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Modifying your babies

Discussion in 'Debates' started by buchichu, Aug 29, 2011.

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  1. buchichu

    buchichu Well-Known Member

    The expectation of not hitting my child isn't "idealistic" it's realistic. It shouldn't be some ideal world where kids aren't hit by their parents.

    And physical punishment is violent. Hitting is a violent action, however you justify it. You should be teaching children to not hit others and to respect other people's bodies...by the invasive action of laying your hands on your child you're teaching them just the opposite.
  2. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    So when I go training in about an hour I'm not in control, every punch is violent and invasive, even though we spar at about 50% power? It takes a lot of control to do what we do, not to react angrily when someone hits you, and guess what - we aim NOT to hurt.
    You seem to have no idea about control, or that people can hold back. Was you abused or something?
  3. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    "My beliefs aren't just beliefs, they're facts!" Nice double standards you have there. Or perhaps you're just so left-wing that you think everyone and everything deserves absolute and incontrovertible equal rights. Are you a vegan too? Do you donate to Greenpeace?

    Riddle me this. How do you expect a child to learn why he shouldn't hit others if he doesn't first understand what it's like to be hit? Regardless of whether or not you hit him, he will be exposed to violence in the real world and in fiction. That will shape his perception of it if you don't do so first.
  4. AnimeboyX3

    AnimeboyX3 Well-Known Member

    @Tehuber & MSG

    Just screw it.She's not listening to a single word you two are saying.Let her see for herself the results of her child raising once her kid hits the Teen years.As for me I was spanked ALOT with a Belt,a Shoe,A Hand you name it because I was bad kid I always broke things,ran around naked I was outta control.I bet if I told The OP all this she wouldn't budge.So just screw it.

    As for me I'm no parent and I think I'll never become one.Not that I'm sterile it's that I don't think I really want children :-\
  5. someirishkid

    someirishkid Well-Known Member

    ^ agreed, she's being very ignorant. This thread should've been started in the rants section, as she is most certainly not debating.
  6. buchichu

    buchichu Well-Known Member

    Wow, this board is really filled with screwed up people. No, I wasn't abused as a kid - I wasn't hit at all, in fact. I grew up respecting, and still respect, my parents. Sure, I could be a mouthy teenager or bratty kid, got caught shoplifting once, nothing too serious and nothing that would ever warrant being hit since it it wasn't my mothers first instinct to hit her child.

    I'm actually pretty taken aback by the attitude here. One has to be some left wing, tree hugging, vegan to think hitting children is wrong? Wow. I guess part of it can be attributed to the fact that most of you seem to have gone thorugh some physical abuse yourselves and so probably feel some need to protect your parents by standing by their decisions, but one would hope that the cycle of spanking would end with a bit of education or a different practice. But no, you would prefer to perpetuate the idea of corporal punishment and claim people who DON'T resort to physical violence are "closed minded." I won't pay any price for refusing to lay hands only child, I assure you, but unfortunately your children and future children will pay the price for your chosen ignorance.
  7. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    'chosen ignorance'? try saying that to the people who have had their businesses destroyed by out of control youths and see how far it gets you.
  8. buchichu

    buchichu Well-Known Member

    Yep, that's pretty ignorant if you think NOT hitting your kid is what leads to them being violent and destructive.
  9. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    It is illegal to discipline kids these days and our society has suffered as a result. that is a FACT. It is also a FACT that it is people with your attitude that have caused this situation. 40 years ago kids were disciplined when they misbehaved, and guess what? they didn't go rioting or 'shopping by other means' en masse like has been happening all over this country recently. 'oh, can't punish little kids, it might hurt their feelings' typical bleeding heart leftist. Now they're going around looting and setting buildings on fire, and the police would rather 'give them a talking to' than put them in jail where they belong. Kids need to learn that there are boundaries in civilised society and that there are consequences for overstepping them.
  10. buchichu

    buchichu Well-Known Member

    Actually, none of the things you've stated as "FACT" are facts at all. Do a little research into our history and violence before making such sweeping statements. Back in "the day" children and women were allowed to be beaten while society turned a blind eye or deemed it necessary to control these wildly children and mouthy women. That IS fact. I'd like to think we've progressed slightly since then, it's discouraging that anyone should look back at such a history and suggest THAT was the more appropriate way of dealing with people.
    Wow, maybe if your parents treated you with more respect and tried to resolve you issues without beating you, you might have learned how to respect other people in return and not be so out-of-control. But, as it stands, you were hit and beat (with weapons, no less) and look back at it as appropriate. THAT'S the kind of result we get in hitting our children. People who think assault is okay as longs it's your own children.

    Good grief.
  11. kammithecamel

    kammithecamel Well-Known Member

    Loony beat me to it. Remember when we weren't in this economic crisis? Those were the days when kids would get slapped on the wrist and sit in the corner in a SCHOOL as well as their homes. But then the tree hugging commies came and started giving everyone a trophy and telling them that they're special in their own ways. And if you feel like bringing up the depression, take a look at how the world got itself out: tacking a smack or five (kids too) and manning the hell up.

    Honestly? I really think something was wrong in your upbringing if you don't think shoplifting is serious.
  12. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I have done plenty of research, thank you very much, and you are spouting the exact distortions I've come to expect from left-leaning 'yuman rightists'. People like you are so obsessed with the rights of those that you think are hard done by, that you forget that ordinary people have a right not to become a victim to the types of behaviour that you seem to think should not be punished. Society has boundaries that should not be crossed, and there must be consequences for crossing them. Children must also learn that said boundaries and consequences exist, otherwise society descends into anarchy. Would it be acceptable for a judge to free a murderer because he promised not to do it again? No it would not, but that is what you and your ilk are trying to argue. Spanking does NOT traumatise children and it does NOT cause long term harm, physical or otherwise. It simply teaches them not to repeat the actions that led to them being spanked.
  13. buchichu

    buchichu Well-Known Member

    I feel like I accidentally stumbled onto a Tea Party forum or something. I guess considering most of you are American I should expect some seriously skewed thinking, but wow. Just...wow.
  14. kammithecamel

    kammithecamel Well-Known Member

    Name calling's pretty childish. I guess your parents didn't make the right choice in raising you after all. Ad hominems aside, Loony's been giving some of the most well thought out and logical arguments here and he's British.
  15. buchichu

    buchichu Well-Known Member

    I was only trying to give people spouting nonsense and trying to justify hitting children the benefit of the doubt. But you are right, ignorance knows no boarders. That's why there are messed up kids all around the world.
  16. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    I'd say this topic has run it's course since we're insulting people for having different views now.

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