An inconvenience that's meant to be annoying so people will pay for services? WHAT IS THIS WORLD THAT WE LIVE IN?!?!??!?!?!!??!?!?!?!!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Those god damn sites don't need money to host content, and have millions of people upload and download large files at a time! Those cheap bastards!
im atheist to-on topic i hate people who always complain about ap and say something like i need a patch pllllllllzzz ask after updating firmware
1996 was awesome. I was 18 and old enough to go out drinking at last. The music was great, oasis, ocean colour scene etc I still lived with my mother and had all my wages to myself, also no washing/ironing etc I had a good job in engineering I had a car and a motorbike 1996 was the last time I was single and could do as I please The only bad thing about 1996 is FFVII is still a year away. Whats so special about july 15th?
i hate conservative and sexist mothers. ok, my mother. and double standards. and idiocy. everything annoys me tonight :|
I was 17 at the time & a Freshman in College & July 15th was the day when I became a man, if you catch my drift It's been 14 years already but I could still remember it all so vividly
My friend for not giving me my ps2 back, I want to play FFXII!! Post Merge: [time]1283433576[/time] [quote author=msg] I hate file sharing sites that make you wait 19 mins just because your too tight to pay. [/quote] I have now found a way to beat these stupid sites! As im on mobile broadband I disconnect the internet and reconnect and I get a new IP address. Haha no more "you have reached your hourly limit on this connection"