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Most annoying Video Game Boss is...

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by haseoTOD, Jul 15, 2009.

  1. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    no freaking way...
  2. omgwut

    omgwut Well-Known Member

  3. Lycanguy

    Lycanguy Member

    WTF OMFG HOW IN ALL OF CREATION DID THAT HAPPEN?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? ??? ??? ???
  4. kukuru

    kukuru Well-Known Member

    Is he even human?
  5. omgwut

    omgwut Well-Known Member

    That's not normal.
  6. SoulSin

    SoulSin Well-Known Member

    omgwut your avatar is my reply :x

    Annoying bosses.... god what could I say.
    Like one state, the invencible bosses from Tirkreis are hell annoying.

    I personaly belive that bosses where you cant deliver free damge to be hard. For example bosses that run away and give you a small moment to deal a bit of damage. So they run away again, you need to evade everything and finaly reach the boss to deal a small damage, rise and repeat.

    I would say that one of the fights against Annubis from ZoE 2nd Runner are like that.
    Even if it isnt "hard", he runs a lot and when you can hit him you cant even deal a full combo before he runs away again >_<

    RPG wise i hate bosses that love to deal negative status to multiple characteres. >_>
    Also the Top boring boss from Menu-style RPGS is the Pirete Captain secret boss from golden sun 1 (GBA). you not only need a specific strategy to beat him, but only one of you characteres (your weaker one) is able to deal real damage tpo him every turn.... ._.''
  7. haseoTOD

    haseoTOD Guest

    Oh my god... That is absolutely insane.
  8. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Ozma from Final Fantasy IX - I had to use an Infinite HP cheat just to beat it (it seeing as it's just a globular mass of I don't know what it is).

    Mike Tyson/Mr. Dream - from Punchout - Yes yes he is beatable but I can't for the love of God beat him without cheats.

    Time Devourer from Chrono Cross - he messes up the spell color sequence you need to perform in order to cast Chrono Cross.

    Lukav from Front Mission 3 - he's just plain psycho :p

    Pokey from the Mother series - he's extremely annoying :p
  9. asdzxc123789

    asdzxc123789 Well-Known Member

    I hate when we must lose. Such as first Zeus fight at GoW2.

    Or eating a rocket and losing the bus in inFamous.

    Or dying becoz of the nuke in CoD4.

    But I think Illidian (I hope I spelled right) from WoW is pretty hard. Impossible to solo ,hard for groups.
  10. makenic101

    makenic101 Well-Known Member

    Mid-boss from disgea
  11. NC200X

    NC200X Well-Known Member

    Valkyrie Profile 2's Dirna Hamilton in Seraphic Gate. I couldn't even get to damage her at all!
  12. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Yeah he is annoying in general, not hard to beat though...
  13. makenic101

    makenic101 Well-Known Member

    another annoying boss is Bowser from mario
  14. asdzxc123789

    asdzxc123789 Well-Known Member

    grab teh golden axe ,maybe?
  15. haseoTOD

    haseoTOD Guest

    He's still hard, he always lands at me when I run after the axe!
  16. omgwut

    omgwut Well-Known Member

    FF7 Ruby WEAPON, Emerald WEAPON
    FF8 Omega weapon.
    FF9 Ozma

    Optional bosses from Wild Arms 2.
  17. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    Oh god I completely forgot about those. They had those in Wild Arms 5 too(not sure about 4 since I haven't had time to play it.) I don't think Emerald or Ruby made me swear as much as those bosses did at times.
  18. omgwut

    omgwut Well-Known Member

    I'm using a game enhancer just to fight them... once I get Marivel again from restarting the game...
  19. JTakashiNe

    JTakashiNe Well-Known Member

    The 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse from Shin Megami Tensei Devil Summoner Raidou Kuzunoha vs King Abaddon. It's more annoying than hard but mind you that I'm level 15 and their around LV 60. Also the crazy gay shadow of Kanji from Persona4, it's quite hard at that point of the game. Optional boss from Tales of the Abbys don't remember the name.
  20. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    I actually remember running into one of those when I was around that level. I didn't realize he'd let me run away if I negotiated with him so I just said "fuck it I'm a bear" and fought him. My body was never found. :p

    The optional Tales of the Abyss boss is Gelda Nebilim.