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My 1st cup of wine

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by calvin_0, Feb 17, 2009.

  1. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Ahaha! Thanks to Natewlie for reminding me ^_^

    And wine, it's a no-no with me... I like mi' beer, I like mi' lager and mi' shandy! But none of this sickly stuff, no wine red or white nor any chav's fizzy alchohol mix, the kids can't handle it nor the adults apparently, even if it tastes of the soda they drink on days it ruins their insides as much as the darker drinks of the night...

    What the hell happened to the way I spoke their? Umm...
  2. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    Mmmm! Yes petey, clearly one of your strong points, psychological profiling is....

  3. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    You're 24 and you only first drank alcohol? Which socially-deprived basement did you grow up in? God damn I was getting crunk when I was 15 but I guess not just anyone can live up to the awesomeness that I have. There's only a couple really: Kevin Shields, etc.

  4. XD9999

    XD9999 Well-Known Member

    nice pirate talk...

    I drank red wine a few years back at the wedding of a brother mine. It wasn't that bad.
  5. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Pff, 14 here, was almost legal too! (15 years of age to drink) Clearly Kevin Shields is no match for the awesomeness that is I, Seph, ruler of the universe.

    Also as for wine, I love it and I hate it, what people here seem to not realize is that there is no such thing as a "wine taste". You can't either love wine or hate, most likely you do both, you just haven't tasted the wine that you love/hate yet. Because wines are different, and I'm not just talking whether you prefer Coca Cola regular or light. There's a world of difference betweens wines, honestly, you owe it to yourself to at least taste if someone offers, you don't have to like it, you don't even have to finish your glass (if they were silly enough to fill it up when you wanted a taste) but chances are that you might like this wine.
  6. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    25 this year, and i choose to stay away from alcohol, i only drink that cup of red wine is because its my friend wedding and he got that "drink it, or we arent friends anymore look....."

    edit: normally he isnt that pushy.
  7. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member

    As someone said earlier wine is an acquired taste. Either you like it or you dont. I have been drinking it occasionally for years and I am not particularly fond of red wine due to its taste. Im okay with white wine though. As for some other liquor say beer ofr instance, the taste is not that "harsh" or weird thats why most people get used to it pretty quickly.
  8. BL4CKB34RD

    BL4CKB34RD Well-Known Member

    I must be sayin', wine be a fine way to many a heart in many a port! Good for weddings an' bridesmaids. Always keep a jug or two around to for just such an occasion. Still, I'll cast me lot wif me rum when there be no wenches to imbibe with!
  9. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    If you can't stand pure alcohol, try cocktails :)

    Heck I rather drink Cosmopolitans than to chug beer or other harder stuff.
  10. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Cosmo-what-i-what? I hope you don't mean that alchoholic soda tasting stuff.... :/
  11. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    A cocktail of vodka, some other stuff and cranberry juice...
    A fancy lady's drink basically...
  12. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Vodka has a considerably higher alcohol content than beer.
  13. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Oops! I should have clarified better, I was referring to alcohol's strong taste. Calvin says he can't stand the taste so why not start of with cocktails then as you get used to alcohol's taste you can move up to the stronger pure kinds. I haven't reached that point myself though.
  14. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    So one of those silly sweet drinks that people drink too much of because it doesn't taste as strong as beer... Yeah, I don't like that stuff...
  15. cab9541

    cab9541 Well-Known Member

    beer is my favorite followed by red wine as a close second i aquired the taste a while ago and i actually quite like it now the average mixed drink in third with hard A comin in fourth place and girlie beers are last some of the most disgusting things ever created by man the worst part about them is they taste even more sweet and disgusting when they come up. also with wine you have to have a drinking problem to puke on wine. i dont drink alot but i live in a college town known for partying so sometimes i kind of have to
  16. dmac154

    dmac154 Well-Known Member

    I don't really like beer for 2 reasons: 1) the beer at the parties I go to taste like crap (because the parties are free, the hosts buy the cheapest), 2) makes me pee, often when I'm trying to talk to drunk girls.

    Jager is great, but I had a bad after-taste the first time I drank it with a Coca-Cola mix. But vodka, whiskey and spirits are my favorite :)
  17. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    A properly mixed cocktail is a lot different to a alcohopop cjdogger.



    I hate sweet alcoholic drinks, youll never catch me drinking an RTD vodka cruiser, but having said that I can drink most of the sweet cocktails without complaining. Last night I had an interesting chilli vodka, ginger, lime and lemonade, went down a treat :p

    Though usually I just stick to a whiskey and dry :)
  18. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Hmm... Well I hate alchopops... And cocktails aren't for me... The proper booze is what I like
  19. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    if a long island ice tea isnt proper booze then I dont know what is, its pretty much all spirits and a dash of coke. Ive gotta say one or two of these will sit anyone on thier ass


    * 1.5 cl (three parts) Vodka
    * 1.5 cl (three parts) Tequila
    * 1.5 cl (three parts) White Rum
    * 1.5 cl (three parts) Triple Sec
    * 1.5 cl (three parts) Gin
    * 2.5 cl (five parts) Lemon juice
    * 3.0 cl (six parts) Gomme Syrup
    * Dash of Cola

    am I making anyone thirsty :p
  20. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    No beer or lager... ;_; Do not want
    The closest thing to a cocktail i'll have is some lemon and lime in my beer!