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Most over-rated games

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by Datanotfound, Apr 10, 2009.

  1. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    actually its mediocre and VERY overrated. I'm a long time PC FPS player. Halo has nothing on the likes of the quake/doom/CoD series. Even Halo's LAN multiplayer got boring pretty quickly.
  2. n0thealthy

    n0thealthy Well-Known Member

    When have they ever been highly rated?

    Anyway, I think GTA IV is hugely over-rated. It just isn't the best game out this generation (as Metacritic and Gamerankings will have you believe).
  3. JBrown7676

    JBrown7676 New Member

    Halo Series. I own COD, Gears and Halo, Halo is by far the worst.
  4. Deathbreak911

    Deathbreak911 Well-Known Member

    Halo: Invincible clone that dies every other step in an attempt to (once again) save the world from a vaguely identifiable menace.

    Tribes: Fight long blood feuds with jet-packs, anti-friction skis (which, admittedly, didn't work until Vengeance), GOOD weapons, and that elusive strategy that hardly makes it's way into FPS's. Not to mention a variety of vehicles instead of the warthog with modified mesh's and controls.

    -=NOTE=- DOn't turn this into a flame war! I was refuting an (bad) argument
  5. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    All Call of Duty games, espescially fecking four! What crap!
    *Puts CoD away and goes on Halo
  6. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    all the games that are over rated are good that's how they get hyped up the problem is, is that because it gets hyped up people expect something better then what it is so although the games are great games they are not as good as your imagination so when you play the game you think its shit.

    also the problem with hyped up games is that people play games that are out of the genre they like thinking from the great reviews means they may possibly like it but they don't and call it shit.

    its also a problem within genres its self for example you get reviews that come out with punchy lines to make you read it and buy the game like you get lines like "best fps this year" for things like halo and you get all serious fps players play it and they don't like it because although its a great game and FUN to play its not a serious fps and it gets slated.

    the problem is the media not the game, all the games listed so far are excellent games that sold millions and still do that's how they got hyped in the first place.

    then the problem is you get people that love the games and people that hate the games, now normally no one cares its just peoples PERSONAL opinions but when the games are so big the people that don't like them dog them down with unnecessary and retarded comments and the people that like the game defend it and it turns quickly from an argument about the game to people arguing for the sake of arguing.

    its like this
    now i loved COD 4 i didn't like it to begin with but once i got in to it i have to say i think its one of the best fps's i ever played and i could as most just flame cj and say things like he didn't like cause he's rubbish at real fps's and likes toy games like halo but i'm not because that just may be his preference in games.

    i also loved halo and peoples comments are correct about it but that's why its loved you know what your getting, you get the chief kicking ass against aliens then the flood then finish it all escaping for you life leading you in to the next game.
    but the comment that are said about halo can be said for every franchised series, you can't say that every final fantasy isn't the same game repackaged.

    which leads me on to the games i think that are over hyped and that's rpg's but then i don't like them so that would be why i think that they are totally over-rated cause i can't see the good in them.
  7. n0thealthy

    n0thealthy Well-Known Member

    I disagree. The problem is the people who use reviews and gaming websites as strict buyers' guides, when in fact they're nothing more than people's collective opinions. There will never be a definitive list of games everyone should own or even one single game who everyone should own, simply because we all have different tastes and like and dislike different genres of games.

    Doesn't make sense. Hype must come before the sales. There are different ways of games getting hyped up: clever marketing, word of mouth, demos, etc. It's impossible for sales to create hype for a game, unless, for example, a game is released earlier in one region, sold really well in that region, and was then released in another.

    What? RPGs get the LEAST hype, especially with all of the action and FPS games flooding the market today.
  8. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    "i bought this game the other day its the best game ever you have to buy it"


    "number one best seller this year, a must buy game"

    sales of a game creating hype!
  9. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    You can, easily. None of the final fantasy games have any connection to the others. (excepting X and X-2)
  10. zangief

    zangief Well-Known Member

    to the guy who mentioned the Imagine series, you're right when you said that there's nothing to those games at all, but they weren't rated really high to begin with, so they're not overrated, just really really terrible.

    anyways, i agree with FF7. All the other FFs that precede it have way better storylines, but it got a huge following because: 1) it's in 3D and 2) it's on the PS1.

    btw, most people claim Donkey Kong Country to be one of the most overrated games of all-time, i think it's a great game, so i dunno what the critics are talking about.
  11. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    i'm not talking about story line that's the repackaging
    i'm talking about the concept and feel and play but that's my exact point anyway to me all those rpg's are exactly the same and a pile of old bollocks but they can still be good games its just my opinion it may be wrong to some one who likes them.
  12. n0thealthy

    n0thealthy Well-Known Member

    One, that's word of mouth. And two, we were talking about millions of sales (my post should've said "the mass sales of a game"), not just your friend recommending you a game he/she bought.

    Again, some form of hype must've driven those sales, which in turn generated additional interest.

    Isn't that the entire concept of series/franchises? That all games within a certain series are similar in style, "concept, and feel"?
  13. Barathrum

    Barathrum Well-Known Member

    halo and mario kart.
  14. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    i have no idea why you are trying to argue everything i say.

    if you thought bigger you'd understand that the comment of a friend becomes much more because when lots of people do it it becomes more and then when you get those people all going on websites and commenting it becomes bigger once more. and thus it snowballs in to hype!
    but i don't really care about that i was just making a small point on that games are hyped up because people like it so there is no point just saying something is shit just cause you personally don't like it.

    well done for just repeating what i'm saying, please read back before you try to belittle someone
    the entire point of that statement was that people have a go at the halo franchise when the exact same thing could be said about a franchise they play
  15. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Let me state what I mean by CoD 4 being fecking crap,
    the 'story mode' is not a story and is a waste of time; the players on multiplayer are more annoying than the Halo guys and the multiplayer is rather lacking but I can't argue with the maps for the game...
  16. nejcgx

    nejcgx Well-Known Member

    Yeah, and CoD4 SP is way too short, I've completed it in 3 hours.. boring!
    But I did like multiplayer very much, but it can get very boring when you finish all of challenges..
  17. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    The people on multiplayer always fuin FPS's
    Yesterday I got a "vote vote vote vote vote, this map is f*cking shit, vote for good map, vote if you aren't gay, VOTE FAGGOTS!" And the kid sounded about 10, really get them off the xbox and make them learn
  18. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    that's why i play cod on the pc
  19. Sbf93

    Sbf93 Well-Known Member

    Most overrated: Fallout 3

    Its not a bad game, but its not as excellent as all say!
  20. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    aww I cant believe actually said mario kart there
    I think halo was pretty much fun
    2 x-box, 2 tv in the same room, 4vs4, capture the flag in blood gulch during new years eve, nothing better to bond for the new year :D