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Most over-rated games

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by Datanotfound, Apr 10, 2009.

  1. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Killzone 2 you mean.

    I think Killzone 2 made a name for itself. The first one was only advertised because the devs called it a Halo killer, but the game was mostly average. Then came out the sleeper hit for the PSP, which was a damn good game. Then Killzone 2, which, although it joins the pool of over crowded shooters, it made up in presentation and an addictive multiplayer component.

    Seriously though, Killzone 2 was a fun experience, after leveling up through the ranks in multiplayer and beating the single player, I don't see any reason to go back to play it, I didn't think it was over hyped but I think it was a case of the graphics being too good for a game that's just a shooter.

    I think Crysis is over rated, while people have a need to compare the newest game to Crysis' graphics, it doesn't matter to me because I really didn't like Crysis. I felt that Crysis fell right on it's face because I didn't think there wasn't much that was spectacular about it besides it's graphics. The game lasted me a couple hours because I just got it and I was throwing people around, but it just got boring. That and the aliens was a HUGE cop out and the zero gravity made the level that it was in a horrible nightmare of game design.You'd look for the next hallway to go through but you then find out it's the hallway you just came out of, everything looked too damn similar.

    Also the game had horrible optimization when it first came out and the multiplayer is meh.

    It looked pretty though.
  2. asdzxc123789

    asdzxc123789 Well-Known Member

    and yeah, I had high expectations too, its not the best game evah but it did deliver most of them.
  3. musiclegend14

    musiclegend14 Well-Known Member

    yeah sorry i meant to type 2
  4. beibeiqi

    beibeiqi Member

    I could never possibly down on final fantasy. Those games are like my religion. It's blasphemy :p


    I agree the "Imagine" games are really milked up.
    I mean "Imagine" baby?
    Way to stop baby boomers America. The babies in that game look cute and adorable. The little girls go "aww" and then they have a real baby and want to drop kick it out the window or they become the next mother on the news who drown their child.

    (Wow that was morbid of me... sorry) xD

    I'd have to say; Eternal Sonata looked awesome and it turned out to be so stupid.
  5. iLucky4Lif3

    iLucky4Lif3 Member

    GTA:CTW is not overrated, rather underrated. Biggest Overrated game is the Halo series, seriously Halo needs to die, I always get flamed by those halo nerd fans, Halo just suck
  6. rchuncleskeleton

    rchuncleskeleton Well-Known Member

    Are you serious? have you even played Chrono Trigger? Honestly for me it is the best RPG of all time, FF3 couldn't hold a candle to this game! CT had such a huge story(which was great btw) plus the involvement of time travel along with 13 different endings, yes the music was awesome but so was the story and the gameplay. Anyways that's just my rant on that.

    I'm going to say the most over rated games have to be:

    The entire Halo Series

    Zelda Twilight Princess


    GTA IV and GTA San Andreas(GTA 3 and VC were awesome)

    and I'm gonna go on to say that yes Mario has a lot of hype because he's the mascot for nintendo but most mario games are awesome, there were only ever a few mario games which did not live up to the hype, for a lot of people it's nostalgia that brings us to like mario but that doesn't take away the fact that most of the games are awesome.
  7. olliebot

    olliebot Well-Known Member

    Spore is awesome. Well the creation part. The actual exploring and becoming of a race thing I dun like. Haha.
  8. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Halo does not suck, it's not the best FPS but it's far from being bad. It's okay. To say that Halo sucks is ignorant.

    And yeah, it is overrated.
  9. zangief

    zangief Well-Known Member

    CT really is better than FF6, but to say FF6 can't hold a candle to CT is just not right.

    I mean it was FF6 who set the bar real high for all RPGs that time, until CT came along. Both are classic RPGs that cannot be rivaled probably ever again, but FF6 is just a couple of notches below the level of CT
  10. Kronat

    Kronat Well-Known Member

    Nah I don't think CoD is to much overrated... They made awesome games! Escpacially CoD 4: MW. I don't say Halo is bad, not at all! But you can't compare those games. They're totally different. I'm talking about time, etc. I believe CoD and Halo are one of the best FPS ever made.
  11. Amidamaru1234

    Amidamaru1234 Well-Known Member

    FFVII... It's great and all, but in my opinion, isn't the super-awesome-greatstory-greatgameplay game that people made it out to be. I liked FFVIII better.
  12. rileyb93

    rileyb93 Member

    I'm probably the only one with this opinion but ASSASSINS CREED. Its way overrated, all u do is hold down 2 buttons.
  13. I have to agree since i never knew prof. Layton was popular until i googled about the second game, when i played curious village it seemed perfect, ;) but pandoras/elysian box seemed worse because it was apparently one of the best ds games out. :(
    Post Merge: [time]1257606735[/time]

    they have so much hype but I can't see them fun in any way at all
  14. alexpk86

    alexpk86 Well-Known Member

    God, I hate Tomb Raider.
  15. 7mike7

    7mike7 Well-Known Member

    yes final fantasy
  16. sealwish

    sealwish Member

    drawn to life the next chapter
    i dont really like the ds version. the graphics are crap and you dont even draw much. i was playing for a good 1 1/2 hours and all i got to draw was a platform and my character.
    its not really that good.
  17. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    all the rockstar's GTA games keep getting super high ratings! i think it's over-rated, especially chinatown wars
  18. quangvu1511

    quangvu1511 New Member

    GTA IV: Of course, grand awesomeness!!!

    FIFA 09: Probrably the best soccer game (series)

    Mega Man Maverick Hunter X: Not the greatest, but still overated!

    CS: No table!

    Pokemon Leaf Green 'n Fire Red: Best of the Pokemon series!
  19. ir4

    ir4 Well-Known Member

    halo is beasts it has great multi player
    halo ODST is a let down cause of the multi player
  20. cuccio123

    cuccio123 Well-Known Member

    The entire Square Enix lineup.
    All overrated, from FF1 to FF however many there is now. Not a single on of them piqued my interest.
    I disliked Chrono Trigger, got bored of KH in an hour and couldn't even bother to delve into TWEWY.

    FF7 is the most overrated game. It doesn't hold a candle to anything.
    I found "The Hobbit" was a better game.