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My history on Forums!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Samlaptop, Oct 15, 2009.

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  1. afrokid13

    afrokid13 Well-Known Member


    Loonylion autistic?


    That just changed my whole view on autism.
  2. diskjocki

    diskjocki Well-Known Member

    I've never been banned from a forum or any site.
    Also, a good way to not get banned... Is to not post at all :D
  3. johncarl

    johncarl Well-Known Member

    my history on forums is happening (nothing )

    off topic about my OBSESSIONS
    my obsessions...in order. i got over them..then moves on to the next.
    Pokemons (really? its boring now.)
    HSM (i know....ugh..)
    Hairspray ( Musical obsessions?)
    Mamma Mia (another musical)
    Phoenix Wrights (just got finished.)
    RomU (wonder whats next?)

    i missed a lot. but that'll do
  4. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Just adding to the autistic chat...

    Some gamers who have played far too long (ie 10 hours a day-not all apply) can show syptoms ofm autism.

    I unfortuantly forgot which...Asberurtins or something...

    Anyway-At times I seem like I have it-despite not being official diagnosed with it.

    I have been gaming nearly non-stop since age 7...whether or not I just chose to not care about reality or not is another matter...

    Now on topic...

    Man, tough break :(

    Try hanging out in spam if you feel your out of control.

    I hang out there just to expel myself.

    If you can aim there...it mightn help.

    Though I feel it's a bit hard-you sound like you have a horrible time controlling it-but the fact that you know it's happening may be a good start to self control.

    I've been to school with autistic people because of my backgroud-it can be done...

    Off topic-Sorry but...now I'm curious.

    Is ADHD harder to control than autism or equally difficult?

    (I've been to school with both-but my experience with autistic people was short-thus I only know what's been said here and some behaviour patterns)
  5. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    you mean aspergers, and playing games does not give you aspergers, you are born with it or you aren't.
  6. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    That is what I thought when I read the news paper...

    Some study (wish I saved it) said some kids who had long play times may show signs of it-despite not actually having it officially diagnosed.

    More anti game propaganda-prehaps.

    I blame the hearld sun-dad tried to pry my gamecube from me when he read that :(
  7. Samlaptop

    Samlaptop Guest

    On SMF, when you are banned, this happens:

    An error has accoured!

    Sorry Samlaptop you have been banned from using this forum!

    I hope it doesn't happen to me on Riso's forum!
  8. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    I've mainly been to gaming forums, a few gfx forums. Only been banned from one forever.

    I've been banned from Romu countless times now, perma banned once as well. But i just spread far too much love for these bans to last, Loony knows what im talking about

    *touches self*
  9. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    Same here pal :D
    At least not yet...
  10. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    Haha... I remembered JakeTerminator guy- he got banned for posting Endless Frontier porn recently :D When other users warned him he'll get banned, he posted more ;D Some people never learn....
  11. Silvertie

    Silvertie Well-Known Member

    A picture is worth a thousand words:

    That said, have you considered that the reason you were banned was for posts like this?

    Step the quality up, bro, and you might not get banned so much; and people might think more kindly of you.

    (And while we're on the subject of "hard-man ban banter", I got banned from habbo for being black, having an afro, and wearing a suit. Go figure.)
  12. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    Looks like Samlaptop got one more added to his list of forums he's been banned from. =/

    I've never been banned from a forum yet. I'm just too lovable for people to get rid of completely.
  13. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    Asking to become a moderator (and administrator) is pretty silly. Besides, if he got banned so many times from so many places, it's his fault, not the community's.
  14. MysticMaja

    MysticMaja Well-Known Member

    I've been banned once.

    What happened was a person gave me screencaps of some threads in a forum's exclusive forum (for members who buy access/have 1k+ posts) disparaging me and calling me names simply because I'm more active on another forum whose admin is apparently an enemy of the admin with the secret forum. Keep in mind that those admins are 20+ y/os behaving like kids.

    I made a topic (admittedly, not the most polite topic ever, but neither is backstabbing polite) calling them out on it and boom, topic got deleted before new members could find out how their admins talked crap behind their backs plus a permaban. The admin messaged me an apology but it was so hollow and insincere; don't want anything to do with that forum again. lol and that ends my tale of e-drama. :P
  15. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member


    Guess they don't want to kiss and make up...

    Should have done it behind doors instead of "publically" on the forums.

    As in pm'ing both parties involved.

    Oh well-thanks to you I won't make the same msitake now :p
  16. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    I got banned from this forum for a week.

    Because I was so badass that Seph had to tone my awesomeness for a week so the forum can handle it. If I wasn't banned for a week the servers would've spontaneously combusted into hippos.

    That's why I'm co-admin now.

    cool story bro.
  17. MysticMaja

    MysticMaja Well-Known Member

    Oh no. After that some of the people involved tried sucking up by acting friendly/adding me on facebook. Two-faced snots :/

    Yeah, I guess I could've handled the situation with more maturity. I'm sorry for calling the admins "backstabbing (ahems)" but not for posting it publicly :P
  18. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Prehaps they missed your honesty.
    Prehaps you had a point
    Prehaps they liked you-but were too loyal to admit you had the right path
    Even if slightly mis-guided in your approch.

    Oh well-you did try to do something that might have better long term results...

    [me=mds64]hands gold medal for Standing up and fighting the odds[/me]
  19. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Not prehaps.
  20. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Interestingly enough, I have never been banned from any forum, which tells me that I've been lucky enough not to get Nazis for mods despite my apparently questionable conduct.

    That said, I've been banned from two of the largest IRC servers in the world. Not just channels, servers themselves. I think I'm banned from Rizon till 2012 at the moment.
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