nah im no angry schizo homosexual. music doesn't change the way you think, ive been listening to rock for nearly 30 years(i cant remember before that) and im the most laid back person i know. the angriest people i know listen to all the latest r n b shite and follow the trends
i dont think lyrics can change you unless your already disturbed, its like knowing the difference between right and wrong. other things are to blame for people been the way they are, upbringing, violence, bullying, been happy etc
I agree, but you could associate the pleasure that you experience listening to the songs, with the songs lyrics. Post Merge: [time]1274852978[/time] i like queens of the stone age and at the drive in and some others i cant think of right now
Music may enhance current moods but not change them. If I'm angry, and I put on techno, it's not there to switch me, it's there to drown out my mind... If I'm happy and I put on Korn, I don't want to suddenly smash something, I just wanna hear it... If I'm sad, and I put on Korn's "tear jerker" (It's a sad kinda song) I might just be sad...and I want to dwell on it. LOL EXACTLY!
i used to be angry until the things that made me angry just persisted and then my mind sort of adapted(which is basically psychosis) korn gets better the more you listen to it. honestly ive heard some of the songs on UNTOUCHABLES like at least a hundred times and they still dont get old.
Untouchables was great, though I prefer "take a look in the mirror" because of how heavy the sound is. (But your post here doesn't match what you were saying at the start)
Yeah, whatever. Particularly, Make Believe and Hating - heck, all of them are good except Beat It Upright and Wake Up Hate. Post Merge: [time]1274881199[/time] god does not condone you Post Merge: [time]1274881855[/time] Did you know that Untouchables are the name given to people who are born into the lowest level of the caste system in India? just type in untouchables india into google. It's very sad actually. What an appropriate name for the album though!
when i listen to vivaldi's storm i get depressed, angry and at the same time passionate. hahaha crazy huh??? but when i hear pachelbel's canon i feel clean and pleasant its like my worries are gone. and has been resolved, the feeling of great relief. hahaha
I only listen to music because I find the environment stale and blend without sound. I guess for me, Music colors the environment. R&B would be poop brown.
It's because it's the music you like versus the music you hate. Since you're accustomed and have a liking to heavy metal, it's natural to feel calm when exposed to it, it's the opposite for the genres you do not like.
So what would you be if the last bands you were listening to were Aqua, BARBIE GIRL FTW(just so you know I dont listen to that song ever... in less I want a good laugh). kenny rogers. pantera. weird al. throw in some jets to Brazil and I'm done. But listening to music can change what my mood is, a bit but the way I think, no. If I listen to something mournful if I'm sad will in general make me happier(don't know why) but listening to something happy while I'm sad will usually make me more unhappy. So ya I don't think listen to music changes the way you think.
Music only change the minds of retarded people. "Music is always a commentary on society." (Frank Zappa) "There are more love songs than anything else. If songs could make you do something we'd all love one another." (Frank Zappa)
It is as capable of influencing the opinion of a particular person as much as any other form of media or information (depending on the person and their personality). Is a Frank Zappa a new Wii peripheral? Frank Zappas are for retards!
well, even though that's not 100% true, i have to agree with you. if you think it, it will be. what i mean by that is if you're so stupid you belive it it will happen to you