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Most Embarrassing game you have played

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by RedAtlas, Jun 27, 2009.

  1. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    The Second-Life?
  2. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    So I'm innocent then :p Also, I felt really stupid when my parents saw me playing KH2 on Winnie the Pooh stage...
  3. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    I watched that show when I was a kid, it was like Charlie's Angels, but for kids :p
  4. Zeb

    Zeb Well-Known Member

    Why would no one mention the Little Mermaid game for the DS! You have to sing into the microphone to open the chests. Only, the game hardly picks up your sound so you'll be "AH AHAHHAAAAAAAA"-ing for about ten minutes to open a single chest.
  5. asdzxc123789

    asdzxc123789 Well-Known Member

    Well, maybe we didn't tried that one :p
  6. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    This.Luckly no one was around when I decided to try it.
  7. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    why the hell did you even want to try it >_<
  8. Zeb

    Zeb Well-Known Member

    Everyone should try it, and the first person to open a chest on the first try gets a cookie.
  9. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    I was bored.REALLY BORED.
  10. The13Th

    The13Th Well-Known Member

    Leisure suit Larry... XD

    was embarassed to death
  11. CloudBoii12

    CloudBoii12 Well-Known Member

    There I was, I was, playing Chinatown Wars, I was, when I picked up the porn star guy and all you hear is "UGHHHHHHH UGHHHHHH UGHHHHHHH" moaning and shit.
    I was at my grandmothers place, and it just happened to be quiet at that exact minute.
  12. jigsawj

    jigsawj Active Member

    FF12 My dad came in sayn (what the heck is that bunny thing) and it was fran lol.
  13. rileyb93

    rileyb93 Member

    Conkers bad fur day!, sister walks into the room and im bouncing off a sunflower's boobs
  14. Pyronix

    Pyronix Member


    ....Freddi Fish.
  15. xelados

    xelados Well-Known Member

    Yoshi's Story. Without a doubt the most embarrassing game I've played. :X
  16. olliebot

    olliebot Well-Known Member

    HA. What was awkward for me, I was playing ratchet and clank and there was some woman in it and my dad comments "wow! What bouncy tits!"
  17. RotGtIE

    RotGtIE Member

    Thousand Arms. It's bad enough staying inside playing RPGs, but now you're playing a pretend date with a cartoon girl so you can get stronger spells and weapons, and then your dad walks in and tells you dinner's ready while a cartoon girl with frilly pink ribbons all over the place is leaning in and giving a big ol' smoocharoo to the TV screen.

    Definitely awkward.
  18. Sarah Kreuz

    Sarah Kreuz Well-Known Member

    A game with some.......ähhhhhh.....actions between adults. `nuff said. :)
  19. Sythian

    Sythian Well-Known Member

    The wonders of working late and only being home during the day when parents aren't home. I live with them and haven't seen them since the weekend, so my gaming time is when they're out or asleep so there's no overly embarrassing moments yet, although I'll admit that a lot of the games mentioned I've actually played. I'll admit the Kingdom Heats 2 Little Mermaid song section was embarrassing to do and seemed kind of out of place for an RPG/Action game
  20. andydzman

    andydzman Member

    harry potter, followed by harvest moon lol. i love em. not harry potter tho.