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Most over-rated games

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by Datanotfound, Apr 10, 2009.

  1. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    i played a few last night.

    god of war 3 - boring seen it all before
    bad company 2 - mw2 killer? pfffft, not a chance
    heavy rain - too slow, buttons are too hard to see at times. fahrenheit does everything better and your thrown straight into the story without having to go round turning on lights, having a shave, brushing your teeth, wiping your arse, vacuuming the front room, mowing the lawn, emptying garbage.........
  2. LordSasuke

    LordSasuke Member

    I agree about Halo. Halo is pretty much a glorified version of Quake 3 Arena. Call of Duty 4 is a lot quicker and more interactive. (Not to meantion graphics). I am speaking now of playing these games as multiplayer. Single player isn't much to shout about.

    As for Final Fantasy VII, the hype didn't really start around the game itself, but rather through Advent Children, where even those who had no idea what Final Fantasy VII was, would watch the movie, then go buy all the merchandise that followed. It's these people that really annoy me.

    Just play Final Fantasy VII for starters, watch the movie (Advent Children), play Dirge of Cerberus, and then play Crisis Core if you really get into it, then that's it. Simple.
  3. fayers189

    fayers189 Member

    I cant choose between FF7, fairly poor story if we're honest little character development outside of cloud, especially compared to ff6. Really if they hadn't killed the flower girl, you wouldn't remember it.
    Also most FPS games, especially every CoD game i have 1 2 and 3 only difference is 3 is prettier. Played other one or ones they are so similar.
  4. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    what about barrets story? he failed to protect his hometown etc
    what about yuffie? you do her quest in her hometown and learn about her
    vincent? hes got a sidequest with lucrecia to learn his story
    cid? yup, it even takes you to space to learn it.
    red xiii? you learn how his parents defended his town and died
    tifa? you learn how her mother died then her father
    theres plenty of character development, more than most games