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My Kingdom Hearts 358/2 days rant/mini review

Discussion in 'Rants' started by Malice_Dragon, Oct 13, 2009.

  1. Mcoupe69

    Mcoupe69 Guest

    this topic was doomed to begin with xD
  2. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    My only gripe with this game is that it did get a tad repetitive. Then I uncovered character mods and the game got cool again.

    Similarly, the only gripe I have with this topic is that the OP is an idiot. An arrogant, opinionated idiot who thinks it's perfectly suitable to trash a game based on the first two hours of gameplay. The only point I feel like addressing is to do with the music. You're obviously not bright enough to realise that the constraints on the sound quality are a direct result of the speakers - I used headphones to listen to the music, and I never got bored of the splendid, high-quality music being poured into my eardrums. Of course they're going to re-use the music, idiot. They did the same with some of the music from KH1 being moved to KH2.

    tl;dr kill yourself.
  3. marzz92

    marzz92 Well-Known Member

    Come on, is this game really that bad? It is one of the greatest game ever to come out on ds man!
  4. cjfc.vp

    cjfc.vp Well-Known Member

    Even if the music did sound "midi-ish" to the OP or anyone else, its still really nice and in a rather good quality. I mean, why would you starting bagging this game if you thought it was going to be exactly like one of the ps2 releases. Comparing them is ridiculous. I haven't gotten too far in the DS version but the graphics are great and the music brings back a lot of memories so its really sticking to me. However i am not too fond of the grid panel system. Maybe i just have to get use to it.
  5. Mcoupe69

    Mcoupe69 Guest

  6. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I think you expected far too much from a ds game.

    From what I seen, it's not bad-it's way better than the gba game.

    I'm not a total fan of the game mechanics though-it the fighting were more like...say god of war-I'd enjoy (yup-even without the violence-just comical noises, and some other filler XD)

    I have kingdom hearts 2-and I think it's a bit harsh to compare a ds to ps2 game.

    Same with v8 super cars-if someone brands the ds port "crap" to the consoles versions...that ain't right.

    Or even one that I'm currently debating about-the port of dead rising on wii...


    ...you treat it like another seperate game.

    THEN-it's a good effort.

    The ds is WEAK anyway-despite the fact it's 64 bit it can't do psx game-or do snes game right without additional power!

    No offence, but comparing a ds game to a ps2 game is an injustice.

    Your hopes are too high up-compare it to other ds games-and you see where they are.

    Though the panel system does sound annoying...I seen worse-try resident evil with chris-but they way those sytems are designed for a reason...

    I would advise bringing your ps2 standards down-if I hadn't brought mine down for dead rising I would have missed out on a great gaming experience (it still has the main mechanics of the xbox360-just lower graphics-and some bosses made into newer tougher enemies o keep you going).
    Post Merge: [time]1255535079[/time]
    I got bored of the ps2 game...

    The starting towns were seriously under populated-the side quest dull...

    I only liked SOME of the story-if not for the bargin bin price I paid for a new copy ($25aud-GO figure) I would have returned it...or ripped it then return it.

    But that is a bit harsh...after all-I just beat god of war 1 and 2 before I tried this.

    At least the game kept me running.
  7. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    Not those zombies again, lol ;D
  8. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    Only problem with the game I'd say is lack of Wifi Co-op
  9. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I love dead things man XD

    But still-I have a point.

    While having an opinion isn't a bad thing-you have to think if it's safe to post soemthing like this-it's like comparing David and Golith!

    This game (kingdom hearts 358/2 days) is good looking FOR A DS GAME!

    Compared to other systems, of course it looks/sounds/plays like crap!


    ...btw-I am not a fan-I like the concept but I didn't enjoy my short time on kingdomhearts 2-It bored me quickly-now it lies in dust...

    I'm just defending the fact that it shouldn't be compared to other full console adventures.