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{ // • Miyu's Portfolio

Discussion in 'Portfolios' started by Miyu, Jul 30, 2009.

  1. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Re: { // • Miyu's Portfolio

    That what Net is..

    She's not yet become a member at here...(thank god!!Amen...)

    (stop it cloud :p .)
  2. CloudBoii12

    CloudBoii12 Well-Known Member

    Re: { // • Miyu's Portfolio

    you've met her physically, right?
  3. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Re: { // • Miyu's Portfolio


    No I don't.
  4. Blade5406

    Blade5406 Well-Known Member

    Re: { // • Miyu's Portfolio

    You're spamming this thread, guys!

    --Wow, didn't notice those links before @_@. I thought they were just colored dots.
  5. CloudBoii12

    CloudBoii12 Well-Known Member

    Re: { // • Miyu's Portfolio

  6. Miyu

    Miyu Well-Known Member

    Re: { // • Miyu's Portfolio

    @ meganova. o__o. Wha?

    @ CloudBoii12. Haha, thankyou. You're nice too.
    ... Ehe, yeah. Stranger Dangerrrr. Rawr.

    @ Blade5406. Thankyou. @__@'
    I guess I should type that on the first post, aaaah.
  7. rebornalone

    rebornalone Well-Known Member

    Re: { // • Miyu's Portfolio

    Wow, your banners are awesome, can I ask how to make these because I like to make a banner for myself as well. What do I need?
  8. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Re: { // • Miyu's Portfolio

    Let's discuss it at Signature Thread
  9. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    Re: { // • Miyu's Portfolio

    Hey Miyu maybe one day I should ask you to make a sig for me.. You're too good :p
  10. Miyu

    Miyu Well-Known Member

    Re: { // • Miyu's Portfolio

    @ rebornalone. Thank you. :) . I can help you learn, if you'd like.

    @ DragonQuester. Suresure, haha. Anytime, thanks. xP.
  11. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    Re: { // • Miyu's Portfolio

    every one is being all mushy again. so i'll cut the bullshit and just say i like your style nice work ;)
  12. CloudBoii12

    CloudBoii12 Well-Known Member

    Re: { // • Miyu's Portfolio

    Miyu, can you, like, be my teacher or something? :3
  13. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    Re: { // • Miyu's Portfolio

    yeah her style is very anime-esque
    pretty much why I like it so much :p
  14. Miyu

    Miyu Well-Known Member

    Re: { // • Miyu's Portfolio

    @ equitypetey. Thank you. : D

    @ CloudBoii12. Not sure how good of a teacher I'd be, but sure, if you want me to. o w o;;.

    @ crazytuna. xDD. Thanks.
  15. CloudBoii12

    CloudBoii12 Well-Known Member

    Re: { // • Miyu's Portfolio

    I'm sure you're a great teacher!
  16. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    Re: { // • Miyu's Portfolio

    nah I think she's still too young to teach :p
    and I'm sure she has alot more to learn
  17. CloudBoii12

    CloudBoii12 Well-Known Member

    Re: { // • Miyu's Portfolio

    She's only a year younger than me...
    And if she learns any more, pwoahh, we'll have a new GFX champ.
  18. Miyu

    Miyu Well-Known Member

    Re: { // • Miyu's Portfolio

    @ CloudBoii12. I'll give it a shot? xD. I can only teach you basics though, aaaah.
    Seriously? A year? Bahh, I'll be fourteen in a few months. >__>'

    @ crazytuna. Pfft, age. xD;
    I do have a lot to learn. @__@' Only been into graphics seriously for 10 months or so. |: .
  19. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    Re: { // • Miyu's Portfolio

    10 months?... o_O
  20. Miyu

    Miyu Well-Known Member

    Re: { // • Miyu's Portfolio

    I had really good role models to look up to, plus they helped me along the way a lot. xP.

    Why don't you start graphics? :) .