its better than the dreaded MAPLE STORY now that sucked
  2. rwn

    rwn Active Member

    then you've never heard of asheron's call. all of the classes were 100% custom... i mean sure there were some presets you could go with. but after that they were 100% customizable friggen amazing system. best i've ever played well to be honest there weren't any classes. at all

    i mean you could be an archer who also uses swords and magic.

    or you could specialize. it was only bound by what you wanted to do and how specialized you wanted to be

    look into it. it will be worth your while. seriously

    http://www.dereth.info/index.php?ind=downloads&op=entry_view&iden=5 you can find a character builder for the game there. it will give you some insite into how it works.
  3. spire208

    spire208 Well-Known Member

    Kool I'll look into that and you should also look into Oblivion though there making a new one thats online sounds friggen awsome

    Post Merge: [time]1260951899[/time]
    Oh yeah and theres also advance character customization ya can change every little bit of your character
  4. Jeremiah

    Jeremiah Well-Known Member

    I lost my faith when you said Oblivion.... especially with what they did to Fallout.... :(
  5. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    The girl's mine reminds me of those round boomerangs for some reason....
    And her sword looks a bit big for her to be holding it in that position....
    And why is the limb snagger trap chained to the guys leg...?
    Though this is more of a artistic point of view more then anything...

    I don't think my comp can handle it....
    And to be honest if an Archer uses Swords and Magic he won't be an Archer anymore.....
  6. Jeremiah

    Jeremiah Well-Known Member

    It's just chained for... idk, makes it look more badass... ::)

    I was bored so I wanted to make the mine look more scary...
  7. spire208

    spire208 Well-Known Member

    What do ya mean Oblivion is awsome
  8. Jeremiah

    Jeremiah Well-Known Member

    they turned Fallout into a FPS-View RPG with Oblivion Elements...
  9. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    why dont you make tribal tribesmen?
    tribal doesnt sound right
  10. spire208

    spire208 Well-Known Member

    Yeah but Oblivion is still a great game
  11. rwn

    rwn Active Member

    that's exactly my point. the toon isn't an archer. it is what you want it to be. exactly how you want with out limitations. (well besides you know running out of points to train and specialize certain things) but there is no classes. and there for makes it 100% custom and by far superior. to any games copy and paste "classes" where everyone is basically the same with just a little differende
  12. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    @OP You have classes but no objects. My advice is plan this as a pen and paper RPG and get down on paper how things work. Forget about the top level design(like character types) get into the interactions.

    Ask yourself how do things fight? how do things feel? and how do things heal? Can anyone think of an MMO that was not tested as a Pen and Paper RPG? (I know WOW was).

    Test your ideas by realising them in pen and paper and dice rolls. Present to Romulation(or another group of like minded people) your great PnP RPG then and only then can you go forward to an MMO. Do not kill yourself on the backbone of MMO make a dice based RPG first, think Bioware.
  13. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    My suggestions:

    The Mercenary class tree, change that to Lion's den with the starting levels as "cubs" with the final class form as a "Loony Lion" :D

    The Archer Class, make that the "Arctic Alliance" with "Frosty" as the newbie & "Winterreise" as the final.

    The Magician lineage as the "Spell Checkers" with "Grammar Nazi" for the beginner & "Born2killx" as the final form.

    Healers as "The sect of Tirrith"... you get the picture :)
  14. roberthackman

    roberthackman New Member

    that sounds like a great idea but it might be to complicated
  15. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    I got my idea suggestion from seeing that new MMORPG titled Luna Online on Youtube a while back. :)
  16. Jeremiah

    Jeremiah Well-Known Member

    I think i'll try doing it as a PnP RPG first, since my planned course is Illustrator... so yeah, I'll get to draw on my specialty.... Pens & Paper? :p

    Though I'd need some help on mathematical stuff... :-X
  17. sorcees

    sorcees Member

    no bombadiers or soldiers?
  18. trimbletown

    trimbletown Well-Known Member

    Dude, bodacious idea! How do you intend to have this made? Will you pitch your idea to a company or will you just make the game, make your own game company and then get some staff?