I tend to be pretty immune to everything, though when I do get something I get about 3 years of sickness at once and have to hit bed for a few weeks. I also had a chemistry teacher who had a gland mutation which caused her body to produce a form of LSD (otherwise known as the psychedelic drug ACID). And yeah she was pretty damn weird
on my last health check, the doctor told me that i have a higher white blood cell count and lower red blood cell count compare to average adult male. Arcoding to him its nothing to worry about..... edit: my mom have a higher red blood cell count compare to average adult female.... you think they are related?
Perhaps if the genes are more active and less active because of fluxuations but that's just a guess... Women can get klinefelters which means the grow small man bits inside them, they can't get pregnant either; I laughed at this in science, that's a gene mutation that can't be passed on ----- Well some mutations that are negative can be passed on; like in Loony's case but there is likely to be something positive in it for it to be passed on but we wouldn't really know because we can't actually see what would happen in natural selection...
AHA! One of my theories was correct! I love meta-science. So, have you ever had repeat illnesses, as in head cold one time, and it was even worse at a later date, then you never experienced another illness of that type again? Or at least half a decade. I'll have to say that your mutation may have made your immune system at least slightly stronger. but do watch your kidneys, as they can become overworked. Remember Prescott Pharmaceuticals motto "That's why you have two kidneys." Hope I helped in some small way. Also, what art do YOU(Everybody) appreciate? Like landscapes, still life, impressionistic, realistic, concept art, or whatever. This is related to mutation theory. so please be as honest as you can, as it will help with my findings, allowing more accuracy. Also, PM your friends to help with my art question, as in have them post what they generally would like to see in art, so I may have as large a sample as possible. Thank you for your time.
I like pretty colours! Oh and fractal stuff! Flashy things are awesome and shiny stuff! But no icky gross stuff like blood and repulsive looking things. Noez
More specific please, Like what is defined as "icky"? Are genitalia icky? Are sloppy joes icky? Flashy things? Like tinfoil? I apologize for being so demanding, but write where you draw the line. Your "comfort zone" in art if you will. Some hate abstract art. I'm impartial to most anything whatsoever myself. But my personal favorite type and/or artist if I had to choose would be a tie between M.C. Escher's buildings, and anything showing an artist's dramatic depiction of a fighting game move.
im not much of an art person, but if its good and it features animals I generally like it. I'm also a fan of those 'optical illusion' pictures.
I don't like blood and guts. I don't like sick stuff like hardcore things... And shiny like Gold and stuff!
so you dont like human body parts...... unlike me, i like them, especially when they are floating in a jar, if only they can make a heart beat in the jar, that would be super cool.
That makes two of us Cal, I also like looking at blood & body parts, but I can't stand things like leeches & parasitic worms.
And how long have you been exposed to the internet, would you say? Me personally, it'll be twelve years this summer. Also, do try to get more people to answer the art question; as the more people I get to truthfully answer that and this question, the more data I have. Cj: likes bright and positive images. Loony: Simplistic realistic landscapes with animals? Maybe you also like animal portraits with abstract background? Do you prefer anything with animals, basically? Like me and fighting moves? Calvin: umm... Shock art tickle your fancy?? Pushing the boundaries and all that? Cahos: Same stuff as Calvin, but no insects? Like you'd dislike Dahli's picture of that part of a woman, but it has ants where the hair should be. If so, Shock Art sans parasites and insects. Hope I get to do a slightly more complete Art preference sample, for me to present more data. So far, everything is literally even. 1 extremely positive 1 semi-positive 1 Shock lover 1 light Shock lover Calvin: Blood cell count; of course they're related, that specific gene probably looked like a synthetic gene, like when we first got into eugenics, and caused an inverted mutation of that part of the DNA. Also, if you may not be getting enough protein: Steak, any meat, nut or legume. Beans work wonders if you're vegan. Southern and dark beans are what you would want more of. Northern beans are more for your joints. Also, I'm sorry for not getting to your inquiry sooner. Just remember to not let the meat, nut, or beans to throw your nutrition out of whack.(Don't eat it too much.) So far, this has been one of the most productive topics I've ever done. I Thank everyone whom has posted: Cj_dogger, Loony Lion, Anandjones, Calvin_0, XD9999, Davesalmon, Adnan1992, Deathbreak911, Almo, and Cahos Rahnes Veloza. Thanks for helping to expand knowledge.(I hope they all post here again.)
Cool! And i've been properly exposed since March 2008 but i've been semi-exposed before that but I only really did homework, find cheats and sometimes play games in my ICT class...
I actually have an extra bone in each of my elbows. Don't know if other people have got this or not. Say for instance, my right elbow, the bone sticks out of the left of it. I don't know anyone else who have elbows like mine.
well i'm not a vegan, but i do eat alot of vegetables, mainly bean sprout for some reason i just love them, i can eat 2 bowl of them and i still want more XD anyway chicken is in my regular diet..... so i dont think i'm short on protein. btw shock art sound intresting....
Shock art is basically what it is, to shock you. You used a human parts shock art sub genre example. The Vitrovian man by Leonardo da Vinci is a technical shock art piece, especially when looked at in context to time. When it was made, Fundamentalist christians had much power. It was meant to shock the primitive christians out of their predisposed stupidity, by showing them what was inside us all: Bloody Organs like a gosh DARN church! I made another funny! Ahahahahaha!