I saw a news on the tv about the veteran's lump sum for veteran soldiers. there are like soldiers who fought in WWII, and i really was saddened to see them like that. when i saw those people already near their death, i really am more into immortality. how can those people enjoy their hard-earned benefits, if tommorow they are going to die? they should like be given an extension on their lives.
well thats life... If the veterans didn't fight, they would be another nations bitch. And when they did fight, they're now lifes bitch..sucks doesn't it.
I don't think the anti-aging creams is what we should be looking at for this discussions, though. Our average life span has I think doubled over the last 200-300 years. Simple stuff like washing hands has prolonged out life, and what happens when we can "cure" death? Personally, I think immortality would be a good thing. It would take me a million years to walk all over this planet and explore everything, and by the time I have there will be another million years of change to see. If both I and a lover could "cure" death, I think it would be great. Think of the things you could learn. The things you could do. The meaning to unlimited life isn't gone, it just changes.
yup, there is no proof that why we need to study if they did live for like hundred of years and how they live like that
i choose to be immortal. you see it in movies, you see it in texts... Live your Life to the full. And Life is short. If i could life forever and my look doesnt change(like getting older) Then there is no stress, enough time, but... Losing your beloved sucks. And if everyone was immortal the world got a enormous population that wont stop growing. _/-Immortal-\_
I personally would love to be immortal just to see how the universe plays its hand. I have been pondering about gravity lately and how it affects the human body(aging). We already know that humans age very slowly in space(zero gravity). And that leads me to are there planets that have different gravity's that don't age humans at all? Or are there planes that have less than zero gravity that we don't know about and how they would affect the human body? And before people start having a go at me for saying there is no such thing as minus zero gravity that is purely speculation on my part.
That is the number one reason I'd choose NOT to be immortal. the second, guy's you'd live FOREVER what will you do. Think. Your ultimate goal in life, say... being a new york bestselling author (mine) Okay, one day you recieve a letter in the mail, dear so-and-so, you're now a new york best selling author. Okay, you have a party, blah blah blah. Okay, now here's forever. Hundreds of years later you've got nothing to do, all the joy of actually reaching your goal is all dried up like a dry well. Now what? Your life is utterly useless now. Your one love died forty years ago and your absolutely miserable. Immortality, is not all it's cracked up to be guys.
life already sucks, why would u want to stay in this messed up world of ignorance and hatred anylonger??
...if my life was a bit better, I would have chosen immortality... But what of the aging effects-anti aging creams only make you LOOK young... Surley, the brain will age, body would break down...you'd be a living corpse... In the end, a sloppy pile of bones, hell you might forget how to breath by then! So...mortallity it is...until the STOP aging completly...
Well, I've always been pretty torn about the whole thing. I mean, you'd get to see nations rise and fall, see humanity fight for survival and advance itself in ways we could never imagine... You'd see man shoot itself into space, become one with the stars so to speak. You'd meet alien races, if there are any, and you'd see much more than any person could dare dream... But in the same light, who could you share all that with? What good are all those experiences if you're always alone? Without someone to sit and reminisce with, what good is all that knowledge?
you were born alone, you are going to die alone....... why not spend your life alone?? but death is inevitable and will always be...... once they are humans
Not true (in 99% of cases), your surrounded by doctors, or more importantly, your mother or farther are present... Hell, you may have a twin born along side you! And not everyone die's alone, some times someone is there to watch you pass, may be a loved one, or just a doctor... I spend my life isolated, but I know for a fact that I'm never born alone, and I don't have to die alone... If they do make such a thing, I would suggest getting a good life long friend to go with you.... But now that I think about it-what would the cost be of such a miracle-surly no-one here would afford such a thing? And I still would prefer to end at some point...no point going on forever...not if your still aging at least.. Post Merge: [time]1247391515[/time] Not true (in 99% of cases), your surrounded by doctors, or more importantly, your mother or farther are present... Hell, you may have a twin born along side you! And not everyone die's alone, some times someone is there to watch you pass, may be a loved one, or just a doctor... I spend my life isolated, but I know for a fact that I'm never born alone, and I don't have to die alone... If they do make such a thing, I would suggest getting a good life long friend to go with you.... But now that I think about it-what would the cost be of such a miracle-surly no-one here would afford such a thing? And I still would prefer to end at some point...no point going on forever...not if your still aging at least..
Being mortal is good. Immortality destroys the dual balance between life and death. Without death, there certainly would not be life. Who would want to live for all eternity anyway? I think living forever is pretty boring. It's also painful and unbearable. It makes a person insane.
A 2005 T.E.D. video with Aubrey de Grey, an expert in aging. http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/aubrey_de_grey_says_we_can_avoid_aging.html You may not agree with Mr de Grey but he does have an amazing beard. The interesting thing about the idea of transhumanism and living for an extremely long period of time is; if we did discover a means to more or less halt ageing and defy death what becomes of those who reject this technology? It would be impossible to get a job or take out a loan if this technology became widespread. Unless it was free, it would result in a new and very brutal worldwide underclass, if it was available for all then overpopulation would decimate earth's resources. Timothy Leary(look him up if you don't know him, he was quite a character), also proposed life extension but used the SMI2LE acronym to explain his idea. Space Migration, Intelligence Increase, Life Extension. I think that Leary was right to bind the idea of life extension to both space migration and intelligence increase. Personally I do not think life extension is a good idea, until we smarten ourselves up a bit as humans and learn how to be extra-terrestrials.
it's a matter of rather it's a personal agenda or a social agenda. if it was suppose a social agenda, then i'd more then likely would like to be immortal as it would be pretty neat to see the changes to humanity as well as the world and universe. if it's on a personal agenda, then it's probably mortallity. look at that madoff guy, if he was immortal do you think he would be happy as opposed to being mortal.