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Modifying your babies

Discussion in 'Debates' started by buchichu, Aug 29, 2011.

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  1. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    I got spanked and slapped a couple times when I was young.

    I was too young to remember why I got spanked, but my parents told me that it taught nothing, so they stopped doing it.

    I got slapped because I was being a stubborn bitch who honestly deserved it.

    The older and older my kids get the more out of control they get, obviously. I haven't really thought of doing either of these things nor do I plan it. While I would NEVER hurt my children, spanking them doesn't seem like harm, emotional nor physical, it really isn't THAT bad. The only issue I see with this is that I don't see it working since it never taught me anything when I was young. Empty threats are a given though, I imagine I'll use those a lot.

    Whoa you got worked up about piercings, whoa. I got my twins ears' pierced, not really for my amusement, but just because it's how I was raised, it's tradition. And plus, I don't know many girls would ever say no to get her ears pierced, it's very common for girls to get their ears pierced. By the time their able to walk and form thoughts they want to be princesses and all pretty and stuff, this is where they basically want to have ear rings. There's no way I can deny my kids' adorable voices and french gibberish.

    I never knew uncut was uncommon. Idk.
  2. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    On the topic of UTI's (Urinary Tract Infections), of course they are more common in women. Women don't have an exceptionally large gap or barrier between the opening to their anal canal and their vaginal opening. If you aren't careful, shit (literally) gets where it doesn't belong, and you get infections. For guys it's less prominent overall and is either caused by just a general lack of hygiene, or there are a couple of ways you can get them that are a bit more difficult to control. Being with or without foreskin doesn't stop bacteria from going where it shouldn't. If anything, you make it easier to trap bacteria within that space.

    On the topic of spanking, I was spanked as a child. It disciplined me, and honestly, I likely deserved it most of the time (I won't say all of the time though, knowing where I came from). It didn't break me, ruin me, or anything like that. It is pretty mild in the long run. Not a lot else to say there.

    I've been without my foreskin my entire life. No, I don't miss it or wonder what it would be like if I still had it. Yes, cancer of the penis is more common in males that retain their foreskin. Believe it or not, they don't just lob off the foreskin for a good time, and the parents are always, or at least should be given the choice of if they want it done or not. You also can't really argue that it traumatizes the baby, as the baby hasn't developed it's brain enough yet to form those long term memories that would have an event be permanently traumatizing in the first place. It isn't a social trend, it is a carefully weighed choice. Care of the foreskin isn't for everybody either, and like I said, lack of care can lead to infection just as easily as anything else.

    Honestly, not having to worry about the foreskin is kinda nice, though I'm sure those with foreskin think nothing of it, as it just becomes a part of their life like anything else.
  3. buchichu

    buchichu Well-Known Member

    I'm sure you wouldn't miss your big toe or pinky if you lost it at birth either, but that doesn't mean you weren't robbed of something you were meant to have at birth. Also, whether or not an infant remembers isn't the point...an infant wouldn't remember sexual assault or a beating either, long after the fact. Why do we have to measure it by "what they remember"? An infant is still a human being who just came from a safe, comforting womb - thrust into the cold, loud, frightening world - their first experience shouldn't be getting strapped down to a cruel "circumstraint" and sliced into, it should be 100% comfort.

    Why is it so difficult for people to empathize with children and babies?
  4. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    i dont see the harm in this. if you kid doesnt like the piercing you made to them, than he can take out the earing he/she is using and it will heal in no time. its not like tattoo in which you need surgery to remove it, tattoos are more permanent than piercings. and as i see it. its basically the same thing between dressing the baby up or putting piercings to him/her. its all for our amusement, the baby is not the one choosing how to dress up or what clothes the baby wants
  5. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    You're meant to have your gallbladder, you're whole liver, your appendix, uterus, and ovaries, too. But if one proved to be problematic, I'm sure you wouldn't think twice about getting it yanked. The removal of foreskin is to make it so that the procedure isn't necessary later in life when you will remember and have to adjust to it. Born without a toe? Big woop. You'll grow up with that lifestyle and likely not care in the long run. Complaining about that missing toe would be like me complaining about missing my foreskin. In the long run, it doesn't matter.

    Did you really just stack sexual assault and beatings in with the removal of foreskin? Really?
  6. toffster92

    toffster92 Well-Known Member

    Okay, so on the topic on foreskin removal, I had my circumcision when I was 11 (or was it 12? - can't really remember). In the Philippines, circumcision generally happens between the ages of 8 - 14, depending on the decision of the parents and the willingness of the kid. Circumcising an infant is not a very common thing back home. Mainly because the trend hasn't really caught on, but also because it's both a traditional and a customary event which marks very big milestone in a filipino boy's life. For us, it signifies the transition from a boy becoming a man. I've seen kids who WANT to get circumcised and the kids who are still intact are made fun of.

    For most filipino boys, circumcision is not a traumatizing event.
  7. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    She did also liken sexual assault to sexist jokes in an other topic earlier aswell.
  8. Inunah

    Inunah Well-Known Member

    Actually, yes.
  9. kammithecamel

    kammithecamel Well-Known Member

    I've got to say that I agree with buchichu 100%. Every generation of human beings prior to the late 1900s was a traumatized, overly aggressive, inappropriate mess that could in no way function properly in society.
  10. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    hahaha its not an abuse if your child misbehave, its call disciplinarian action and its often a final resort after all those talking didnt work. abuse is when you hit a child without any reason at all.

    also not every child is an angle and can be talk to submission.

    well broken maybe not the right term since my bone didnt break, but i couldnt walk for about a week either...

    its religion, you cant said they are wrong and their ritual is barbaric... they have practices it for thousand years before you are even born.

    to you it might be wrong, but to them its faith. from all those debate with creationist, i learn that you cant argue with faith, no matter how that stupid their faith is.
  11. buchichu

    buchichu Well-Known Member

    That's he difference though, with RIC babies are born WITH a foreskin and it's being surgically removed from them. And yes, I'm strongly against circumcision on babies and children without medical cause and feel it's a violation of the child's human rights. But my example above was to illustrate that one may not remember what happened to them as infants but that doesn't mean the infant's rights and feelings can simply be ignored.
  12. alexong96

    alexong96 Well-Known Member

    When I was a kid, everytime, literally, I would get Urinary Tract Infection. Every 2 months or so, I would grab my crotch and curl in bed because of the pain. This would last for more than a week. Now imagine that happening to you for 10 straight years. Right after the circumcision, I no longer have those kind of excruciating experiences.

    So for me, it's better to get circumcision early, as it protect the male infant from diseases for the crotch, than to have infections every year, until it gets permanently treated.

    Post Merge: [time]1314798513[/time]
    If you get circumcised with having no foreskin, that's what I call "Without medical cause"

    A parent wouldn't let his/her son be circumcised without reason. They wouldn't pay for the procedure just for their son to show off his modified penis to his friends. U thinking, brah?

    Although...when it comes to male dignity...
  13. buchichu

    buchichu Well-Known Member

    One of the biggest reasons parents give for circumcising their sons is "so he will look like daddy." another huge one is what's called the locker room excuse - so he won't be made fun of in the locker room or wherever someone else might see his intact penis. Ive also heard a frightening number of mothers say they did it because they prefer the circumcised penis and have it done to their own sons because they figure it's better for their sex life...that one makes me sick. As for the rest? That's called COSMETIC SURGERY and it should, in no way, be considered ethical to perform cosmetic surgery on an infant.

    Certainly there are cases, such as yours, where there is constant infection. I mentioned before that this happens a lot to baby and young girls but no one would ever suggest removing healthy tissue to "fix" the problem, even though removing the labia would leave the area dry, thus minimizing the risk of bacterial infections and urinary tract infections. The fact that people think it's normal to have this procedure as some kind of preemptive strike against an infection that will probably never happen is absurd to me. Why don't we remove a baby's tonsils or appendix after birth, too? Just in case? Oh yeah, we have effective treatments that don't require surgery for that don't we? Same goes for urinary tract infections in boys. Oh, you say the aforementioned procedures are too risky to perform on a newborn infant? Babies DIE every year due to botched circumcisions, complications with anesthetic and post-surgery infections. But doctors make millions off this little, five minute procedure and the ones that support it do so for that reason, since they know as well as anyone how silly the idea of removing foreskin "just in case" is and that the foreskin serves a purpose.
  14. someirishkid

    someirishkid Well-Known Member

    Oh, I didn't know you were Jewish (!) Bullshit.

    Babies "DIE" every year due to just about anything.
  15. buchichu

    buchichu Well-Known Member

    This is actually a subject I've studied quite extensively...maybe do a little research yourself before calling "bullshit" on anything I have to say, sweetie. And the babies that die due to circumcision are dying for no reason. Because a procedure they never needed was performed on them by greedy doctors and ignorant parents. They were effectively murdered.
  16. 2DamCerius

    2DamCerius My eyes for your brain...fair trade.

    As every human being knows on this planet it is far better to clean up after yourself to prevent contamination. I mean come on dude don't tell me your "Mr. Clean" and have far lesser chance of getting any dirt down there. Every part of the human body sweats around the skin and sure you may have yours intact, but you may never truly understand how it is to loose a part of yourself.

    I will put into consideration, on how slightly sarcastic you appear to be.

    ...so, by that you mean, if we link it to the scenario with circumcision, piercing, dismemberment, etc.,etc. with our timeline...The beginning of a human person's life is devalued, causing him or her to impulsively react against all forms of threatening events, going insane to harm others' well-being, and start wrecking havoc towards future families.

    Meaning: mistreated babies ---> grow up mildy confused ---> eventually spreading hatred all over the place.

    At times like ours it would appear so, but there is so little effort and energy preventing this sort of stuff.
  17. fabvini

    fabvini Well-Known Member

    lol modifying your babies turned into foreskin debate.
  18. buchichu

    buchichu Well-Known Member

    I guess people are more pationate about their dicks than their ears
  19. kammithecamel

    kammithecamel Well-Known Member

    By that I mean buchichu's views seem to imply exactly what you summarized. Physically disciplining children, circumcising them, piercing various parts of there body, and all that other junk has been in practice for millennia, but doing any of those things is "child abuse" and automatically makes the kid aggressive, and, well, you know the drill. Extrapolate to the point at which these practices were introduced makes for a long line of mental scarring and social dysfunction which is, of course, an absurd thought. I rather like the way civilization turned out. Sure it needs a few touch ups here and there, but it's been an overall pleasant experience for me. Where was the consideration for my sarcasm?

    Can't have sex with your ears, now can you? On second thought, nobody answer that.
  20. buchichu

    buchichu Well-Known Member

    It would just be nice to see people capable of empathizing with a child for a change. Forget how they may or may not turn out in the future, at that present time the child is still a human being who deserves the integrity of not being physically violated by anyone, most especially their caretakers. If someone hit me or poked holes in my ears while I had no idea why it was happening or strapped me down to a table, forced my legs apart and surgically removed a functional part of my anatomy, I'd consider that a violation of my rights. Why don't babies or children deserve that very basic right?
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