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[Mobile] Pokemon Go for Android and iOS NEWS

Discussion in 'General News' started by Prectorian, Jul 11, 2016.

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  1. NintyRaccoon

    NintyRaccoon Passive member since March 13, 2017

    Those are valid reasons. As I'm not a tech wizard, I really didn't think of the tech specs when I wrote my previous post. But I fulfill at least 3 of the reasons you mentioned.

    But isn't it strange that there are so many reports about people getting themselves in danger? I'm a clumsy person in general, but I wouldn't endanger my life like that. And since Pokémons/Pokéstops/Pokégyms can be reached within a certain ring, why do so many people walk into places they shouldn't be (like monuments, museums, cemeteries etc)? Why are there so careless and ignorant people? That doesn't make any sense at all.

    If I were to play the game, I would play in the same way as you do. But I'm not too fond of connecting to the Internet unless I really need to, and spending short amounts of time (several times) on a game which requires so much of the player is something I won't do. I might as well go to the nearest toy shop and buy all of the Pokémon-figures instead.

    There! I've taken a walk, entered a store, paid for Nintendo-products, collected all of the Pokémon and no one gets hurt despite my clumsiness. Less time consuming and it's faster, easier and safer. Not to mention I can put the figures on my bookshelf and look at them everyday offline (while the Pokémons from Pokémon Go are "forever" imprisoned in a smartphone/tablet and Nintendo servers), hehe. :p

    Now that I think of it, I still have my Team Rocket and Meowth action figures I bought more than 10 years ago...

    That's right Prectorian. If I play a game, I need a (good) story. Any story is good as long as there is a reason for the protagonist to fulfill his quest. The original "Prince of Persia" and even "Super Mario Bros. 2" (despite "the whole story takes place in a dream" plot) are good examples of this. Unless I have an emotional attachment to all of the collectible characters (like Pokémon), I don't see a reason why I need to catch all of the 150 Pokémon in order to beat a game.

    Cool! FireRed/LeafGreen is basically a remake of the Red/Blue/Yellow-version, so it's actually the same story we both have played and experienced.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2016
  2. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    I think in general although not always true, people when immersed in an activity tend to lose sight of their surroundings and prioritise whatever they're doing above anything else. In this case, catching pokemon become priority over everything else including safety. Then there's also the likelihood of them not fully understanding the feature for lack of explanation in-game. E.g. that they don't need to be exactly inside a structure or location, how wide the scanning ring covers, how pokemon, pokestop, and pokegym are triggered, etc. Others might be because of lack of judgement, maturity, urge to prevail above others, desire to be superior, desire to show they've collected all, or other things, even those that go with their emotion than logic at doing things. So many factors could be at play, depending on the case. In general those that had been in accidents were due to their disregarding safety and lack of better judgement.

    Good luck with finding all pokemon plush dolls. A 10" doll could set you back +/- USD15 at Toys 'r Us. Get ready to fork out USD 2250 for the first 150. That is if you could find 'em all. :p
  3. NintyRaccoon

    NintyRaccoon Passive member since March 13, 2017

    That's so sad. While it's understandable that people might misunderstand the game mechanics, I think the urge and the desire to be superior is quite unnecessary. It's only a game. It's not like you can add your efforts to your CV while finding work.

    "Hey boss, I think you should hire me because I'm one of the first people who have collected 150 Pokémon in 'Pokémon Go'! Beat that, bro!" :p

    Actually, I have several Mario-themed plushies. :p

    But seriously, I've collected Pokémon plastic figurines throughout the years when I was into the anime, and I don't regret spending my money on them.

    While it's off-topic, I think it's pity that Nintendo didn't release their non-games merchandise earlier.
  4. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Last edited: Jul 24, 2016
  5. M.AzaryPika3172

    M.AzaryPika3172 Well-Known Member

  6. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    The idea to impose haram on this game in Muslim dominant countries is supposedly mostly because in-game, some if not many point-of-interest (POI) locations use as Pokestop and Pokegym are mosques. It's not on purpose, the labelling is automatically as based on POI found in the 2015 version of Google Map incorporated by the app, as such, other religious buildings and sacred grounds are facing the same issues too. Then there are also pokemon sporadically turning up within the mosque ground (in and around), which again is faced by other religious sites and sacred places. Despite the game doesn't require the player to actually be on the exact spot to trigger the events and more than enough being just within the ring depicted in-game (which is huge enough to cover a whole building), many still feel the urge to run/walk around and inside, such is the case with mosques and other religious buildings, including places considered sacred (e.g. war memorial, cemetary, etc.) without consideration of proper ethics and code of conducts. Which I can personally confirm are true, and I personally refrain myself from going to such locations out of respect.

    Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/21/world/asia/pokemon-go-indonesia.html?_r=0

    On another issue, Indonesia's Intelligence Agency (BIN) is suggesting a block on Pokemon Go, citing that the use of the AR (camera) can be use to video tape sensitive/strategic locations such is potentially by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (a CIA branch?). They are probably the only 1 that's concern about this, when every other country is more worried about personal safety (personal data & physical). I'm guessing they must have watched too much Fast & Furious, James Bond, and Mission Impossible, especially the 7th FF series where in it depicts the use of a so called "God's Eye" which enables the user to hack into every camera linked to the internet. Even the experts and some ministers are not in agreement with the notion, citing those who are worried hadn't fully understood how the game is played, let alone tried it, or has a very imaginative mind. But if they had voiced their concern about personal data stealing, unauthorised loitering in secured places, increase of crime rate, accidents, then it is a very valid concern.

    While some ministers/politicians imposes sanctions to prevent the game being played by civil servants and armed forces, including banning it from being played within sensitive and strategic locations. This one is understandable and justifiable, because those places don't allow anyone taking pictures or video using whatever device unless given permission. Then again, you can't really roam about the property without prior consent, and doing suspicious activity near or inside such places will face severe consequences. Furthermore, it causes those staffs playing it to not focus on their job or duty.

    Read :

    How 'Pokemon Go' went from prank to phenomenon
    See: http://www.recorderonline.com/news/...cle_06ff7211-931f-5944-b187-e7014728970d.html

    Oliver Stone Calls Pokémon Go “Totalitarian”
    See: http://fortune.com/2016/07/23/oliver-stone-calls-pokemon-go-totalitarian/

    How Free-to-Play Games Like Pokémon Go Actually Make Money
    See: http://lifehacker.com/how-free-to-play-games-like-pokemon-go-actually-make-mo-1784142066

    The Endgame Grind Of 'Pokémon GO' Is Spirit-Crushing
    See: http://www.forbes.com/sites/insertc...f-pokemon-go-is-spirit-crushing/#43a24cbb7113

    Following South Korea's anticipation:
    Pokemon Go takes over town near North Korean border
    See: http://edition.cnn.com/2016/07/22/asia/south-korea-pokemon-sokcho/index.html

    Following Japan's anticipated release;
    Govt. warns of 'Pokemon Go' accidents
    See: http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20160722_16/

    Izumo Shrine bans 'Pokemon Go'
    See: http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20160722_31/

    Nuclear plants urged caution on 'Pokemon Go'
    See: http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20160722_28/

    Smartphone users preoccupied with Pokemon Go
    See: http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20160723_34/

    Facilities advise caution in playing Pokemon Go
    See: http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20160723_03/

    Japanese servers are struggling to keep up with the onslaught of Pokemon Go
    See: http://qz.com/739655/japanese-servers-are-struggling-to-keep-up-with-the-onslaught-of-pokemon-go/

    Back home in Japan, Pokemon Go finds success is unreal
    See: http://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/...pan-pokemon-go-finds-success-unreal/87432786/

    Japan Tries Leveling Up Quickly In Pokémon Go
    See: http://kotaku.com/japan-tries-leveling-up-quickly-in-pokemon-go-1784111497

    Pokemon Mania Grips Japan
    See: http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20160724_70/
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2016
  7. M.AzaryPika3172

    M.AzaryPika3172 Well-Known Member

    You can play it, but watch out of any trouble! Enjoy this news!

    4 ways Pokemon Go might get Malaysians in serious trouble

    Ban ‘Pokemon Go’ if gambling involved, Perak mufti tells Putrajaya

    Here the list of countries which have released Pokemon Go right now!

    List of countries was BANNED for playing Pokemon Go!
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2016
  8. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Malaysian are known for their reckless motorist/drivers, ask Harith Iskander. How drivers license is issued there is beyond my knowledge. At least where I am, we pay to get 1 issued without proper testing with 1 universal rule to comply to which is 'don't you fucking dare bump into anything while driving/riding!'. LOL As for snatcher, robbed, etc. that's because Malaysia as with the majority of ASEAN countries with the exception of Singapore (and maybe Brunei) is not a safe place to use electronic devices in public places (even in crowds & places with CCTV). I can't say much about gambling, no offence intended, but the Muslim Council do have an odd classification about what falls into the category of gambling as with other matter, especially so in certain (not all) Muslim dominant countries. Buying non-physical stuff in-app, might not be view as gambling by them, but the expectation to catch/lure pokemon (in the case of PokeGo) using the acquired (purchased) 'Lure Module' and 'Incense' might be viewed as gambling as the user HOPES to bait pokemon to where they uses it, such tend to be viewed as one. Then again, many games on consoles & PC has such aspects but not classified as such. I'd say it depends on how 'open' and 'moderate' a person's view is on such subject.

    As for with the 'banned country' list, actually here at current, all government personnel (civil servant and armed corps - nation wide) are forbid from playing pokemon go while on the job/on duty. They may play during their off days as long as it's not anywhere near/in their work place. Sensitive places such own by the government and armed corps (buildings & it's premise) has to be sterile from being use as pokemon playground. There's no ban from playing in other places, including sacred/solemn locations such as memorials, cemeteries, museum, religious buildings. The intelligence division is suggesting to ban the game nation wide by blocking Niantic server from communicating with players. But the call (so far) isn't receiving any response from the Ministry of Communication nor from the president. Artists and talk show hosts on TV are making effort to educate their viewers about what pokemon go is all about in a bid to make clear that the game has no national security risk, just personal safety issues which falls under individual obligation to keep themselves out of harms way.

    Really though, every time something new or unusual comes out, some people tends to put the carriage before the horse. This game is a phenomenon at present, but it's going to die out soon enough, after awhile this game does get freaking boring. The hunt for pokemon is pretty much THE ONLY fun part, the rest isn't. In order to battle against gym leaders or successfully defend a gym, requires a freaking load of grinding. And that means catching & trading off the same pokemons over and over to acquire more stardust and candies from the professor. For every pokemon traded off, you get roughly 100 stardust and just 1 candy, while you need hundreds/thousands to level up/evolve just a single pokemon as each candy can only be use by a specific pokemon (and its evolved version). While the higher your avatar level is, the less frequent you'll come across certain pokemon that used to be common before you gained level. Then there's the need to walk long distances just to hatch an egg. It's frustrating after awhile. Myself play this just to catch pokemon, and train at my affiliated gym (I'm with team RED - Valor) only if I happen to stumble on a red gym, there's absolutely no desire to battle out with other gyms (Mystic - Blue & Instinct - Yellow), since many are cheating using gps spoofing method which enables them to raid pokestops and catch all sort of pokemon, thus makes them easier to level up without moving their faggot butt off their couch and then takes control of gyms. Trying to beat them in a fair match is pointless, and will only makes my pokemons faint & me requiring a ton of revive & potions to resuscitate them, which doesn't come by often from pokestops (unless I spend money in the store - which I don't want to).

    Read New News:

    'Pokemon Go' player's bag stolen while playing
    See: http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20160725_08/

    'Pokemon Go' player wanders onto expressway
    See: http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20160725_07/

    Police issue warning on Pokemon Go after accidents
    See: http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20160725_33/

    Pokémon Go will eventually add new pokémon and customizable pokéstops
    See: http://www.theverge.com/2016/7/24/1...enerations-other-features-discussed-sdcc-2016

    Pokemon Go got Brooklyn man going, he says he got 'em all
    See: http://edition.cnn.com/2016/07/24/entertainment/pokemon-go/index.html

    Nintendo Plunges After Saying Pokemon Go’s Impact Is Limited
    See: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/artic...unge-after-saying-pokemon-go-s-impact-limited

    Nintendo shares plummet after investors realize it doesn't make Pokémon Go
    See: http://www.theverge.com/2016/7/25/12269466/nintendo-stock-plunge-pokemon-go

    What's next for 'Pokémon Go'? Custom locations and more monsters
    See: https://www.engadget.com/2016/07/25/whats-next-for-pokemon-go-custom-locations-more-monsters/

    A parents' guide to Pokemon Go
    See: http://edition.cnn.com/2016/07/21/h...nts/index.html?iid=ob_lockedrail_bottommedium

    Canadian Teens Cause an International Incident Playing Pokémon Go
    See: http://time.com/4420930/pokemon-go-teens-us-border-canada/

    Here are the team leaders for Pokémon Go
    See: http://www.polygon.com/2016/7/24/12266822/here-are-the-team-leaders-for-pokemon-go

    Everyone's making fun of Pokémon Go's Team Instinct leader
    See: http://www.theverge.com/2016/7/24/12267138/pokemon-go-team-instinct-leader-is-the-worst

    Pokemon Go evolution: When should I evolve my Pokemon and how do I do it?
    See: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/gaming/w...n-when-should-i-evolve-my-pokemon-and-how-do/

    See: http://www.ign.com/articles/2016/07/24/comic-con-2016-5-things-we-learned-about-pokemon-go
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2016
  9. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Watch: Rihanna warns fans not to play Pokemon GO at her gigs after Beyonce incident
    See: http://entertainment.ie/music/news/...at-her-gigs-after-Beyonce-incident/383433.htm

    Woman gets stuck in tree while playing Pokemon Go
    See: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/...e-playing-Pokemon-Go/articleshow/53338987.cms

    Playing Pokemon Go may have health benefits: experts
    See: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/...lth-benefits-experts/articleshow/53270745.cms

    Nintendo Does Not Deserve Most Of The Credit For Pokémon GO's Success
    See: http://www.forbes.com/sites/insertc...-credit-for-pokemon-gos-success/#266c3a7133e9

    ‘Pokémon Go’ May Leave Rivals Hunting for Gamers’ Attention
    See: http://www.wsj.com/articles/pokemon-go-may-leave-competitors-hunting-for-gamers-attention-1469532601

    Pokemon Go cinches 75 million downloads
    See: http://www.cnet.com/news/pokemon-go-cinched-75-million-downloads/

    Watch it, cowboy: Japan's 9 safety tips for "Pokemon Go"
    See: https://www.yahoo.com/tech/watch-cowboy-japans-9-safety-tips-pokemon-093804700.html

    Japanese Pokémon Go Players Fall For Mewtwo Prank
    See: http://kotaku.com/a-perfect-place-for-a-pokemon-go-rumor-1784243688

    Internet buzzes about where to play Pokemon Go
    See: http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20160726_02/

    TEPCO, Nagasaki want Pokemon Go characters out
    See: http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20160726_81/

    Railway companies concerned about Pokemon Go
    See: http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20160727_02/

    Facilities Ban Pokemon Go
    See: http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20160727_80/

    Japan courts request Pokemon exclusion
    See: http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20160727_14/

    Game Play News:
    Pokemon Go: New app lets players get alerts when creatures are nearby, saving trainers’ batteries
    See: http://www.independent.co.uk/life-s...earby-saving-trainers-batteries-a7156626.html

    (Spoiler Alert!):
    Complete guide to Pokémon GO | How to play Pokémon GO | How to get Pokémon GO UK: Pokémon GO out in the UK now! Everything you need to know about Pokémon GO, Pokémon GO power bank, Pokémon GO future plans
    See: http://www.pcadvisor.co.uk/new-prod...ck-japan-master-future-plans-battles-3625388/
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2016
  10. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Nintendo delays release of Pokemon Go Plus
    See: http://money.cnn.com/2016/07/27/technology/nintendo-pokemon-go-plus-delay/index.html

    The creators of Pokémon Go are hiring somebody to help them fix the servers
    See: http://www.businessinsider.co.id/po...servers-2016-7/?r=US&IR=T#BkVQPW1G1XYmhMIs.97

    The Silicon Valley ‘genius’ behind Pokemon Go
    See: http://www.news.com.au/technology/i...o/news-story/57fd12570ed179c5d6376390ed02e358

    'Pokémon GO' Actually Gets Way More Fun After Level 20
    See: http://www.forbes.com/sites/davidth...ets-way-more-fun-after-level-20/#12baad5470bb

    'Pokemon Go' release: Singapore might get the game before India, Nepal, Thailand and other Asian countries; update on list of geo-blocked regions
    See: http://www.ibtimes.co.in/pokemon-go...ailand-other-asian-687877#WWcS6rE765zm9Gjc.97

    Could Pokemon Go save a city's economy?
    See: http://edition.cnn.com/2016/07/27/opinions/south-korea-pokemon-go-opinion-danny-cevallos/index.html

    McDonald's Corp. strikes a Pokemon Go deal in Japan
    See: http://www.stltoday.com/business/lo...cle_cd8b79e3-fafc-5c78-bec0-b179a5f65e50.html

    Japan Is Obsessed With Pokémon Go's Professor Willow
    See: http://kotaku.com/the-pokemon-go-trainer-japan-is-obsessed-with-1784297775

    Chinese Pokémon Go Players Invade Japanese Servers, Take Over Yasukuni Shrine Gym
    See: http://nextshark.com/chinese-pokemon-go-japan-yasukuni-shrine-gym/

    Hiroshima wants peace park be excluded from game
    See: http://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20160727_19/

    Spoiler Alert!
    Pokemon Go: Advanced tips from people who play too damn much
    See: http://www.cnet.com/how-to/pokemon-go-protips/

    All the Pokemon Go News From Around the World
    See: http://www.gamespot.com/articles/all-the-pokemon-go-news-from-around-the-world/1100-6441684/

    Last edited: Aug 6, 2016
  11. M.AzaryPika3172

    M.AzaryPika3172 Well-Known Member

    Nice job 20th Century Fox! Make THE SIMPSONS enjoy playing POKEMON GO!!!

    Neon32 likes this.
  12. M.AzaryPika3172

    M.AzaryPika3172 Well-Known Member

  13. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Why not just download it already? You don't need to rely on GP Store all the time. Some app that might be listed on the store as not compatible with your device might actually run fine if you install using the .apk installer file.

    The app is likely never going to be made officially available here, as with the case in South Korea. But there's no problem running it and buying in-app items.


    With v.0.31.0 released, the above no longer applicable. Pokemon listed in the 'nearby' list now simply means they are within the scan range circle, and any on the list will randomly spawn regardless where its position is in the 'nearby' 3x3 grid list. The removal of the pokemon feet as seen in the above image, means players no longer can rely on it to estimate their distance from their target pokemon. And that also means, player has no reason to be glued to their device screen.

    Top that off, the new update increases the scan range diameter, but to trigger an apparition player must be at least within +/-70m from actual spawning grid (previously +/-100m). Although it means player no longer need to be really close (+/-90m) from a pokestop/pokegym to use it.

    Also the new update Niantic did was swap pokemon spawning location on a global scale. This causes search assistance app such as PokeVision, PokeFinder, Poke Radar, etc. no longer reliable. And Niantic did openly mention intention to block it.

    Reports are pouring in from various parties playing the game which includes;
    1. losing their progress (along with in-app purchased items & caught pokemon)
    2. getting reset to lv.1
    3. unable to access their existing account

    I think part of those (not everyone) whom had reported losing their progress are the ones cheating using mock location app to spoof.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2016
  14. M.AzaryPika3172

    M.AzaryPika3172 Well-Known Member

    No released date yet! Just waiting for Google Play Store was appear on my android and will works on my Asus K012 coming soon. :)
  15. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Yeah well, good luck on the wait then. Looking at the writing next to the "X" mark, if their info is correct, it's coming your way within the next 2 days. :)

    Other reports coming in:
    1. Pokemon search assistance app like PokeVison along with others acknowledged receiving notification to shut down their activity.
    2. Aside from the removal of the 3 step assist feature, the new update removes the ability to conserve battery.
    3. Some players on certain mobile device brand are finding trouble with their phone (some claim they find it difficult to exit stand-by mode, others couldn't enter stand-by mode - while playing the app).
    4. Some players are demanding refund for in-app purchases, citing their earlier purchases was made in conjunction to a pre-plan strategy for the items, that went sour due to the update. Which I personally think, those items they meant are 'incense' and 'lucky egg', simply because now, no one can be use if a location they use the item on/at has any significant number of pokemon nearby against their investment.
    5. Others are venting their frustration of having to hunt the pokemon aimlessly without assistance from the 3 feet feature and third party tracking app.
    6. While others are wondering if the 3 step assistance feature will be re-instated in the next update when the bug is identified or is it permanently removed in a bid to reduce server load. Before the official release (during beta testing), player can see a counter telling them how far away the nearest pokemon are in relative to their position. It was converted into the 3 step icons until v.0.29.3. Up until v.0.29.0, the 3 step counter hasn't any problem showing the relative distance of each pokemon in the 'nearby' list.
    On a side note; The Rio De Janeiro 2016 Olympic is at risk of lacking in attendance from both athletes and spectators turn up from all over the world . Not because of the Zika virus, security concerns, lack of hospitable lodging, bad sanitation, etc., but because there's no access to Pokemon Go!!! That's a disaster worst than Zika, high criminal rate, gangster infested city, or even any natural disaster. Can you imagine staying in a place with no pokemon to catch for days or weeks? It's like being forced to undergo detoxification against your will. Just imagine, it's easier to withstand days - weeks without steroid, than a day with nothing showing up on the Rio city map in your Pokemon Go screen! No pokestop, No pokegym, and No pokemon! Nothing! It's a catastrophe!!! :p

    Finally they've decided to post an FB message (https://www.facebook.com/PokemonGO/posts/940141879465704):
    PokeVision Creator Letter to Niantic : https://medium.com/@yangcliu/an-open-letter-to-john-hanke-niantic-6a32325b67a8#.7ztqar2tp

    Read Also:
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2016
  16. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Anyone knows where this is? No? It's Ueno - Tokyo. Just look at that many pokestops with lure modules attached!!! It's insane! The clock says 21:50 P.M. because it's my local time. But in actual it's 23:50 P.M. there. And yeah! I'm virtually there, flew 1/2 way across the globe from the comfort of my room. I'm literally very familiar with most of Tokyo streets, especially Ueno. Been testing an emu with original apk file. The account for this one here (for use on the emu) isn't the same as the one I'm using on my mobile device, and I've no intention whatsoever to take over any gym there either, just loitering about catching random pokemon for laugh.

    I'm no cheater and don't intend to risk getting banned, so I play the very normal way when on my mobile device - that said ... walking, riding bike, and driving physically (me, my soul, and my body moving around sweating) when playing this app from my mobile device. Not even using gps spoofing app or whatever cheating mechanism there is from my mobile device. 100% cheating free. Hence why I created a different account and play 1/2 way around the world across the ocean to avoid knowing spoilers where to find certain pokemon in my own town. :p

    But really, seriously speaking. I'm very envious ... damn fucking jealous of those whom are playing in Tokyo. Just look at the image above, almost at every block or intersection, they got pokestops. Even in the middle of the pond, that's where the duck boat ride is stationed, they got 6 pokestops!!! That's just a single location around Ueno Park and Pond. They'll never be short of items like pokeballs, potions, etc. and best of all no need to wait 5 minutes in between the accessed pokestop's replenishing time. My town doesn't have such luxury. Heck, there's only 1-2 pokestops within a 2km radius from where I live, and those aren't convenient to visit, thus each time I need to restock items from pokestops, I've to travel 3km and that too has to always wait for when my mom ask me to take her there to do her shopping, and me sitting inside the car anxiously hoping she spend long enough shopping to allow me use the same pokestop over and over. 5 minutes interval between replenishment can be nerve wrecking!
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2016
  17. M.AzaryPika3172

    M.AzaryPika3172 Well-Known Member

  18. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    I caught over a 100 magikarp and now I'm tempted to take out my taiyaki teflon to make these:
  19. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Zika and Pokemon will liven up the 2016 Rio Olympics. Thugs, snatchers, pickpockets, are going to boogie. Whatever got mugged in Rio, stays in Rio. Ugh... Yay!?!!? Yikes!!!

    See: http://money.cnn.com/2016/08/04/technology/pokemon-go-brazil-rio-olympics/index.html

    Read Also: http://www.theverge.com/2016/8/3/12372352/pokemon-go-roaming-charge-brazil-kohei-uchimura
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2016
  20. M.AzaryPika3172

    M.AzaryPika3172 Well-Known Member

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