I meant that I dont like porn. Especially when people proudly say "I watch it" around people who (I'm pretty sure) don't give a fuck
i was expecting him to comment on the porn industry's objectification of woman and the effect that has on relationships... but nope, he went for it's gross and icky
Lol I shoulda went for that XD the way you said that made me think I childish I sounded. But seriously, people, if you're gonna watch porn, at least keep it quiet
[me=Natewlie]still pissed about Seph removing the option for externally hosted avatars.[/me] LET'S ALL HEAD TO REDTUBE FOR SOME PORN. OH GOD IT IS SUPERB IN EVERY WHICH WAY. PORN IS GREAT.
This isn't porn site discussion guys. If you're gonna talk about that, then do it via PM or something.
There isn't enough time in the day to trophy hunt and play battlefield 3 at the same time while...watching what you guys above me are talking about -_-