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Most annoying Video Game Boss is...

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by haseoTOD, Jul 15, 2009.

  1. JTakashiNe

    JTakashiNe Well-Known Member

    Yeah that was her name.
    I just remember another one Nereid? final boss from Tales of Eternia. If you don't use Ultimate Identity Reviver it's game over and have to start the battle from start.
  2. lucedes

    lucedes New Member

    Hardest I've beaten was probably Ballos from Cave Story. You have 50 HP. Entire dungeon full of death spikes, crushing boulders, and awful, awful floods of monsters, then a miniboss, then a three-stage transforming final boss that charges directly at you, shoots lightning, turns into a giant ball and tries to crush you, then summons swarms of bats and archers after turning the floor into spikes and surrounding himself with rotating platforms.

    Oh, and all of your weapons are reset to level 0 when you enter the dungeon.
  3. omgwut

    omgwut Well-Known Member

    Philemon from Persona 2. I debugged the game to beat him.
  4. Malice_Dragon

    Malice_Dragon Active Member

    Pretty much ALL of God Hand is incredibly hard. Sometimes when fighting enemies they'll randomly transform into demons after you defeat them, and they become mini bosses themselves! One wrong move in that game and you die, and healing items are very hard to come by.
  5. dblood

    dblood Well-Known Member

    All The Bosses in super robot taisen og saga endless frontier
  6. kamuikurou

    kamuikurou Well-Known Member

    Pretty much this. I hate hard long battles where you need to utilize your best effort to advance the storyline.
  7. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    Especially the last battle
    that one was a long son of a b****
  8. olliebot

    olliebot Well-Known Member

    TWEWY bosses are a bitch on hard or the level above that.
    Seymour Flux from FFX.
    I was confused by the twoheaded dragon in phantom hourglass so it took me a while to figure out how to hurt it.
    There are others but I'm too lazy to remember them. XD
  9. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    hardest boss is this one: [​IMG] and i think this one is the upper hardest: [​IMG] from super paper Mario
  10. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts II

    nuff said
  11. RotGtIE

    RotGtIE Member

    I hate it when a boss has the terrain in his favor, working against you. Especially when he or the terrain is capable of pulling off a one-hit kill.

    Examples include Doctor Robotnik in Chemical Plant Zone, with the platforms on the edges that drop you into bottomless pits, and Magma Dragoon in Mega Man X4, whose fighting arena is surrounded by pits of lava. Especially since Dragoon is very fast and Zero never gets access to a weapon he is vulnerable.

    Not especially difficult once you get the hang of it, but it's an irritation I'd rather do without.

    I also hate bosses with bullshit shields or invincibility frames that are too long or only serve to allow them to pull off their elaborate attacks without getting stomped in two seconds. Mega Man X's Sting Chameleon comes to mind. The fight with him is way too long if you don't have the boomerang cutter, thanks to his constant phasing out.
  12. timmy1991

    timmy1991 Well-Known Member

    The final boss from 358/2 days... she just kept coming back!
  13. Omega00

    Omega00 Well-Known Member

    Cloud of Darkness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    How I curse that name!
  14. Slimer

    Slimer Member

    probably no one's heard of this game:luna online
    but the boss at the end,tarintus, is hard for a team of 7 lvl 90s!
  15. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    That's just sick..

    I think I just Wet myself.

    I think the most annoying video game boss is...!
    From Final Fantasy 7:
    Emerald Weapon. (Should have used the tactic from Ruby Weapon.. >_>)
    Ruby weapon (But I beat it without the internets help or cheats)

    From Final Fantasy X: Omega Weapon

    Oh gosh I hate this game so much now... I spent, what... 1 - 2 hours looking through the secret dungeon with omega weapon in it after finally being able to comfortably kill the monsters in here. I got all the way to the end with pretty much all characters with half of their MP down. I didn't have any Final weapons, my Summons weren't all that fantastic. And then I found this beasty.

    I simply refused to be beaten (After using god knows how many MP healing items, HP healing Items, Revival items, etc..)
    After FINALLY beating it. I wanted to kill it again -.-
  16. tevak

    tevak Well-Known Member

    The earth fiend in final fantasy IV.
    You barely beat him once, then he transforms and comes back with half your party dead or with looow health.
  17. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    Game: Tales of Eternia
    Boss: Maxwell (optional)
    Why: He has 34,000HP and phisical attacks and techniques do 1 damage.... One hell of a long fight....
  18. samuelscott

    samuelscott Member

    Sephiroth... Only cause he's over glorified by fanboy fags...
  19. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    What do you mean by over-glorified? He's actually not that hard at all.
  20. VIII....

    VIII.... Well-Known Member

    tavion at the end of the game in jedi academy.not hard to beat at all. but WAY to easy. seriously i wanted more of a challange for the last boss. she was easier than all of the weak sith at the start of the game